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Blog Entries posted by Nukaya

  1. Nukaya
    Snail helmet.
    That image link above is a design I did for a helmet design contest a local bike company was doing. Basically, design a helmet based off of a certain brand of helmet makers helmets (which often "feature whimsical, ironic, sometimes loud, other times just plain pretty designs"), and then we'll pick our favourite and the designer gets a $500 gift card to our store.
    Now, this was something I'd heard about a few weeks before, but forgot about until Friday, the day before it was due. So, in a "oh, I have a couple hours this morning and afternoon before track practice. Let's see what I can create in that time....except I don't really have time to do this via pencil or charcoal or paint, sooooooo tablet drawing it is" moment, I gave it a shot. I kind of went into it at that point with the notion that I was doing this for fun as well as a bit of practice with the tablet, seeing as I rarely use it because it feels weirdly confining in comparison to other mediums.
    So, imagine my surprise when I came home this evening to an email saying that I'd won. Even better? My mom said that if I won, she'd trade me $500 for the gift card because she's been wanting to get a bike from that company for a while. So, hey there money that will help with maybe buying a new camera body since my Nikon's apparently decided to kick the bucket today after two and a quarter years or maybe making it to one or two of these conventions.
    Also, check it. I made some real Bionicles arts with a silly title.
  2. Nukaya
    I like this a lot.

    And, I'm currently registering for classes for spring term (woo), but the majority of classes that I need to take for my communications minor either aren't available for spring term, or are one weekend classes that I can't take since they're offered on other campuses that are way far away and I don't have a way to get there. I think I wouldn't be so worried about this, but I have to have 15 credits every term, or I'll lose my scholarships and track eligibility. Right now, I'm sitting at 12 credits, but I can't/don't desire taking a fourth art class to get to 15 credits, because that would probably be my ultimate undoing if I did (as we're only technically supposed to take two art classes a term), and I think I'm already pushing it with three art classes and track.
    Whoo, I am really stressing right now. So far behind in so many of my classes....
    Oh, and the biathlon is really cool, and I was quite pleased to overhear a group of guys talk about how they'd never be able to do that well in the biathlon and just how tough of skiers and good of shots the women who were competing in it for the winter Olympics were during lunch. It probably wouldn't have been as significant, but they were the same group that was going on about how slow and pointless and stupid women's basketball was the day before.
    I would really like to start finalizing the design for the BrickFair mosaic, so please give more ideas for the photos that could be used in it.
    (and 167 days until BrickFair!!!)
  3. Nukaya
    I'm still alive!
    I swear, I didn't fall off the face of the earth, I just got realllly busy and realllly stressed out, but then Thanksgiving break was like "oh heyyyy" and I got five days of doing absolutely nothing except for eating and hanging out with friends and family, and it was five days that were needed quite badly in my part.
    Finals are next week for me. Ack! I have a painting, a huge charcoal drawing, a movie trailer, and my math homework for this week to finish, which will all be due on either next Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. And, I get to completely write-off working on anything this Saturday (and maybe part of Friday) because I'll be heading to Boise for a indoor track meet. However, after all of this I'll get about 3 1/2 weeks off, which will be super nice.
    Also: BrickFair. There is so much stuff that I still need to do in regards to it....including organizing the mosaic with CF, whatever it is I have to do for prep as the Other theme leader, BZPower shirt stuff, watching for the plane ticket prices to drop to something a bit more attainable (seriously, this is like watching grass grow)....and maybe I should get around to telling my parents that I am indeed going....
    And yes, I know that BrickFair is quite some time away, but I'd rather have more of it done and out of the way in comparison to leaving it for the last second, especially as winter break will give me a good amount of time to potentially get a lot of things done, and if I end up working at Camp Meadowood again this summer (which I probably will), I'll have very little/no time to work on anything during July and the few days that proceed leaving for BrickFair. Plus, winter and spring terms brings the introduction of indoor and outdoor track seasons, and that's just another fiasco in its own right.
    Apparently this is the 100th entry. I should have made it cooler.
    (and 247 days until BrickFair!!)
  4. Nukaya
    I'm not sure why there were a bunch (seemingly random staff) blogs that were pinned.
    I fixed it though. I don't know if it was a glitch or something else or what, but the problem is currently solved!
  5. Nukaya
    I am currently djing it up from 9-12 at 91.7 KEOL, the radio station at my college.
    First time on the air as an actual dj! Woo!
    Yeah, I'm kind of stoked.
    But wait! There's more. Why on earth would I ever want to get involved on the radio in the first place?
    Les Sarnoff, a dj at Kink FM, a station in Portland is pretty much my reason. I grew up listening to him every morning as little kid. Whenever I was eating breakfast and getting ready for the day or my parents were driving me and my brother to school, that was the station we listened to. He's also extremely involved in the community and from what I've heard, he's a really nice guy to boot. Plus, he has like the best voice ever. It's just so positive and optimistic. I remember listening to him on 9/11 as he was describing what was going on in NY, and it was almost like he was saying "Hey, everything is going to be okay. You'll see" despite the fact that such a terrible thing was occurring.
    The other djs at the station are quite cool as well (though if you ask my dad his opinion, he'll likely go on a rant about how they all talk too much about pointless topics) and even when I would go listen to other local stations, I always seemed to end up wandering back to Kink, and eventually back to Les in the mornings.
  6. Nukaya
    I got home at three AM. I am really tired and I have to work later at the gallery and start and finish two papers, a group project, and a photography assignment by Monday.
  7. Nukaya
    (At a meet last March, this guy decided since he was competing unattached, he'd dress like this instead of just a plain uniform. It was quite creative)
    I really want to get flag running shorts, though. A few guys on the XC team during high school did, and aptly dubbed their group "The Running U.N.". Except, then they were all "Maddison! You need to be part of this! You should get....Canadian flag shorts. Yeah! Because Nate is Irish, so he got the Irish flag shorts, Edgar's originally from Mexico, so he got the Mexican flag shorts, and Taylor's like super American, he got the American flag shorts, so you need to get Canadian flag shorts!"
    I'm still kind of confused and have yet to discover how they got to the conclusion that I=Canadian, though.
    Anywhoo, happy Fourth of July! Have a safe and fun time, everyone.
    (and 30 days until BrickFair!!!!)
  8. Nukaya
    Or, "wait, we just did all this work this term only for our professor to tell us that we're not going to have a gallery show because he didn't try to find a place big enough for us to display our work despite knowing that the original place he had in mind would not work even though they've done the Junior Seminar show there for the past several years? Awesome."
    My contribution of this Junior Seminar class gallery show that never happened was based on past memories and how memories go "missing", only to be recovered or rediscovered years or decades later due to some reaction or experience, and how memories can be re-written or altered in the process. (at least, that is my experience with my own memories).
    These are all rather small. I believe the biggest one (the third one) is about 9"x5" and the smallest (second one) is about 5"x5.5". All four are done on wood scraps I found in the theater shop area, and they are layered with acrylic paint, water colours, gesso, pencils, sharpie, and various permanent/ink-based markers, as well as scratched/gouged with an X-Acto knife and a pair of pliers.



