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Blog Entries posted by Emzee

  1. Emzee
    Have fun and pleeeeeease be safe (you know how safe you guys were last year? BE SAFER!!) I'd rather not see any "In memorium"s on the front page during this weekend.
    Other than that, do as many Brickfair activities as you can (unless you're the coordinator and/or this if your first time to Brickfair and meeting people, I'd recommend against spending the whole day at the BIONICLE table), and do enjoy yourselves, on my behalf at the very least.
  2. Emzee
    Here's a screenshot of the Character Stats menu that I've been working on:

    The Kanohi images need a little bit of tweaking, but function-wise, they're pretty good. For the Skills Panel, you click on the glassy orbs to choose your skill level (green is low, yellow is medium, and red is high). However, each level upgrade requires a certain amount of Skill Points. Clicking on the button will do nothing if there aren't enough SP.
    My biggest issues are coming from the Equipment Panel at the bottom though. Allowing an easy way for the player to change equipment in a highly visual manner is a lot more complicated than one would think...
  3. Emzee
    Okay, so this avatar as hardly new now, but still... glad to see no one was freaked out by the slasher smile. I saw that online and felt a compulsion to 'avatarize' that one frame.
    Also, I'm going to Brickfair! No, not the one a gazillion miles away (though I suppose that's not officially off the table yet), but the closer one in Alabama. That time will definitely be the best time in 2012 for me to go anywhere, so I thought it'd be best to take advantage of the good timing.
  4. Emzee
    After much time passing, I finally present to you two new BZP Software Library staff members. One of these members will be in a brand-new staff position here. This position, the Awards Management position, oversees the awards that are given out to games. There are 8 awards: 4 Editors Choice Awards and 4 Categorical Awards(1 Best Music Award, 1 Best Graphics Award, 1 Best Storyline Award, and 1 Best Gameplay Award). When a category gets a perfect score, it is in the running for the award for that category. If two games are in the running for a Categorical Award, it will be the Award Manager's job to play both of these games and decide which one gets the award.
    Please welcome Beorc as our new Awards Manager, and Zorrakh, our new Reviewer!
    For the rest of you, I'm still taking applications if you think you're up for the job. Click here to see what you have to include in order to be considered!
    I will be waiting patiently.
  5. Emzee
    I've been meaning to make a theme for this blog for some time now.
    I'mma be honest: I'm probably never going to get around to it.
  6. Emzee
    So I played Flow of the River for the few-hundredth time a few days ago.
    Honestly, my major inclination to play it again was really just to see if it even remotely stood the test of time. After all, that game, which barely runs correctly on modern Windows machines, is over 12 years old.
    Yes. 12 years.
    This game played a major role in me joining this community and getting into game development, even if said development was really just tinkering around with RPG Maker. While I disliked the idea that this game would only be laughable now, a game only of its time, made by a few teenagers, I had naturally presumed and accepted that this would be the case.
    Except it wasn't the case.
    This game, outside of the repetitiveness that comes with any Japanese-style RPG like that, still isn't half bad.
    A while ago, I played through the 1st MNOG, having the same reservations I had had before playing Flow of the River again. Yet, as you might expect, the game still gives me that positive feeling that it gives everyone else, hence why it's still to this day hailed as one of the better Bionicle games.
    That game is even older than Flow of the River (obvious considering much of the design of the Koros in Flow of the River were based off of the MNOG). It's funny actually, I remember back in the day, competing with these games, especially Flow of the River, pledging to and eventually believing that I had, in fact, created a fan game that was better than Flow of the River in every way.
    And then I played Fall of the Conqueror. Right after Flow of the River.
    Fall of the Conqueror is the closest thing I have to a magnum opus. It was the game that I decided to have everything I wanted to have, tell the story I wanted to tell, and feature new characters and Rahi born out of 3 years of role-playing alone in my room with my Bionicle and action figure sets. I had finished that project knowing that it would be my greatest and last game made with an RPG Maker program. How could it not surpass Flow of the River in greatness?
    Well, I soon realized after completing my recent playthrough of Fall of the Conqueror is that I needed to find an answer to that question, and fast -- lest I make another Fall of the Conqueror.
