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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. *spams up Ka-chans commets page with a spam bomb*

  2. *speaks in motone voiice* Hello, everyone *zombie eyes*

    Where is... the love? *seaches behind couch cushions*

  3. *steals Ka-chan's jelly-coverted toast*


    *drops in blender*

  4. *struggles to survive on life-support*

  5. *stumbles into comments page*

    Sooooooooooo... whats been up you with?

  6. *takes one look at comments*


    See when we don't talk everything slides into madness; instead of the usual violence XD

  7. *totally thought you were a girl*


  8. *transforms into the comments page* What's goin on, eh?

  9. *tries to punch Ka-chan at point blank but somehow manages to miss* ='(

    *needs a hug*

  10. *trips*


  11. *trolley I'm on starts rollings and goes out automatic doors and rolls down highway*

    This isn't the hosptial ='( *hides under sheets*

    Oh BTW, I got another crazy idea for TF:D 2... which Wrack will undoubtedly shoot down in seconds... XD *will PM ya*

  12. *walks in* Can't I come with? ='(



    *walks out of comments section*

    "Wait Trans"


    *is pushed down elevator shaft*

    *grabs onto something but it tears arms off*

  13. *walks over to cage with big bunch of keys*

    One of these has gotta work... *drops keys down drain*

    0_o *slaps forehead*

    *spends 30 hours and finally opens cage with nothing but a spoon*


    *Spartan's gone insane and kills me as soon as she escapes*

    *reforms T-1000 style*

  14. *waltzes in*

    Me, in a dress? How bout no?

    *walks off with noise in air*

  15. *wonders if you got my last PM*

  16. :(

    Evil, yes... she has a nice side, but she rarely shows it... XD

  17. :P

    I met another girl who doesn't kill me every five minutes. So I moved on... so nah nah :P

    *gets 2 cm before is pushed down staircase*

  18. =D


    *cleans up splatted Exo leftovers*


    *tosses them into his blog*

  19. 821.... can I-





  20. Actually, I mean the one asking about whether I should act as RotT ended as I planned. I'll re-PM you ;)

  21. Ah, I see... *nods*

    I wanted all the Mata once, the only one me and my brother missed (actually, I've only got Lewa XD) is Onua... and I'm also missing Hewkii Mahri.. <_<

  22. Ah, so there were some inappropiate comments or stuff in the image...

    Lousy people, can't they just gimme a blank one! *pulls out gattling gun and sprays at em*

  23. And B'day stuff, huzzah =D

  24. And everyone loves the original Raptor... especially his many credit cards... *has voided each and every one of them*

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