  9. Nukaya
    Ohhhhhhhh, it is not nice. At all.
    Especially when you're like, "yeah, gonna bike over to the pharmacy and get a prescription filled that will hopefully help!" only to get there and find out that it closed 45 minutes ago. Things have been really on and off wonky from my perspective since Monday. I hope that this will resolve itself....
    Oh gosh, I feel bad now. Friday was my dad's birthday. I should have called him or maybe sent a card a few days before so he'd get it. I really despise being so far away sometimes.
    (and 102 days until BrickFair!!!)
  10. Nukaya
    Oh yeahhhhh. B)

    For those who don't know, the hammer throw is an event in track and field. It's primarily held in collegiate competitions and up, and we sometimes like to step it up a notch at my university.
    Another one
    This one sparked
    Three stripes
    A fan
    And then we set the ring on fire
    The best part was when the cops and a fire truck showed up due to "reports of flaming arrows and objects that may possibly be UFOs". And the "ka-woooooosh" noise that the flames make while the throwers spin was amazing.
    (and 87 days until BrickFair!!!!)
  11. Nukaya
    I mean, usually my weekends are extremely interesting or extremely boring, but this one was just odd.
    And am still being indecisive about this blog's name.....gah.
    The track team left on Friday at 9 AM to go to the WAOR meet in Spokane. Nothing like being stuck on a bus for four hours! Once we got to Spokane, we did a quick practice at SCC's track, checked into the hotel, cleaned up a bit, and went to a banquet dinner for the four Oregon college teams and the four Washington college teams. I don't think I've ever seen so much spaghetti in one place before, though and some of the spaghetti feeds that the XC team has done have had a ton of spaghetti. The dinner was pretty neat; Dominique Arnold, the American record holder in the 110 metre hurdles was there and did a speech and answered questions from the audience. He was super nice and talked about some really great stuff, like how when he was first in college he was a 15 second hurdler and dealing with injuries and setbacks.
    Saturday was meet time! And, of course, since the day before was 70 degrees and sunny and the perfect meet conditions, that meant that the weather became cold and wet and miserable. I've never had to try to take photos before in the rain, so it was fun testing out the rainsleeve (aka, a fancy plastic bag) I got for my camera a while back. Out of all the events, we had two champions, one of our distance runners in the women's 1500 and our women's 4x400 relay team, and quite a few other top eight placers. I am currently trying to forget any memory of the pole vault competion right now, but I did ok in the 200m and was pretty close to PRing, so that's good.