    That's not to say that I think my games are bad... but they're not Flow of the River, and they're definitely not MNOG (Fall of the Conqueror in particular had some rather shocking moments -- and not the good kind of shocking).
    Just today, a revelation appeared in my mind.
    Instead of trying to surpass the greatness of Flow of the River and the MNOG, maybe try matching them?
    It's an interesting thought -- one that I thought I'd just share with all of you.
    With that said... well... let's just say that I'm taking a hard look over the mechanics and storyline of Power Lies Beneath. As fun as making something I'd like is... maybe it's time to make something everyone would like.
    P.S. If the game will run on your computer, I highly recommend checking out Flow of the River if you've never played it.
    P.S.S. Character System update was a success. Power Lies Beneath is chugging along just fine!
  7. Emzee
    I had such an awesome time in Portland. I really didn't know what to expect from that city, and I was thoroughly blown away by its food, transportation, and culture. More importantly, I got to hang out with old BZP friends and meet some new ones along the way -- not to mention meeting Wyldstyle in person. Won some free sets (Ninjago ftw), had some great food, and pretty much had a blast.
    Another shout out to DeeVee and Nukaya for letting me crash at their place for 4 nights. I don't think I've ever been to a place with more Lego besides cons and stores.
    Special shoutout to EmperorWhenua, Kayru, xccj, Kakaru, and that public attendee (whose name I can't remember unfortunately) for being there. It's always great to meet new BZPers. Here's to hoping we meet again.
    Now I'm just hoping everyone gets to see this entry before it gets bumped by where I went last night.
  8. Emzee
    Hey what's up!
    Who's been to Munich? Any must-sees/must-eats I should try? Reubens and beer are on already on the list, as is (most likely) which ever attraction you believe is the #1 result on TripAdvisor.
    Got any tips?
  9. Emzee
    I've been spending much of my free time working on my extremely labor-intensive project, known simply as Mata Zuto 3D: Influx. Now, I have something new to present to the few of you who are interested.
    Click here to see the player character unsheath his sword and battle the evil mesh. Also take a look at the interface. The enemy HUD may or may not stay that way. I would like feedback on how you like that panel that appears on the left side of the screen. You can battle up to four enemies at once, and their panels would simply line up on the left side of the screen. The font used is the official Legend of Mata Zuto font. It's kind of part of see clearly, which is why I hope to get a prototype underway, so that you can get a better look at what I'm trying to present.
    Well, enjoy!
  10. Emzee
    This title of this devlog comes from my most recent series of projects for my upcoming RPG, Legend of Mata Zuto 2: The Infestation: and that is cut scenes. There will be around nine or so cut scenes in this new edition, and I've just finished making four of them.
    Cut scenes are a very fun to code, because not only are they easy, it allows for a great deal of storyline input, which I value almost more than gameplay. There were quite a few "holes" in the storyline in the Silver Edition of The Infestation, and one of my "fixes" for this new edition is to fill in all those holes, or just remove them. Because of these cut scenes, you will learn more about the individual characters as well as the villains. For example, you guys who played The Infestation knew (and still know) hardly anything about the Bahdraak in terms of personality, and they were the final bosses of the entire game! Also through the cut scenes, you will learn more about Haci (who was the blacksmith in Fall of the Conqueror) and become immersed in a love-triangle involving him, Kai, and Kaj. I will also flesh out the romance involving Luka and Gali (who hooked up in Fall of the Conqueror as the try and free Ra'lhen (who calls himself Ronkshou) from the new Makuta's influence.
    Yes... there will also be hints concerning a "new" Makuta to replace the Makuta of Metru Nui who was killed by the Toa Mata. The third side-story (along with the quest for Ronkshou and the love-triangle) is the Dark Vengeance, founded by Nui Laka. It's a team of four consisting of Nui Laka, Wokapu, Ronkshou, and Tailua's confidant (if you payed attention to Tailua's last words in Fall of the Conqueror, you will recognize this name), Kenzor, the Toa of Nightmares.
    As I said, I use cut scenes to bring out the story aspect of The Infestation. They will be shown almost as a reward after every dungeon, nest, etc. Some of these cutscenes will not be your average little book-on-a-screen either. Three of the cutscenes will involve the WIP Particle Engine, and these are the "battle scenes". The first one is the fall of Makuta. That'll be cool, and then there are two more near the end of the game. I can't really discuss those without giving away spoilers, but they will be awesome. The only thing I'm worried about is the possible lag that may come, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
    Well, that's it for this week. Here's a screenshot from one of the cutscenes, and thanks for reading!
