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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by ExoM7

  1. Glad you like the Mountain Goats, now do you have a last.fm

  2. God I was thinking about that movie the other day.

    No one talks about it anymore. Mostly cause it was like the worst movie ever. For which reason it was awesome.

  3. ExoM7

    good signature

  4. Great personal pic, lol

  5. greg greg greg

  6. GREG I LURV U 2


  8. gud taste, better mustache

  9. ExoM7

    Hah. You win.


  11. haha you lied to jinzo

  12. Hai Nikira, fellow girl! ;D

  13. Hai, I dunno you but ok :D

  14. hallo shmeagol. :o

  15. ExoM7

    Happy birthday! I missed your topic lol

  16. Haven't seen you active in a while. I remember your comedies. : D

  17. He didn't say VtP's name had illegal characters. What does that have to do with anything?

    And what VtP meant was that non-standard ASCII characters can cause problems on different browsers and OS so your name will have to be changed to something less...awesome :

  18. he is on my friends list B) he is so witty and insightful for things like "if you want to Know your going to have to read my mind so there!" what a philosopher

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