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Blog Entries posted by Nukaya

  1. Nukaya
    Even though it has been out for ages, the Wall-E soundtrack is so great.
    Anyway, what are some of your favourite movie soundtracks?
    Last day for voting in the final round! If you do vote, thank you so much! (click banner for a link to the voting page)

  2. Nukaya
    I just realized that I can put "BrickFair this year" in a sentence, and it totally means something to me.
    In other news....
    Christmas and winter break were quite nice. And I got U2 tickets for Christmas. U2 TICKETS!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. However, I'm back at school and classes start tomorrow. Blah. My classes this term are Drawing II, Intermediate Painting II, Art History II, and Argumentative Writing (oh, and track, because we practice so much it kind of counts as a class). A bit worried about the Argumentative Writing class, as I kind of have a habit of trying to stay neutral in regards to most things, which might be a bit problematic when trying to write a paper. Kind of a bit more worried about the workload this term in comparison to last term, but we'll see how it goes.
    (and 213 days until BrickFair!!)
  3. Nukaya
    I dreamt last night that for whatever reason, my phone number was given to every member on BZP and I was constantly getting flooded with calls that were all "FIX THE SERVER NOW, PLEASE", and while I appreciated these people asking so politely (albeit in a very loud and caps lock'd manner), I was like "uhhhhhh, I think you should be talking to Bink....or Black Six....or someone that is not me...."
    Then, while wandering my universities' campus trying to answer all of these calls, I went back to my dorm, only to find that ChocolateFrogs had shown up with a few friends and decided to decorate every hall with massive amounts Dr. Who stuff. So, I went to my room and my roommates were standing there looking at our newly decorated door (mainly covered in hundreds of papers saying "DR. WHO IS ______" and were like "ok, so this guy came by and he was decorating the hall, and he kind of wanted to decorate inside the dorm as well because he claimed it would be a "great surprise", but we talked him out of it. Do you know him or anything?" I just looked at them in slight confusion and awkwardness, and then saw Ben out of the corner of my eye running down the hall towards the second floor, cackling madly while brandishing fistfuls of paper streamers.
    And, in ALL of this, it never occurred to me just just turn off my phone.
    Dr. Who is not a mosaic! Or maybe he is! I don't know! But in the mean time, check out this mosaic idea!
    (and 193 days until BrickFair!!!)
  4. Nukaya
    Because it's finals week!
    All day: Working on Graphics and Design final projects. Contemplate just sleeping in the art department in order to get everything done.
    4:30 PM: Theatre Dance dress rehearsal
    Most of day: Keep working on Graphics and Design final projects.
    7 PM: Resident Assistant final
    7 PM: Theatre Dance final
    1 PM-3 PM: Graphics final
    3 PM-5 PM: Design final
    All day: Either act like a complete spazz since my finals are all done or conk out in my room and sleep for the majority of that time. Or maybe work on artwork? Packing up all my stuff might be good as well....
    Anyway....OMG, so, like, I'm almost done with my first year of college. Woah.
    And you thought this finals week was difficult. Cute.-FN
  5. Nukaya
    Heyyyyy people. The blog's all shiny and stuff now. Hope it is up to everyone's expectations. Because I remember people being all "go make your blog look nice and whatnot". Going to bed now, as it is one in the morning here.
  6. Nukaya
    I'm still alive!
    I swear, I didn't fall off the face of the earth, I just got realllly busy and realllly stressed out, but then Thanksgiving break was like "oh heyyyy" and I got five days of doing absolutely nothing except for eating and hanging out with friends and family, and it was five days that were needed quite badly in my part.
    Finals are next week for me. Ack! I have a painting, a huge charcoal drawing, a movie trailer, and my math homework for this week to finish, which will all be due on either next Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. And, I get to completely write-off working on anything this Saturday (and maybe part of Friday) because I'll be heading to Boise for a indoor track meet. However, after all of this I'll get about 3 1/2 weeks off, which will be super nice.
    Also: BrickFair. There is so much stuff that I still need to do in regards to it....including organizing the mosaic with CF, whatever it is I have to do for prep as the Other theme leader, BZPower shirt stuff, watching for the plane ticket prices to drop to something a bit more attainable (seriously, this is like watching grass grow)....and maybe I should get around to telling my parents that I am indeed going....
    And yes, I know that BrickFair is quite some time away, but I'd rather have more of it done and out of the way in comparison to leaving it for the last second, especially as winter break will give me a good amount of time to potentially get a lot of things done, and if I end up working at Camp Meadowood again this summer (which I probably will), I'll have very little/no time to work on anything during July and the few days that proceed leaving for BrickFair. Plus, winter and spring terms brings the introduction of indoor and outdoor track seasons, and that's just another fiasco in its own right.
    Apparently this is the 100th entry. I should have made it cooler.
    (and 247 days until BrickFair!!)
  7. Nukaya
    Eeeee. So cool. I just need to vault four more inches higher than that and I'll have a ticket to Nationals in May.
    And WOAH. It's reallllly bizarre to be nationally ranked. Or to be suddenly leading the conference for pole vault. Or to even have finally jumped higher than 10' where I was stuck at for a while.
    Hey everyone: The entry period deadline for Pimp My Blog 2 is coming up tonight! If you've redesigned your blog for it but haven't posted it yet in the entry topic, make sure you do so.
    I'll have an update probably tonight or tomorrow about the BrickFair Mosaic project. Xccj is magic because he can get the PicToBrick program to work, so we actually have an image for one mosaic ready. Woo!
    (and 105 days until BrickFair!!!)
  8. Nukaya
    Happy twenty-first wedding anniversary, mom and dad! I love you both!
    Who knew anyone could find love at a Wendy's drive-through window?
    (and 294 days until BrickFair!!)
  9. Nukaya
    Three of my favourite photos I took during last weekend's football game at my college.
    Expect a lot more of this. I was hired at the end of September as the athletic department's main photographer for home games and whatever other assignments they throw at me. Sports are exciting, especially when photographed in a quality and visually compelling way. Go us.



