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Posts posted by Ta-metru_defender

  1. I mean, the big things is with non-physical adaptions is you need ways to round out scenes and fill in character holes, so of course there's gonna be loads more characters that we don't get. Some are kinda frustratingly absent (no Boss Nass or Seventh Sister, eg), but I usually feel like LEGO deserves a pass. Look at the LEGO Marvel games; there are some incredibly deep cuts there that we definitely aren't getting as minifigs.

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    Coffee is a gift of god to man. But don't befoul it with any of that milk or sugar rubbish.


    Tea too is wonderful, for different times. I'm on a yerba mate kick, which is wonderful; but I can also go for a good rooibos or black.

    That whole last sentence you lost me, as I have not the foggiest clue what half that stuff is.


    It's tea.

  3. Omg. Ice planet.


    I love the shaping to it, rounded cockpits don't get enough love (for obvious hard-to-build reasons). I really like how you used the Ice Planet saws and skis, does a lot to evoke that theme while still keeping it contemporary.


    I do wish it was even more Ice Planet 2002-y, though. Like if it had a satellite launcher or something. That said, still looks dope.

  4. ^My only exposure to recent Star Wars media has been the recent novelizations of the OT, so I can't really comment on Disney's handling of new stories, but does decanonizing the EU material really effect anything? All of that material is still there and unaltered for fans of the EU or any new fans who want to delve into it, The story tellers on Disney's dime have less material they have to worry about contradicting with new stories, and there's nothing stopping Disney's writers from delving into the old EU and pulling ideas into the new Canon. Dislike the new stuff if you want to, but complaining about the de canonization of the EU strikes me as on par with people who act like a bad reboot movie prevents them from enjoying the older media within a beloved franchise.

    This this this. And they have been pulling back cool bits of the old EU, like Thrawn or TIE Defenders. And I can still read the Rogue Squadron books and not feel invalidated. Different stories, alternate universes. ...almost like a Gen1 and Gen2.


    Buuuut Disney buying Bionicle? Nah.

  5. There certainly isn't a lack of material from Rebels to make into sets – look at all the mileage we got from Clone Wars. I suppose I just want more from the show – and decent 'figs (again: see Zeb and Sabine).

  6. I think the issue folks take with it is less the whole sharing a continuation and more the wanting to be paid for it. Are you doing this out of passion? We're more likely to get behind you if you've already started and put pen to paper (or ball to socket, as it were).

  7. There were a bunch of those Rebels figs out in sets, but they were mostly expensive. And Sabine didn't look great.


    There is also that Revan polybag with, uh, Revan. So there's that.


    At this point I'm not sure what I want going forwards; but I am really looking forward to the new A- and Y-Wing in the March lineup.


    You get +10 intelligence if you don't participate because smart people know dancing sucks amirite

    I'll leave it to the women. Better to watch. ;)



    Oh it's time for some canonical nudity.


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