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Status Updates posted by Nickbomb

  1. I guess I shall be seeing your other self around then.

  2. It's funny. I saw someone with your name in one of my games not too long ago.

  3. Today is all right for toniiiight!

  4. Or reh rah ree reh reh if you speak The Cheat.

  5. Hm, maybe it's because you keep finding The Horrible Painting in there of the demon holding the torch inside the newspaper.

  6. Nice. I'm currently trying to get my degree in Cracking Wise(which I'm getting strait A's in) and Home Invasion which is currently bordering a B- and a C+. For some reason I keep forgetting that I need to go for the jumbles in the paper.

  7. I take it you're also a student of CGNU?

  8. *thumbs up* Awesome. ^^;

  9. Just wanted to write a note and say I love the name. I take it you got it from the same person who made fhqwhgads?

  10. Yeah, you read that right O.O

  11. Hey, welcome to BZP. If you need help with anything around the forums let me know. =)

  12. I've read all the graphics novels and Black in book form. Oh and I'm with the guy below. God's smuggler is good.

  13. Yep, I have heard of them actually. I used to like them a bit though I never really heard any of their songs that had "good moral." Though they do have some decent rock as far as instruments go.

  14. Might take your suggestion about waiting, thanks. Probably best to pick it up here in about a month or so a week before Christmas when prices start to drop way down and I can get stuff at half or lower the price.

  15. I totally agree with you. I've been listening to the songs online lately and tis indeed an awesome album. I'm still thinking of whether I should buy the CD now or put it on my Christmas list.

  16. Just wanted to say, I love your music selection in your profile. =)

  17. *does Kiina wahoo*

  18. Yep, own it too and the two books after it Red and White. Good comic book series.

  19. Just curious, isn't your pic taken from one of The Circle books?

  20. Thanks, even though I took it from someone else.

  21. Congrats on your first topic being hot.

    -Noah B)

  22. Yeah, I'm with you there. I stopped playing it a couple months ago due to how much time it sucked. Seems like the same story for any MMORPG I try(other than Perfect World).

  23. Thanks, just hope it brings more people to the topic more than anything. After all, good games need good advertisements, no?

  24. Thanks, even though I have no part in its making. Right now I'm trying to make my own banner promoting Biotech Game Productions.

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