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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Nukaya

    You closed "Totally Un-Manly!" Arghhhhhh....it entertained me so much, though the teasing was getting rather out of control at the end.......oh well, it was fun while it lasted. *runs off to do some un-feminine running in the rain*

  2. I really like the Prisoner of Azkaban, but I really liked DH also, even with the prolonged camping trip.

  3. Very nice! I saw it and was like "Yessss, another HP lover! I'm not the only obsessed one here."

  4. I was going to comment on your stylized Arby sauce wall pictures, but then I realized it'd be topic revival, so I'll say it here. They look really well done; it totally looks like blood. I half expected to see a pale limp hand it it to add to the creepiness and to make it look even more like a recent murder. At the same time, I was listening to Disturbia by Rhianna, so it was a bit eerie

  5. Ignotus? As in Ignotus Peverell, the posesser of the invisibility cloak?

  6. My dad drug me and the rest of the family to see Episode One at the midnight premiere. Coolest thing ever, especially since it was a school day. And I've lost count of how many times he made me watch the orginial trilogy as a child.

  7. *strikes a heroic pose* I'M BAAAACK!!

    Star Wars totally rocks. We seem to have similar interests.

  8. Hello, hello?You're in a place called Vertigo? Ahhahaahaa! I love U2 references as much as I love HP references.

  9. If you listen to Queen, do you like Mika?

  10. I'm liking your name. Do you live on the island of Seattle Nui? :)

    (if you don't get that, Seattle, WA is where Starbucks got started)

  11. Lurking away.




    LURK! :D

    My goodness, I am bored.

  12. Youuuuuuuu rock and your ADITLOGF rocks.

    And your name rocks too. Hooray! You rock more than Guitar Hero.

  13. I have to say that I absolutley love your style. It freaking rocks my scarf.

  14. Hiiiiiiiiiiii!

    How are you?

  15. I made your signature with a quote reviewing your work? Wow, I am very happy about that! :D

    It makes me feel important. Hooray!

  16. Wait, ok, what is this new video? The college preparation craziness has hampered the amount of Bionicle news I get.

    Is it a full video? Or just a short video for a commerical or something?

  17. Yeah. It's a bit lonley on my side of BZP. D:

    I really need to get some stuff up, drawing or something. Maybe more people would come to visit me.

  18. Hahaha :D

    The Harry Potter jokes know no bounds.

  19. I know it's supposed to be "EARTHBOUND", but "EARTHBUND" sounded really funny to me. Like it was some

    organic snack brand.

  20. Random, but I looked at your screen name, and in my head went the words, "That's siriusly riddikulus!"

    I really should stop reading HP-wait, what am I saying? I need something to read other than college textbooks!

  21. Hooooooray!!!! I just got on after like a week of not being at home and seeing a new chapter makes me so happy! :D

  22. Just wondering, but will there be more of the Test of Strength epic?

  23. I definetly have the Stickman in Fairyland stickers. Then I realized that they are squishy, and now I just randomly poke them all day. Which ones do you have?

  24. Senior year?

    Grah, I read those sensless comedies now, and I wonder if I was under the influence of anything...because I thought they were so darn funny, but they're were absolutley out of control.

  25. I remember you too, vaugley...I can't exactly pinpoint it, but it was probably when I was writing those weird comedies that made no sense.

    I took a bit of time off. Y'know, that thing called high school. ;)

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