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Silver Streak

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Silver Streak

  1. Did they let you put a non-Windoze OS on it? SS
  2. Wow. Nice. Someone's needed to write this up for a loooooong time. *Insert 2001 Intro Music* Sheesh, I've had enough of just generic comments in my topics. I would rather have two good comments in each art topic of mine by two respected artists and have it die right there, rather than to have eight posts saying "LOL! 8/10!" and keep it on the front page for a whole two hours. Oh, I also really dislike the number ratings too, because nobody breaks it down, and specifically gives you the reason they give you a "8/10". It's not like a teacher is going to give you an 80% after saying just "nice job!'. Excuse my ranting, but I must say, I agree with you 100%. SS
  3. Thanks for the heads-up; I'll stick with Star Trek. SS
  4. Silver Streak

    The Club

    Heh, 11... My MP3 player goes up to 25! XD 'Tis sad that you had to move out of the building. It looks like you had a great setup in there. BTW, if your back still hurts, and you run a Linux that precompiles things: sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble It's addicting. And fun. SS
  5. Go Linux! I run Ubuntu on my desktop, and I have a brother that runs a Gentoo/Apache server. The funny thing is, if I'm booted into Windows, and I check on my webpage space on my brother's Gentoo server, Windows thinks that it's an NTFS filesystem. XD Ah... So many ways to prove that Linux > Windoze. BTW, can you do an SSH instead of an FTP? SS
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