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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Dokuma

  1. lol @ aho's boxxy reference

  2. No, I don't... never got around to making one. Maybe I should...

  3. Dokuma


    Yeah. xD Ummm... xP
  4. Dokuma


    In case you're wondering, Spitty hasn't gotten a chance to work on the musical since school started back up. So we're postponing it until he has a break. Hopefully around the holidays we'll be able to crank more hilarity out. ^^ And Blue Eyes is back from Florida. She didn't really have anything to say the other week when I informed her of my intentions, but she still wants to meet up as friends. Don't ask me why. So we'll see where that goes, if anywhere. I told her I'd give her a buzz when she gets back. So I dunno, I'm cool with whatever happens, I'm just a little impatient after wasting so much time waiting for Green Tee. The good news is, the ladies at Liberty are niiiice. BUT NO. I WILL NOT. I AM A HAPPILY MARRIED MAN <3 And I welcome a new child into the family... Dokuma the 3ed! Shhh, don' tell him that he's actually the fifth.
  5. well that's cool man. can't wait to see the piece, your artwork always rocks my socks. :P

  6. OMG UTM posted in an art topic :D

  7. Okay, everybody's better than Danny from the last season But I don't know why you're talking about out-cooking because Dave and Kevin were both on the pass at the service Also lower budget finale show FTL
  8. So Jim and Pam are married. That's good. Now Clark needs to reveal himself to Lois. Evidently NBC reads this blog. The CW does not. And hey, speaking of which, Gordon Ramsey should read this blog too, because he picked the wrong person to win Heck's Kitchen yet again. He's now 2 for 6. Boo. Speaking of Heck's Kitchen, evidently, if you're Amanda, 3 x 3 = 6.
  9. His monotonous voice, for one. I just found Kevin so much more likeable. But also, look at it this way--Dave got sabotaged by his terrible team (and by team I mean Amanda), but he finished with the same strength as Dave, who had no such handicap (unless you count the hand, but I don't, because he was on the pass).
  10. Well hey, if you're Amanda from Heck's Kitchen, apparently 3 x 3 = 6.
  11. Judging by the image two entries down, what do you think my Core War entry is about?Are you employed?If you were to change your name to something Dokuma-related, what would it be?What is your favorite sport????PROFIT!
  12. hye guys she's the real megan fox

  13. Ah, okay. It's on my Maj, so that explains it.
  14. Did you look two entries down like I said?
  15. o snap We can only wonder. What Why do you contradict yourself? :uh: If you are a Bionicle, are you made of plastic? If yes, have any of your joints broken? I'm not a bonkle If you are a human, are you made of plastic? If yes, have any of your base belong to us? not that i recall Why did this Dokuma name-changing fad get popular right after I changed my name to something un-Dokuma related, therefore excluding me from the name-changing fad once it got popular? Hmm, only time will tell. Why so serious? Why not? Why so silly? SO FOX. Why so sane? SO FOX. Why so psychotic? SO FOX. Why? 42. Do you regret telling us we could ask you anything? YEEEES. Does Hapori Tohu use the gears on the back of his head to grind up wheat as a food source? no, it's for walnuts Do you have gears on the back of your head? If yes, what do they taste like? n/a Do you have the flu? negatory Do you have the flu that Telluris and Sahmad caught? eww storyline How do you say "Lewa?" Loo-wah How do you say "Dume?" DOOM What is the longest word in the English language? supercalifragilisticexpialodocious What is the longest word in the Maori language? whenua What is the longest word in the Matoran language? tiribomba If the Zyglak hate people who speak the Matoran language, what other languages are there? Skakdi, Visorak.... Why does everyone always talk in English all the time in Bionicle instead of their respective languages? Because their target audience doesn't speak Matoran. Why do Matoran call their disks "disk disks," animals "beast beasts," masks "mask masks," and other things? BECAUSE LEGO IS DUMB : D Did Vakama ever cut his hand on Makuta's obsidion rock? huh Did his wound get infected like all those evil wounds you hear about in fantasy novels? :uh: You suddenly turned into Jello except for your arm, hand, and fingers. A caveman starts eating your leg. You have a roll of duct tape in your hand. What do you do? Partu! Did you swallow Malaysia? If yes, did it taste good? no, IMMA FIRIN IT What is your favorite food? Blog Did you just say "Mayonaise Taco?" no Did you type "Mayonaise Taco?" bingo Do you think it was a good idea for me to make the BZP Comics Wiki? If no, why are you an admin? If yes, kumquat? yes, kumquat What is Gavla's favorite word? lisa cuddy Did your attention span last this long? Mine didn't. amazingly it did =O
  16. attention span lost Since that's a trick question, this is a trick answer
  17. Yes. : D And I have no idea It's a Five Iron Frenzy song. Using the term "song" loosely, that is. justice is blind
  18. Happiness is temporal. Joy and hope are eternal. Same way Chuck Norris became Chuck Norris. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  19. Dokuma

    Stay Off The Roads

    Bah, you don't want to see any of my posts from 2005.
  20. Today's theme? Ask Dokuma Anything. So in otherwords, anything goes. 'Cause I mean, how can I honestly call it "Ask Dokuma Anything" if you can't ask me anything? Yes, that's me, Dokuma. I am a real live Bionicle named Dokuma. lolololol
  21. Dokuma

    Stay Off The Roads

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