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Blog Entries posted by Nukaya

  1. Nukaya
    That was a good lunch.
    Also: some photography stuff!
    Pinhole camera:


    And from the movement/time assignment:


  2. Nukaya
    I went grocery shopping today. Partially because I am hungry and partially because this is the only time during the weekdays that I can go. As I have no car and the distance from home to WalMart is not an ideally walkable distance due to headwinds both ways (which is a legitimate thing here), I take the thing that has been deemed "public transit" in this town, which is a bus that runs to several different stops once an hour that will leave you stranded if you are not precisely on time to the stop.
    I'm sitting at the bus stop outside of WalMart, when this guy rolls up on a beat up black mountain bike and says, "Hey, you waiting for the bus?" I said yes, because I am. He replies with, "Cool, I'm waiting for my own ride. It's the train. I'm heading to LA."
    On his bike's handlebars, he had a bunch of his possessions balanced between them in a sack. His clothes were ruffed and he looked like he hadn't showered in a while. He was overtanned, as if he'd been biking for months. A tooth was missing and had been replaced with a silver one. Based on his slight stumbling, he also appeared to be a bit tipsy. This man was clearly homeless, which put me on the slight defense.
    Oregon alone has one of the highest numbers of the homeless in the nation. Being from Portland, I've grown up seeing homeless people wandering the streets with their belongings piled into shopping carts, standing on the freeway offramps with signs asking for money or food, or sitting downtown with a sign that says "I have to be honest, all I want is a beer". It's a kind of sad reality of life. The town my college is in has trains running through it all day, so it becomes a sort of pit stop for vagabonds to stop in, get some food and rest, and then head on their way.
    This particular man was....something else. Usually, in my (thankfully positive) experiences with the homeless, they ask for any spare change or food you may have, accept your (often likely) rejection, and go on their way to ask the next person (though, Pat and I had a great experience with one homeless man who we shared the overflow of fries with we had gotten from a food vendor. He politely asked us for ketchup several times, thanked us for the food, and left). This one, however, did not seem to want food or money, he just wanted to talk. He said that he'd started out in Florida and had been going from place and was heading down to LA to see his two year old granddaughter for the first time. He asked me if I'd ever been to LA, and I told him I had been a few times and that it had been very nice. The train he'd be taking was going through San Fransisco, so he asked me if I recommended stopping and checking out the area there. I said that I'd also been there a few times, and it had been very nice.
    Then he asked me my name.
    "Maddison", I said.
    "Maddison? That's nice" he said. "My name is Paul, but you can call me..."
    He then pulled up his sweatshirt to show me the tattoo arching across his stomach.
    This wasn't just a d.y.i. tattoo someone would do in their bathroom with a bottle of ink and a sewing needle. This was a legitimate, went to a tattoo parlor, got a nice font for the letters, and slapped a considerable amount of money down tattoo. Paul, who I shall refer to as Railroad as he requested, asked where I was from. I said Portland, and he became very interested, as his train would be going through Portland as well! Would it be a good place to stop and check out? I said that I highly recommended stopping there, as it was an extremely interesting place.
    At that point, Paul said goodbye and was about to depart to bike over to catch his train, when he noticed the large truck parked on the street. A man was selling apples from it. Railroad turned around to ask me if it was the taco truck he'd heard about in La Grande. I said it wasn't and that I thought it was located on the other side of town. Railroad suddenly asked "have you ever eaten sesos?" I said that I hadn't and that I didn't know what that was.
    "Well, sesos is cow brain! I eat cow brain tacos all the time. They're so good and they really fill you up. I can eat one and I'll be set for the entire day. Not like those tacos they have at Taco Bell where you'll eat five of them and still be hungry."
    Just around this time, the bus pulled up. I said goodbye to Railroad, and we went our separate ways.
    And that was my afternoon shopping adventure. Have a safe trip getting to LA, Railroad.
  3. Nukaya
    Don't get heat exhaustion. It sucks. I had it today, almost passed out until a couple of friends ran to get a physical trainer. Then I ended up spending three hours in the physical trainer's room because I was so messed up and kept starting to get better then getting worse again, and they were worried that if I left, I'd end up passing out somewhere and no one would be able to help me. I'm still kind of dizzy. Not a good day....
  4. Nukaya

