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Status Updates posted by -Neku-

  1. So, since I found out that Bionicle was ending today I decided I'd reconnect with all my bzp buddies out of nostalgia. Shoot me a pm or something Koname. :D

  2. So, yeah. I'm going to leave a comment and stuff. BELIEVE IT!

  3. So, you changed your name? Cool.

    Now Rehz just needs to change his back, and it'll be just like old times!

  4. Sooo...I think I've figured out this profile thing....although it took me a good bit of time to add a comment...I still can't even get my picture up. XP

  5. Stop poking me. T.T

  6. Sup, Buuy. This new board setup is pretty nifty, eh?

  7. T_T

    You don't have school? Lucky. XD

    You should seriously join AMG after the 7th RPG contest. [/shameless advertising]XD

  8. -Neku-

    Thanks, I know I'm extremely intelligent. ^_^

    You're such a nice person.

  9. That, or a The World Ends With You one. Right now I'm leaning towards The World Ends With You.

  10. -Neku-

    That's an awesome name suggestion. I'm totally gonna change my name to then when my 90 days are up.

  11. That's never stopped me before. :D

  12. -Neku-

    The funny thing is, I don't work at Burger king. Unless, I somehow got employed without them telling me....hmm.

  13. The recent mythbusters? I don't think so. I haven't really watched TV much lately, spare adult swim and comedy central for Scrubs. What was it about?

  14. -Neku-

    This is a fun profile to read.

  15. Wait, my what?

  16. Wait....What just happened?

    And no, Fooly Cooly is the greatest show ever invented. You can not deny it.

    -Loads guitar-

  17. Wait....what?

    I'm confused....

  18. Wazzup, TK?

    Just bored and decided to post a comment. :D

  19. We should have a Starcraft match sometime. I'd probably get murdered, but hey, it's fun. :D

  20. We'll have to see about that. I'm retyping my profile now. >:D

  21. Well, technically, my brother got Kongu today. I tried to convince him to get Maxilos or Karz, but he wouldn't listen...oh well, at least I have all of the Mahri now.

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