  11. Emzee
    Hey all, just made it here to RTX! I'm currently staying inside the main convention center where it is safely cool. (In Texas during August -- who thought of that? It's a good thing I'm from Houston ).
    So who else is going? If so, what panels do you plan on seeing? I'm cooling off here before I head to the RWBY panel across the street.
  12. Emzee
    I'll just come right out and say it: it was the stuff of nightmares. Remember that XKCD strip where the guy was in class and they had a pop test, and he had no idea what to do, and it turned out it was all a dream? That would be my weekend, except it wasn't a dream. Sure, I knew the concepts, but in Calculus-based Physics, concepts isn't enough. It's the cruelest form of problem solving known to man, and combine that with my (general) inability to solve problems (whether real or conceptual) right the first time...
    *sigh* I just hope I can still pass.
  13. Emzee
    None of you remember, but a long time ago I started (and nearly finished) an epic called To Die For. Now, I'm proud to announce that the epic has returned, bringing you the untold story between The Infestation and the upcoming 3D RPG, Influx.
    First, some background history...
    Since late 2002/early 2003 I have been making a series of fan-stories surrounding the BIONICLE storyline. No different than what many others do. This series is known as The Legend of Mata Zuto, and it tells my version of the BIONICLE saga for the first three years of the franchise. Mata Zuto is a Great Being who, partnered with Metru Zutra, another Great Being, created the Matoran Universe. The two beings also combined their powers to create the Great Spirit Mata Nui and the Makuta (I should point out now that in this series, there can only be one Makuta in existence at a time).
    Now, to set you up...
    The very beginning of the epic takes place in the region simply known as the Western Region (Influx takes place solely in this part of the Matoran Universe). Zuto Nui is a massive city that's on the Southern Continent, and this is where Mata Zuto is said to hold favor over. Here, in Zuto Nui, a Matoran named Tarus sells his inner spirit to Teridax for ultimate power. Upon doing so, his named is changed to Ma-Taru, which means "Tarus of Death", (which means he is Death). However, here is when everything changes. Over twenty Toa from Gaia Nui, a neighboring city adjacent to Zuto Nui, go after the Spirit of Death and lock his spirit into a Kanohi Mask. So basically, Ma-Taru didn't last very long in his new form. The Kanohi Mask that his spirit is trapped in is taken to the island of Mata Nui for safe-keeping. Teridax finds out the location of Zuto Nuiian spies, and quickly goes to Mata Nui along with a hypnotized Mata Zuto and hundreds of followers.
    ...and that's the prologue!
    At this point, of course, you know hardly anything about Gaia Nui or Zuto Nui, and that's if you played Fall of the Conqueror. If you haven't, then those two names are completely new to you. That's fine, but as I said earlier, both these cities are in the Western Region. Here is a map of the area. Ignore Metru Hexi because I've changed some of that, but everything on the Southern Continent is accurate.
    I hope looking at that map gave you a little insight about the locations of Zuto Nui and Gaia Nui. I would also like to point out that To Die For has another chapter added: Chapter One. The view changes from that antagonist to the protagonist: Hahli. This story takes MNOLG2 and BIONICLE: Mask of Light and mixes them together, along with sticking to the Legend of Mata Zuto storyline.
    Once again I urge you to read To Die For. Even you don't play the games, this is a growing tale filled with betrayal, violence, romance, and lots of death.
  14. Emzee
    With my first year of College, that is.
    Finals were okay, but I was busy with this programming project while I was studying for tests and I kept getting off-track. I'm just glad it's summer though, even though it's blazing hot now.
    Well, that's all for today. I hope things have been going well for the rest of you bloggies.
  15. Emzee
    ... I guess awesomeness really does get you far. That means I need to build up mine, and fast!
    Congrats to you and all those other promotees!
  16. Emzee
    It's great to be back!
    Just giving you guys a head's up from Dallas. It's nice to be back in what almost feels like home (the 2nd longest time I've lived in any city was in Dallas). Still - doesn't compare to Houston or Austin.