    We have our secret cue cards, we apparently have LEGO men cheering for us in the stands, we are ready, so let's win this!
  5. Nukaya
    So, at this point, we'll have to start working on a second mosaic, which will likely be of Onua Mata, or the Mask of Life (and possibly (hopefully!) more after that). The thing is: to make more than just this one mosaic, we are going to need more people to commit to making a 32x32 piece[. If you want to get involved with this for BrickFair or know other members who would like to get involved (either by sending in a piece or showing up at BrickFair with their piece), either say that you would like to make a piece here, or PM me or ChocolateFrogs.
    It's not terribly difficult: all you need is any 32x32 baseplate, and the right coloured bricks. You don't particularly need 1x1 bricks for the entire thing. If you've got a bunch of 2x4 bricks and you have a giant single colour space to fill in your piece, by all means, use them instead and save your smaller bricks for the detail areas.
    One of the mosaic projects is this. AS OF JUNE 18th: THIS PART OF THE MOSAIC IS FILLED. If you're making a piece of this mosaic and you need to send it in to BrickFair because you're not going to be attending, go here to get the address, and follow the instructions. However if you ARE going to be attending, just bring your piece with you, and make sure that ChocolateFrogs or I receive it by Thursday, or Friday. If you are arriving at a later time then Friday, please send it in.

    (pretty snazzy, eh? Thanks to Xccj for getting PicToBrick to work!)
    This mosaic will be split into 6 sections as so:
    With each piece (1,2,4,5,6) being 32x32 and piece 3 being 64x64 (which Arpy will make). Other mosaics for this project will not be like this: Arpy just happens to have a 64x64 baseplate. All other mosaic will be three baseplates wide and three baseplates tall.
    (Click on the thumbnail for the mosaic image)
    Piece 1 Claimed by Letagi
    Piece 2 Claimed by Xccj
    Piece 3 Claimed by Arpy
    Piece 4 Claimed by kohila piraka
    Piece 5 Claimed by Claimed by Jedi Master J.
    Piece 6 Claimed by Black Six
    Let's go, people! Tell your friends! If you want to help advertise for this project in your blog or your sig (which would be much appreciated), go here for some banners and images. I'm really excited to see what we end up making to represent BZPower for mosaics at BrickFair.
    Thanks, everyone!
    (and 104 102 99 95 84 days until BrickFair!!!)

  6. Nukaya
    Sisen: This reminds me of my snape idea.
    have you seen Up?
    Nukaya: yes
    Sisen: Imagine if the imaginary snipe was actually Snape.
    Nukaya: omg
    well, the real snipe
    because kevin is a real snipe but really isn't a snipe
    well, just imagine snape wearing colours like that
    Sisen: Wait isn't kevin the kid?
    Nukaya: kevin is the bird
    even though it's a girl bird
    I guess snape can sort of wear colours
    this means that snape is a drag queen!
    Sisen: Oh whoops. See I was thinking more of the squirrel that went to hide under the house or something from the kid, so instead of animal under the house it is snape.... Yeah your idea is waaay better and lolworthy xD
    Nukaya: oh, his fan girls will go crazy over this
    hee hee
    Sisen: Maybe that's why everyone was really afraid of him, and why Neville saw him in his Grandma's clothes and bird hat...
    How Snape wearing lots of colours equals Snape being a drag queen, I don't really know, but the idea of Snape as one is amusing to me, especially with the incident with the boggart in the third book. He really did make that stuffed vulture hat look good...
    (and 48 days until BrickFair!!!!)
  7. Nukaya
    I just discovered that their "fruit flavor" one tastes better when you're eating Sour Patch Kids at the same time, which really helps when you're trying to finish off the last 3/4 of a liter of it.
    Also, whew! Really glad people can ford rivers.
  8. Nukaya
    Getting skin to look a proper light grey is difficult. Especially when in a few days, it's going to be from my knees down and then my face/neck, and a good part of my arms/shoulders.

