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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. You're a penguin dressed as a Nutella jar? Woah! :P

    Oh, and I support the "EW GOES TO BRICKFAIR 2010" bit along with ChocolateFrogs.

  2. You're behind me.....? *slowly turns around*

    AUGHH!!! *strikes a ninja pose*

  3. You're welcome to the sandbox whenever you feel like. It's open to all, so bring some friends and join our crazy group of love and hugs and music and happiness.

  4. You're welcome!

    Also, thanks for being all "Hey, you should probably get your entry done", because I probably wouldn't have finished it in time.

  5. You've got Viva la Vida in your signature.......awesomeness.

  6. Your comment box looked lonely, so I figured I'd write something.


  7. Your Nui Swear totally just made my day. Thank you.

  8. Youuuuuu need to get on and check your inbox! Some bannery-amazingness will be there for you from me! :D

  9. Youuuuuuuu rock and your ADITLOGF rocks.

    And your name rocks too. Hooray! You rock more than Guitar Hero.

  10. Yumm....truffles......

    And they're super sugary? Very nice.

  11. Yup! Don't know how long 'til I can change it back, though.

  12. Yup. How are you?

  13. Yup.....though I really should be asleep. I'm working on colouring a drawing.

  14. Yup.

    We had a midnight breakfast a couple hours back, and I am fully prepared to stay up all night to get this paper finished. My first final is at 10, so I think I can do it.

  15. Yuppers. I do a lot of art stuff.

    I need to get a lot more of it up on my dA account.

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