    If any of you ask are in the Dallas area, come out either today or tomorrow. It's been a great experience so far.
  17. Emzee
    Thinking over 2013 reminded me that despite certain issues, this year was pretty good. Not better than 2012, or 2011 (or any other year except 2007 and 2005) but still pretty good. It started off disappointing, then awesome, then horrible, and has been steadily getting better ever since. I'm glad I was able to make it to PAX East, BrickFiesta, and Brickfair VA this year. The BZPRPG is (in my opinion, both in writing and community) the best it's ever been. Lastly, I got a new job in Austin, which is cool, even if the lack of college ties in this city makes it hard to find a group to repeatedly hang out with.
    I'm not so glad my first job out of college was a waste of my time and theirs. I'm not glad that it's apparent that certain problems I've had since childhood will never be going away (nothing quite like learning that there are somethings in life that you will never be able to do well). Ironically, life in Austin has been borderline lonely. There's not a lot of people where I work and constantly trying to find a new group to chill with is quite draining to an introvert like me. The fact that I'm a lot more selective of who I hang with and less tolerant of certain mindsets doesn't help matters there either.
    There were a lot of lessons learned this year, and overall, I'd label 2013 as one giant learning experience. Lots of people are going through issues that I didn't even know existed just a couple years back. Lots of people I know also struggling with the high demands of adulthood, and being harshly criticized for not meeting the mark. Sometimes I really miss living in Houston - not because those days came with a lot less stress and expectations (they didn't), but because the consequences of not always making the best decision weren't nearly as harsh then as they are now. Young adults everywhere are realizing we now have a lot less room for error then we did before.
    2014 will basically be about what I do with what I've learned, and what decisions will I be making in the future, now that I know more then I did before.
    Happy New Year to you all!
  18. Emzee
    It was awesome and weird* and refreshing. The con featured great MOCs, great presentations, and great people. It was a pleasure meeting all you. Special thanks to those who came up to say hi to me.
    I'm still kinda tired since I got in very late and had to continue my job today. Caffeine is keeping me in good shape for now though. Back to normalcy, I guess.
    *=in a good way of course
  19. Emzee
    My home forum is finally getting another contest if its own. And guess what? You don't even need to be a programmer or an artist! No, the entries in this contest are going to be detailed ideas for games that (if they're BIONICLE) will probably never get made. (Of course, OTC game ideas are allowed as well, but make sure those go into the OTC forum).
    Here's the link to the advert topic. The only thing I can say now is that this contest really needs the skills of non-FCGers in order to work. If you written up an idea for the RPG Contests, what I expect for this contest isn't terribly different (mostly that it's not text-based and that you can't edit your entry once it's posted).
    Putting this entry in all three categories because YEAH!
    SIE SIND GERMAN GERMAN GERMAN (that's German right? Or is it Spanish? )
  20. Emzee
    This Wokapu role-playing post I've been trying to write for the BZPRPG isn't as easy as I thought. I don't want to spoil what happens, but it's supposed to be rather emotional. I'm currently searching the 'net to try and see if there's a similar story out there that can give me some inspiration.
    Only took about a month for this to happen -- I'd say that's pretty good.
  21. Emzee
    Well, at least I'll be able to contribute to discussions about this now.

    For real though, one way I felt I could get a feel for what to do (and what not to do) for Bionicle-themed games is by experiencing an official one (I've only ever played the online Bionicle games. Yeah really). It was crazy cheap too.
    I mean, how bad could it be?
  22. Emzee
    ... and besides that, nothing much has happened outside BZP. I have 13 credit hours this semester, as opposed to the usual 16 I've been having. I am hoping this will result in all A's so that I can up my (apparently) lacking GPA. Getting some financial aid stuff worked as out well, but at least now it seems that I'll definitely be receiving it *phew*
    I'm also job searching, which isn't very fun, especially when you spend 30 minutes to an hour filling out an application that just ends up being ignored. I need a job though. I'm still recovering from the bright idea I had last summer to rebuild my desktop computer that currently has a fried motherboard (protip: never by a $40 mobo, no matter how good of a deal it seems).
    Wow, that was a lot more then I thought it'd be. It's nice to have an actual blog entry for once too, as opposed to me just advertising stuff.
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