    I don't know if I can go with a spot on Audrey Hepburn either. It just figures that I have a tiara at home, but the whole cigarette tube/pearls/Hepburn-esque glasses(?)/black heels/get a wig and style it to make it big and poofy along with the lack of tiara is kind of putting a damper on this.
    (dear WalMart and Dollar Tree, please have opera gloves tomorrow and everything else I need, thanks bye)
  9. Nukaya
    So, I got back a math quiz that I took last Friday that had an extra credit question "What is the name of the German boy who quickly added one hundred numbers?" I couldn't remember his name (Carl Friedrich Gauss) so I wrote "Super genius math kid? I have no idea" and my professor gave me extra credit anyway. He rocks.
    I'm thinking for Halloween I might make a dress entirely out of newspaper (because my college dining place does a costume contest each year. Last year I went as Sarah Palin), but I'm not quite sure yet. I don't know if I have enough newspaper and I don't know anything about making dresses, so that could be problematic. I mainly want to make it because one of my friends is going to do a New Years Eve murder mystery party and she requested that we wear formal attire, and I think this would be kind of neat to wear instead of one of my old prom dresses.
    Ok, poll time, but should my friend go as David Bowie from The Labryinth, or Marylin Monroe for Halloween?
    (and 297 days until BrickFair!!)
    He went as Marylin Monroe. It was scary.-FN
  10. Nukaya
    My New Year's Eve (aka, the night of the warning signs) was spent at first in a venue with three of my friends. One of them had suggested the venue as it was all ages and one of the bands had graduated in the same high school class as us and they had been pretty good then so we figured it'd be cool to see them again. This was quite fine and dandy until the guy who took our money said:
    "Yeah, just head down the stairs to the basement. Careful, the stairs are slippery!" (warning sign #1)
    We proceeded to head down to the basement to find a small stage, two '70s era couches, three other people, and the band, who was setting up. We quickly claimed a couch.
    And then, we waited. It was supposed to start at 8, but 8 quickly passed as we watched the band set up, and the occasional person wandered downstairs. Then, (warning sign #2), a guy with an electric guitar pulled on a plastic wrestling mask and started to play. His friend joined in quickly on the drums, and proceeded to help his friend create what sounded roughly like a continuous car crash with the occasional melodic rift, complete with large amount of frantic, fish-like flailing on the floor from the guitarist (warning signs #3 and 4). This eventually ended, and while we tried to figure out if that was the first band of the night, the other band (who we presumed was the band we knew from high school, as all of the people on the stage were the ones we knew) decided that it was about time for them to start playing. One of the guys walked out wearing a three piece suit that nearly matched the couch we were sitting on, while the other three members pulled on Halloween monster masks. After the bassist taped the paper chain links that were hooked to giant cardboard dollar signs around his wrists, he yelled a few things into the microphone while hitting some effects pedals, angrily ripped his arms out of the paper chains and they all started playing (warning signs #5, 6, and 7).
    This band continued the trend by mainly making lots of noise with the occasional melodic rift, but with the addition of the bassist singing while mashing his 10+ effect buttons (warning sign #8). They made it through their first song as more people trickled in, and after some prompting, they played a second song. Throughout this, the drummer looked like he was about to cry, possibly out of anger of having to play a second song or because he kept having to switch to different wigs that were hanging on his cymbals (warning sign #9).
    The band ended and started packing up their stuff and moving it to their van. At that point, we were thoroughly confused on what we had just seen and starting to wonder if those really were two of the three bands we were going to see that night. More people continued to file into the basement, bringing various "mysterious" bottles of liquids hidden in paper bags with them (not really a warning sign for us, but I guess for most others, warning sign #10).
    The friend who had originally suggested going to this venue and was sitting on the opposite side of the couch texted me:
    Him: These bands suck. Does this make me uncool?
    Me: No..? I thought you'd been here before though? Also, if that was band 2 of 3, I will be very angry at this venue.
    Him: I've never been here before, I was just picking out all-ages shows. Hopefully it will get better...
    Me: The CD of filler music has been better than anything. (it was. Even if it was the same five songs on repeat, one which included a part where a man repeated "JAMES BROOOOWN. JAMES BROWN. JAMES BROOOOWN. JAMES BROWN" for several verses)
    A half hour passed. Still no band graced the stage. One friend pulled out her iTouch and the four of us played Trivial Pursuit on it for another 45 minutes. At that point, the basement was full of people and the next band was nowhere in sight (warning sign #11). The time was nearing in on 10pm, and at that point, we said "we're gone", sealing the act with the couch promptly being claimed by several other concert goers the moment we stood up.
    We then decided to go to a place downtown called The Roxy, an 24/7 diner, that (as it was first described to me) was a place that had very good food and was covered with framed autographed photos of drag queens with the occasional photo of Oprah or Bill Clinton tossed in. The friend who had suggested the venue said he felt awful about the whole ordeal, so he offered to buy us all drinks, in the "aw, only one out of the four of us is 21 and this place doesn't serve alcohol. Coffee and hot chocolate it is!" sense. We celebrated the New Year while eating pancakes, discussing the merits of a mystery grocery (where all the food would be hidden in plain boxes, leaving the items you bought to be a mystery until you opened them), debating whether one of our friends who was out was dancing on tables yet, listening to the people in the bar next door sing karaoke (they were quite good), and watching people joyously stumble by the window in fancy clothes and high spirits.
    We left shortly after a drunk man several table away threw a fork at us. We're still not sure why, and we didn't stay to find out, lest the spoon and knife he still had followed.
    It was a really great New Year's Eve.
  11. Nukaya
    EDIT (March 10): This mosaic is filled! Keep your eyes peeled for a possible second mosaic. Thank you, everyone!
    The BZP Mosaic Project is back for another year! Last year's project was an extreme success, and we have a great image for this year that will be displayed this summer at BrickFair 2011:

