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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. @Resev: I dunno, it was at 4 but then someone *glares at GG* gave me 1 star and it must have dropped*

    @Spartan: Patience, patience... I'm still working it on it...

  2. I am good, nothing really has changed XD

    How are you? =D

  3. @Ka-chan: Heh, great line from Transfomers... XD

    Nah, nothing can prevent it; Valetine's Day just shows how truly lonely I am at school... =(

    @K: Meh, I just don't like him because he was taken out of SSBB and replaced with Lucario...

  4. I would join the art contest; but my best art is like... stick figures =X

  5. You know... chilling... killing =P

  6. Ooh, I wubs Kabutops! It's so fossily and evil looking... I just wish they actually gave it some decent attacks...

  7. @Ka-chan: It'll be a Alien V Predator RPG... mmmm, messy... *explodes*

    @Resev *hops in Death Star* Bring it!

  8. *Scrin invades Ka-chan's comments page and began tearing the place apart*

    I'm ever so sorry, we got a report saying you're stockpiling Tiberium, and we NEEEEEDSSSSS it =D

  9. You don't hate me too, do you? I don't think I could go on! *starts to cry*

  10. Mewtwo FTW over Lucario FTL! *burns Lucario plushie* MWHAHAHHA!

  11. I wouldn't say back for good; but back... sorta... So all you suitors can vamoose! *picks up gattling gun and opens fire*

  12. @PtT: No, it isn't even out in Australia yet >_>

    @Ka-chan: I think we've got it sorted now right; Aerostar gets ditched by all the others and becomes this 'lone gun' or something?

  13. Just me talking to Ka-chan about Grimlock XD

  14. Jeez Wrack, when you came back to the RPG you could have at least not caused Katy to have a character breakdown... :P

  15. That slap was completely called for! *re-pulls out dueling glove and slaps Resev again*

  16. I've only got the ice-related one myself (Frost?). He/It's pretty cool, with the 'ice-spears' coming at the sides...

  17. *tries to punch Ka-chan at point blank but somehow manages to miss* ='(

    *needs a hug*

  18. Hey!!I gave you 5 stars >_

    ES6 isnt all that great =P LoL

    Of course she's not great...

    EP-6: ='(

    She's amazing! :D

  19. Yay, a girl who enjoys killing people, but that person isn't me! =D *huggles EliteSpartan-6 Xenomorph* Wrack: ='(

    You had you chance :P *walks off with Xenomorph only to discover i'm being led away in a deep dark place where I won't ever return... MWHHAAHAHAHHAHA oh wait *gets alien thing through head*

    X_X *again*

  20. Gasp, two weeks! *frantically scrambles to get ideas approved*

  21. Should've seen that respnse comin.. XD

    Well it doesn't rain too often here, perhaps once a week or so...

  22. And B'day stuff, huzzah =D

  23. OMG that Male Toa of Water from you newest story acts like one of my characters =D

    'Cept he got a hole blown through him =(

  24. *sneaks up behind Ka-chan and beheads*

    AM NOT! *is*

    *generates new clone in the form of elite, and throws Ka-Chan and Resev off a cliff.* XD -_'

    Yay *hugs*

  25. Bah, eyeball... >_>

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