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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Thank you so much for the vote for my Ac:16 entry, RedStar-Bucks! :)

  2. *looks around*

  3. Somewhere in California, I believe? Or maybe mars.....;)

    ARGH, you've definetly put my place of resident in that list. Which one....?

  4. I beg your pardon, but I am not old. Don't make me hit you with this crocodile.

  5. Now I'm really confused.

  6. Woot! Plot!


  7. Did I send you a link to the photos I took at BrickFest? I sent a link to the news email, but I didn't know if you wanted them at all for the BrickFest page or anything....

  8. Just the ones during "He had it coming".

  9. I personally really like college so far. But you have to keep up on work, because I got behind (which I usually never do) and I've been scrambling to catch up for the last 2 weeks. A lot of the money that I'm using to pay for college is scholarship money that I earned through contests.

    Do you have an idea for your major?

  10. getting closer........

  11. Oh, by the way:


  12. I'm trying to imagine a whalespazz, and I'm failing to think of anything except Keiko at a dance party being crazy.

  13. Actually, I'll just leave a few crocodiles in your blog for a few hours. Good times.

  14. *jingles by*

    Have a happy whatever you celebrate at this time, be it Christmas, Hanuakkah, Kawanzaa, or the Winter Solstice!

  15. It'd be something along the lines of.....

    5-12: Elementary school

    13-14: Middle school

    15-18: High school

  16. Oh.

    Duh. *whacks head*

    Well, you should change your screen name to Cetari then.

  17. Oh, and it says that you end school on the 20th of November. Is that your last day or when you graduate? Because my senior class had a final school day, and then we graduated a week later.

  18. ARGH! I keep forgetting that you approve comments before they show up, and I keep double posting, because I always think my internets being lousy. Sorry!

    *throws internet out of window*

  19. Well.....ok.

    You're welcome!

  20. I lolz at the new profile pic.

  21. Yeah, I was deeply impressed, so that's why he's getting art as well. Plus we live in the same state and all, just opposite sides of it.

    Speaking of art.....whaddya want?

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