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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. And the originial Hercules totally had a musical number.

  2. And what is the same as last time? I can't remember.

  3. And yay for being an aquatic guardian.

  4. and yes, i saw the video.

  5. And your collab person Silvon should too.

  6. And, you're totally an awesome friend. *hugs*

  7. Anticipated? Why?

    And Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kawanzaa/Solstice!

  8. ARGH! I keep forgetting that you approve comments before they show up, and I keep double posting, because I always think my internets being lousy. Sorry!

    *throws internet out of window*

  9. ARGH. Part 3.

    Social interaction? We don't need no stinkin' social interaction! We've got our interwebs! :D

  10. Arghh...is unable to shorten your list with this post....

  11. Art totally does make the world go 'round. Whee.....

    And "It sucks" is from Omicron's epic best set review ever.

  12. As I typed that, I was thinking "Why am I eating these? I don't even like them....".

    Right after that, I chucked them into a drawer and am now eating trail mix. Nomnomnom. Yum.

    Cheezits are not that great, yet my brother can eat an entire box by himself in one sitting. I guess that comes with being a xc runner.

  13. At a friend's grad party, she had a bonfire, and I ran around with a flaming stick for a while. It was fun.

    No, he's not the character, but he acts enough like him, he could be.

  14. At least you know the teacher is good. Is it darkroom photography or digitial photography?




    Sad panda is a thing one of my friends says a lot, and she sort of rubbed off on me and now I say it.

  17. Augh, it makes me want to transfer to another university just so I can be nearer to friends....

  18. Aw, I like your av. And that profile pic is quite nice as well. :)

    Figures, I just changed mine back from the Cookie Monster and Phy was Elmo before he disapparated.

  19. Aw, sad panda.

    I get to go back to a ton of snow at college once Christmas break is over. I hope I don't get too sick of it.....

  20. Aw, thank you very much, Lady K! :)

  21. Aw, thanks! I'm glad you like the drawings. The poems and stories are so old, though, so if I did something now, my writing would probably improve a lot.

    Ok, weird. The wording and the list of your favorite bands is almost exactly the same as mine.......

  22. Aw, thanks!

  23. Aw, that's awesome! Good for you. :D

  24. Aw, that's cool!

    Oddly enough, I spend most of the day in Idaho at a track meet....

  25. Aw, your guitar hero kitteh is cute!

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