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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. Maybe he's inactive for some reason; or maybe he didn't get it? He probably gets a million PM's a day... *shrugs*

  2. Me speaky no Japanese, apart from calling Wrack "Alex-sama" or somthin... XD

    Nerd Limit has been reached.

    *cries* Everyone seems to consider me (at school, that is) a nerd...

  3. Meh, just getting him back for the 'omg transy-poo likes u' comment he made... *cracks knuckles and breaks hand* ='(

  4. Meh; 4 stars is still pretty good :P

  5. Merry Christmas! *pulls Dynamite-laden cracker*

  6. Mewtwo FTW over Lucario FTL! *burns Lucario plushie* MWHAHAHHA!

  7. Mmmmm k; blowing holes in stuff is fun. And I thought you might have (or might not have) based him on one of my characters; except the whole killing thing. That'd hurt my guys =P


    *cackles until neck snaps*


  9. My blood is red,

    my bruises are blue,

    Oh Wrack,

    Please will you (spare me)?

    World's best poem :P

  10. My internet is coming on and off at intermeddiat periods =/

  11. My style of plot twists: Lie, lie, then lie some more. Admit the truth later. Hopefully learn how to plot without lying to everyone later...

    1. Kumata


      Sounds like you've been taking tips from GregF

  12. Nah, not bugging me; half the time I'm not around to read it =/

    Eh, I'm allright I suppose. Schools pretty much severing my access to the internet and it's starting to annoy me...

  13. Next poor sap? I'm still alive here! *demands regonition*

  14. Nice Gman... LOL, Malice's new 'friend' so totally have this Gman smile XD

  15. No comments in almost a month! LIKE OMGEE!

  16. Noes, I wants Coke! *drinks 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 2L bottles* WOW SUGAR RUSH!

  17. Not my fault you only got on when it was like 11PM at night. My dad would've killed me XD

  18. Nothing much, really. Life's still same old, same old..

  19. o_O

    *stares blankly for 5 whole minutes*

    Ok..... well, there there... *pats on back*

  20. Of course, that all means that you're awesome; cause you have your own fad :D

  21. Oh BTW people, I'm getting my own RPG approved! It's very hush at the moment, but I will tell you this: if you see it open and want to join, do so ASAP to gareentee the player you want... *secret wink*

  22. Oh hi. I'm good, good to be active again and all =D

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