    (click for some pictures I took of the meet)
    And now, today is Easter. My mom sent me a Easter basket, and my room smells all lovely and orange-vanillaey from the reed diffuser that was in the basket (thanks, Mom!). I'm wearing a dress over pants and I'm not sure why. I went to get brunch at our cafeteria and was told that I looked beautiful by one of the cooks and then was serenaded randomly with a mix of James Blunts song "You're Beautiful" and a song in Spanish by a guy who was in my Geography class last term when I went back to get more food.
    I think that may have been the first time in a very very long time that someone has told me that I looked beautiful who wasn't extremely intoxicated. It was weird, and kind of funny.
    Anyways, happy Easter!
  12. Nukaya
    Dear house,
    Ok, I'll accept that you were built some time around 1903. It makes you very awesome and cool-looking and all Victorian-era-y, but oh my goodness for the love of everything, why are you not more insulated. I think it's warmer outside than in my room right now, so I guess that sleeping outside on the porch might be slightly better, but that would involve a lot of things being moved outside, and for all I know, I'll get eaten by mountain lions or something, because this is the middle of nowhere part of Oregon and that totally happens on a regular basis.
    And yes, I know I could turn the heater on, but the lack of insulation/gaping cracks in all the doors would probably mean most of the heat would go outside anyway. Plus, I am a college student looking for any way to save money, and no heat in the house during the winter in order to keep down the bills was kind of something I grew up with (thanks Mom!), so for the time being, fingerless gloves and way too many clothing layers will be the norm.
    (it's also kind of sad that it's not even remotely winter here yet, and this house is this cold already)
    I also need more gummy bears and graham crackers and sour patch kids and maybe pizza and someone to cuddle with and maybe orange-mango juice and possibly more seasons of How I Met Your Mother and Scrubs.
  13. Nukaya
    What do you guys think? To me, it's a pretty awesome idea, and if Admiral Ackbar does become their new university mascot, I think that it would be amazing if my university changed their mascot from the Mountaineers to the EOU Tauntauns. It would totally work since we're in the mountains already and it'd be loads cooler than our current mascot....I mean, Tauntaun versus a mountaineer named "Monty":

    Tauntaun wins in my mind. And imagine a Tauntaun galavanting around the sidelines at football and basketball games. That would be so awesome.
    (and 154 days until BrickFair!!!)
  14. Nukaya
    Zach went four for four in his medals! He just had the craziest kick in the last 50m of the 400m and snagged the bronze!!
    I am so excited to eventually see him competing as an Paralympian.
  15. Nukaya
    Photo I took of the Columbia Gorge while coming home for Thanksgiving Break:


    Oreo cake (dang it, I am so hungry now):

  16. Nukaya
    If you've looked at D2: The Mighty "ChocolateFrogs" Duck's blog, he had this really awesome entry about a mosaic that was made during a LEGO con that happened in Britain right at the same time that BrickCon was occurring. I think this would be a phenomenal thing if we could pull this together at BrickFair 2010. I think the current plan would be to maybe get people who have confirmed that they're going to BrickFair 2010 to each make a pre-assigned square or two of it (as in a 32x32 LEGO plate) and then bring it to BrickFair. How we're going to organize it, currently no completely hammered-out plan (and we should probably get this ok'd with someone at BrickFair?) but if we can pull this off, it would be six types of awesome.
    The thing is, is that CF and I are having a problem finding a program to use to "translate" the photo into a LEGO-piece mosaic version. We've found a few. One works great, except it doesn't tell you how many of each colour piece is required. I've found a few cross-stitch patter converters, but they way that they translate the image isn't very visually appealing. So, if anyone could give us a hand figuring that out, we'd both be extremely grateful, because I've been scouring google for something and have had very little luck.
    (I just realized that there's been a miniscule speck of graphite stuck to the bottom of my mouse, and now there's this massive grey scribble on my desk. Oops.)
    Oh, and does anyone know what happens when your Premier Membership runs out but you changed your name during that time as a Premier, and you're going to renew your Premier Membership? Does it revert the name change back to 90 days, but then switches back to 45 days once you renew it?
    (and 304 days until BrickFair!)

  17. Nukaya
    10"x10", acrylic on canvas
    Noooo, the internet crashed and deleted the first version of this. Bugger.
    Ok, in a nutshell: I don't go back to school until the 24th. Right now, I am getting rather cabin feverish, as I pretty much just sit at home all day and pretend to try to edit photos while talking to nice people online. This is great up to a point when I realize that as much as I absolutely love talking to people online, the photos are starting to drive me bonkers and there's nothing else to do at home except maybe watch movies, as the majority of my friends either work during the day or are already back at school.
    So, I turn back to painting instead, since the amount of random canvases is really starting to pile up in my room. I did this in about five hours today, give or take a bit. I have no idea why I chose these objects for a still life, but overall I'm quite pleased with it.
    I also kind of want to send this to my painting professor and be all "See? SEE? I can paint decent-looking stuff, it just doesn't work very well when I'm completely and utterly drained and stressed!"
    (comments and critiques and such are lovely and appreciated, please and thank you)
  18. Nukaya
    What is that mysterious ticking noise?

    The wrapping paper I doodled up for the present I made for my friend. My cat Hobbes is currently guarding it with his cute little nine lives. Pics of the actual present to come later, and the wrapping paper will make sense.
    *runs away to continue frantically packing for school, since she's leaving at noon to drive for four hours to EOU*
    (and 314 days until BrickFair!)
    (lol, it's BrickFair Pi(e): 3.14. Hee hee hee.)
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