    This is where you can sign up to make pieces that are up for grabs this year. Each mosaic piece will be made of a 32x32 sized baseplate. At this point, please only claim one piece. If this one fills up fast enough and we have enough interest, we will likely create another mosaic for people to claim pieces on.
    The suggested piece counts are not something you have to follow word for word, though they can be helpful with making estimates and such on what you need. Some people like creating their mosaic piece using only 1x1 bricks, while others prefer making it with a mix of bricks (such as filling in a spot that calls for two red 2x2 bricks with one single red 2x4 brick). We do not have a preferred way of people making their baseplates, provided you follow the exact image when you replicate it in brick.
    ALSO: When you are going through your bricks or purchasing bricks for this, make sure they are ones with solid studs on the tops, and not ones with indented tops or holes in the sides. Please make sure you are using only LEGO-made bricks as well.

    One last thing: By agreeing to volunteer to make a piece for this, you need to understand that you have to be fully committed. Last year, we almost were not able to display one mosaic because we had to rebuild a large amount of one volunteer's piece as it was filled with non-LEGO bricks, and another volunteer's piece showed up several days after the convention ended. While we managed to still complete said pieces in time, please pay attention to updates and deadlines for this. There will be more details forthcoming in regards to shipping later, but all pieces will need to be in ChocolateFrogs' possession by July 15 if you are not attending BrickFair and delivering it to us by hand. I know things and life happen, but if you need to back out or need assistance with your piece, please message me, ChocolateFrogs, or xccj as soon as you can so we can figure out a way to solve any issues.
    Other than that, have at it! Post your name and what piece you would like to claim here. Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, ChocolateFrogs, or xccj.
    Piece 1: Claimed by Arpy

    [Parts list]
    Piece 2: Claimed by Letagi

    [Parts list]
    Piece 3: Claimed by xccj

    [Parts list]
    Piece 4: Claimed by Jedi Master J.

    [Parts list]
    Piece 5:Claimed by Black Six

    [Parts list]
    Piece 6: Claimed by EmperorWhenua

    [Parts list]
    Piece 7: Claimed by Sisen

    [Parts list]
    Piece 8: Claimed by ChocolateFrogs

    [Parts list]
    Piece 9: Claimed by Kakaru

    [Parts list]
    Piece 10: Claimed by George Constanza

    [Parts list]
    Piece 11: Claimed by Nukaya

    [Parts list]
    Piece 12: Claimed by Disky

    [Parts list]
  12. Nukaya
    Waiting in the airport and just realized that I don't have 45 minutes like I thought I would have to get to my plane in LAX, but instead I have roughly 20 minutes, and I'm still trying to figure out which terminal I'm landing at and which one I have to go to. Hoping like mad here that they won't be at opposite ends of the airport, because LAX is huge....
    I get a fun red-eye flight, then land in Baltimore at seven-something in the morning, chill out there for a while, then find the train to some place that afternoon to meet up with SixAndrew, and then drive to BrickFair! Oh boy! I just have to make this connection.
    Eeee!! I'm going places!
    (and one day 'til BrickFair!!!)
    P.S. I need to find a few more green bricks to finish up a MOC, so if anyone can help with that, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  13. Nukaya
    Instead of an entry consisting of me screaming with utter frustration due to my lack of focus for getting my homework and midterms completed, here are two pictures of a bunny in a shoe:


    I want to hug it and hide it in a coat pocket so I can take it to class.
    (and 268 days until BrickFair!!)
  14. Nukaya
    I am totally Maddison, and I am at Brickfair! Totes serious! I am not someone taking advantage of the webpage she left up when she ran to get ready for the day! Totes not!
    And I certainly wouldn't be a blog leader. That would be bad form! Totes bad form! I heart Oregon and everything involved with it!
  15. Nukaya
    I totally forgot about this! Woah! This is the newspaper dress that I made for Halloween 2009 that I mentioned ages ago but then forgot to post photos of. Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have of it, but it gets the general wackiness across.

