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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. I've kinda been ignoring my Wii lately, it got moved back into the living room once my dad got Wii Fit. Then I bought myself an Xbox so I wouldnt get bored, plus I have work and school to worry about. Growing up stinks...

    BTW I like the new name

  2. I'm going to get ODST, but I'm not going to pre-order it. It comes out the day I start school so I may not get it. Unless I don't have to work that day...

  3. Its not pink its lightish red

  4. Yeah. I think I may take advantage of the opportunity to make a few modifications before I repost it.

  5. Personally, I'd keep them both the same to avoid confusion, but its your call.

  6. I was wondering how long it would take for someone to comment on that...

  7. I'll just play for fun, I have a feeling that the rest of the vidmasters will be pretty tough.

  8. If your xbox is overheating, you might want to move it to where more air can get to it, if you can. Also if you have it standing up, you should lay it on its side. The side opposite the hard drive has air venting in it.

    And this is a really long comment.

  9. Hey, if your interested, I got that MoC that was lost when the server exploded. (The black and yellow one, not the one with the Vahi.)

  10. Welcome to BZPower!

  11. Farewell Beliwah.

    You will be missed.

  12. sent you a friend request, gt is serpent of fire.

  13. What's up? I haven't heard from you in a while.

  14. I liked it when it first started- up until a few years after Gold and Silver came out for the gameboy color. After a while I kinda lost interest.

  15. Aside from having to leave for work in about an hour, not much.

    Whats up with you?

  16. I am commenting in your profile to tell you that I left a comment in your profile...

  17. That stinks. I assume you've sent/ are going to send it to Microsoft for repair?

  18. Thanks for the Proto boost :)

  19. Welcome to BZPower! :)

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