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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. It was, I guess sad yet awkwardly funny to say the least.

  2. It's a interesting story. Basically we're doing landscaping and we decided to put some really big rocks in and we kept arguing about where to put them. If you were there, it was really funny.

    Yep, that's my job (for only a few more days!)

  3. Hooray for awakedness! Woo! I am well. I argued about rocks with my coworkers for about half an hour. Hooooray....

  4. You could write on paper, if Mr.Words is only on the internet.

    Or you could just "accidentally" send him to Destral only to be attacked by every Makuta in a 400 km radius.

  5. I like your Charlie quote in your sig. Those videos are so hiliarious.

  6. Wow, it's only 6:45 pm here. You must be on the east coast.

    Goodnight! :)

  7. 'Tis an awkward song.

    That is all I have to say about that one.

  8. I think I might have said that at one point in either German or Swedish in the last one.

    I'm not good at Spanish, I know basic stuff, but I took sign language as my language to graduate from HS.

    *hands you another towell and a bucket of water*

  9. To check out your story, except I'm being distracted by the black eye peas.

  10. Ouch. That sucks. At least you won.

    *runs off to check out the epic*

  11. Errrr.....*falls over and fails at Spanish*.

    Bojour! Como estas? *clickclickclick* Oinskoond voy air toilette! WOO!

  12. Oh dear. I am well and packing up clothes for college. Ack!

    I didn't realize how much clothing I have.

    What are you up to?

  13. You know, I think I feel the same about HSM, except I'd convince Teridax to attack them, also.

    Wait, no. I'd get the epic battle that supposed to come at the end of this year to happen in their school while they're there.

  14. Oh dear. :o

    Don't knock yourself out.

  15. Uhmmmm.....I don't know. I guess I ust stayed in school and...uh, yeah. I guess most artists are relativley smart, which is viewed as insane......yeah. WOO! Crazy people!

  16. And your collab person Silvon should too.

  17. I'll put it in mine if you put it in yours.

  18. I KNOW! It did it again! DX

    WHATTHEBLUEBERRY. Do not want half posts! Grrrrr.

  19. Quite peculiar, I thought I continued after that in a new post. I think I accidentally hit the return key, but it usually doesn't post it when I do that.


    The catch the greased up deaf guy game.....I shoud run that theory by my deaf friend and see what she thinks.

    I'm imagining the words "Uhhhhh, NO." coming up a lot. XD

    Hee hee, i

  20. Hey, who did the drawing in your banner? I love that style!

  21. You're behind me.....? *slowly turns around*

    AUGHH!!! *strikes a ninja pose*

  22. A greased-up deaf guy is the quote of the day? Does he have greasy hair? Because I'm imagining him signing to people and grease just flying off his hands on everyone. Gross.

    I am well! :D My friend had a "Crunchy food party" because he's having his wisdom teeth pulled tommorw, so we watched tv and ate crunchy foods. It was fun.

    How was your trip? I had to

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