    And shoes:

    The inner lining of the dress is made of a old cut-up shirt and wire held together by safety pins because I don't have a sewing machine and struggle with sewing in a semi-straight line. If I had an ounce of sewing talent and a sewing machine, I'd probably have added a zipper on the side, but I ended up just doing a sort of corset cinching style stringing to hold it together.
    The actual paper is held together by glue and packaging tape. The shoes are just my only pair of heels that I own that I ended up spending a day or so shredding newspaper and then taping each piece to the shoes (which you can kind of see around the heel part). This was particularly fun, as I ended up working on the shoes mostly during my shifts in my school's art gallery where I work, so there were a lot of confused/bemused looks from gallery visitors. I'm thinking of putting a coat of sealant on them and keeping them how they are, just because they're so quirky.
    Oh, and folding all the individual parts for the bottom portion of the dress was FUN. I kept finding random inky fingerprints all over my room from the ink for about a week and I had oodles of fun scrubbing them off the walls.
    I like this dress. It helped me win a bike. And having a bike that actually works makes me happy.
    Mosaic! Tell your friends! Tell your cat! Keep that interest going!
    (and 194 days until BrickFair!!!)
  16. Nukaya
    So my mom called me and told me that Les Sarnoff passed away from cancer today.
    Thank you for everything you did, Les. I'll miss hearing you on the radio.

  17. Nukaya
    My username on here has never made much sense. When I first joined, I think it was something like "MatoranHahli707". Way cheesy, way silly, rather mundane, and really accenting on the fact that I liked the number seven.
    Then, I changed it to "Nukaya Cloud Fire", mainly because it had a better ring to it. I have no idea where the name Nukaya is originally from. I know I found it in a book during middle school and wrote it in a notebook of quotes and cool names I had compiled while I was reading my way through the entire fantasy/sci fi collection at my school's library. The Cloud Fire bit came from a "Make your own camp name!" thing that used one of those wonky first letter of your last name and the last letter of your first name scramblers to create what was supposed to be a super creative and awesome camp name. Oh boy!
    Long story short, 13 year old me decided pretty quickly that combining those two would be the best thing possible, as it would be a better name than "MatoranHahli707".
    Now, twenty year old me is like "Oh hey, that name is way long. Like, I don't even know the last time my name actually fit on the screen in the blogs or the forums. Smart idea, 13 year old me. That was pretty creative, but dang, way to go with the longest name you could make. Probably time to switch it anyway, given I'm known as Nukaya by most people and have been ending posts with that for the longest time anyway."
    So, switching up my name now, brb.
    Also, I've been on the site for BZPower for seven years as of Halloween? Woot woot.
  18. Nukaya
    Snail helmet.
    That image link above is a design I did for a helmet design contest a local bike company was doing. Basically, design a helmet based off of a certain brand of helmet makers helmets (which often "feature whimsical, ironic, sometimes loud, other times just plain pretty designs"), and then we'll pick our favourite and the designer gets a $500 gift card to our store.
    Now, this was something I'd heard about a few weeks before, but forgot about until Friday, the day before it was due. So, in a "oh, I have a couple hours this morning and afternoon before track practice. Let's see what I can create in that time....except I don't really have time to do this via pencil or charcoal or paint, sooooooo tablet drawing it is" moment, I gave it a shot. I kind of went into it at that point with the notion that I was doing this for fun as well as a bit of practice with the tablet, seeing as I rarely use it because it feels weirdly confining in comparison to other mediums.
    So, imagine my surprise when I came home this evening to an email saying that I'd won. Even better? My mom said that if I won, she'd trade me $500 for the gift card because she's been wanting to get a bike from that company for a while. So, hey there money that will help with maybe buying a new camera body since my Nikon's apparently decided to kick the bucket today after two and a quarter years or maybe making it to one or two of these conventions.
    Also, check it. I made some real Bionicles arts with a silly title.
  19. Nukaya
    Which I realized after I read this comment. I don't even know how accurate my perception of the LotR plot even is.
    Yeah....slightly....well, not really depressing, but more of showing my lack of movie experience in the last ten or so years.
    You still haven't seen it. Maybe FFN will.-FN
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