  10. Nukaya
    Happy 22nd anniversary, Mom and Dad! <3
    Also, getting to run the control board in the radio station while we do a live broadcast from my college's homecoming parade is going to be pretty cool later today. Provided it all works correctly.
  11. Nukaya
    Zach went four for four in his medals! He just had the craziest kick in the last 50m of the 400m and snagged the bronze!!
    I am so excited to eventually see him competing as an Paralympian.
  12. Nukaya
    I bought 77 LEGO Friends minifigs off of ebay. They are all sealed factory rejects due to having paint errors, mismatched body parts, etc. They all also have very random head pieces, and going through all of them has been very fun. I am not entirely sure what I will do with all of them, but it should turn out pretty great.
    Here is a giant photo of all of them. It is kind of ridiculous.

    Highlights include:
    Bobbi Fett 2x.

    Hilary Clinton!


    Daughter of Rhymenocerus.


    Probably a Davesprite casual cosplayer?

    Culturally insensitive fig.

    Jaquelynn Sparrow.

    Conquistadora the Explorer.

    Miss Swamp Thang.


    Ninjago cosplayer???

    Cute hippies with and without headband.

    Garden Stage gal fig.

    The one of the left was fighting polar bears.

    Anyway, that's it. The end.
  13. Nukaya
    Ok, so I need everyone's help for a project I'm doing in my graphics class. It's for my final project, and basically what it is is that I have to design a logo, a CD cover, and CD booklet for a made-up band. I have rough drafts for two different logos: number one and number two. I think my general style would be sort of alternativeish, but still kind of quirky, like Sia, Imogene Heap, lady danville, Dave Matthews Band, and a bit of Operator Please all mixed up together.
    What I need help with is ideas for a band name and different names for songs. And since I believe y'all are rather creative peoples, I think you guys would dream up some great ones! I would do it myself, but the last time I had to make up bands and design CDs for them, there were track names such as "Mongolian Tribble", "Emo Emu", "Rum For My Parrot, Tea For Me", and "Sprinkles and Bullets", which I think weirded my teacher out quite a bit when I handed my project in.
    So, many thank yous in advance if you care to assist me with this.
    Also....some of my art projects from my design class, if anyone cares for a peek of what I've been up to....lots more to come later:
    First project and a detail shot. Bleh. It kind of got....messy. And very last minute.
    Object project: We had to take an object and warp/change it while still keeping some sort of recognizable elements of it. Take a gander at what I chose?
    Metamorphisis project: Two AM, paper, and xacto knives are not a good combination.
    Colour wheel project: The love-hate relationship with acrylics continues!
  14. Nukaya
    Once upon a time, there was a little five year old girl. You could consider her relatively normal and such, except for the fact that unlike the majority of five year olds, she absolutely loooved the band The Beatles. She had a Beatles calendar (but that will be another story for another time) and would always go and listen to her parents Beatles CDs and would also eventually have several years where she annoyed many DJs at the local radio stations with her constant phone calls requesting Beatles songs.
    So, anyway, this little girl had a friend, and one day, the little girl was hanging out at her friends house. At one point, her friend asked her what her favourite band was, and the little girl said The Beatles and asked her friend if she liked The Beatles as well.
    Her friend replied with "Yeah, I do. I really want to put some beetles in my sister's cereal bowl one of these days."
    Being so shocked by this, the little girl decided to never be friends with this girl ever again.
    The end!
    And, before anyone says anything....I was five at the time, okay? In my mind, not knowing who The Beatles were was an absolute atrocity. Nowadays, I'll let it slide, but really? I was five for goodness sake!
  15. Nukaya
    So I had a dream like a month back that I was at EW's house for some reason (though I don't know how I got there) and we were hanging out and then Tarik, Roa, ChocolateFrogs, Lady K, VF, and a bunch of other BZPers showed up out of the blue and we had a spontaneous party. And it was really out of the blue: as I recall, we were sitting there and people pretty much apparated into the room.
    I forgot about that dream and I just randomly remembered it and I thought you all should know, because it was a good dream, until I woke up and was like "Dang it!"
    In other news, I am absolutey loathing my lack of proper knowledge of ASL grammar. Translating songs sucks sometimes, especially when you don't want the literal English-to-ASL translation. As gorgeous as they can make songs and poetry and daily conversation, there are too many idioms in the English language that are a living nightmare when it comes to translating.
  16. Nukaya
    I've received some random texts in the last 24 hours, but this one from my friend Jordan really got me.
    Jordan: "I had a dream where Franzen glued a mullet wig to my head and then threw me in the air a bunch of times for an art project. His son befriended a pack of wolves."
    Hahaha. Franzen was our Arts and Comm. teacher during our senior year of high school. Interpret this as you will.
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