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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by mercenary vahki

  1. mercenary vahki
    new laptop (the best laptop (not even kidding)) so I'm too lazy to get my formatting
    I've stopped by to say hello (HELLO)
    let me tell you bout haters
    I'm all of them
    speaking of facts, I recently played Call of Duty: Black Ops
    It was about as fun as blowing your nose while having a remarkably docile lobster in your skinny jeans
    oh and it's terribly designed (yes fun and quality design are completely different)
    VVVVVV is game of the year (I haven't played super meat boy yet)
    Bad Company 2 is PC shooter of the year
    Halo: Reach is best console shooter
    Minecraft is best lifedrain of the year
    New Tron is best shiny of the year
    Best movie? idk Inception was ok, nothing really stood out
    oh and Avatar is worst of all years, always
    Female body part of the year: all of them (collect them all (at the same time (please)))
    coolest thing I bought my mom for christmas and now want to use: Amazon Kindle (this thing is so cool)
    TV show of the year: Panty and Stocking (probs)
    maybe more if anyone comments lol (all my friends are dead?)
  2. mercenary vahki
    I'm alone in a old house in rural Minnesota. There's creatures living in this house, let's call them bats. Bats have been known to forcibly enter my living space, but they have not been a problem since late summer.
    I hear them. Above my skull and within my life. Creeping and scratching. Probing for weakness.
    I shall not let this end in my defeat. I down a potion of strength. The scraping grows louder.
    Nothing can kill me. I am eternal.
  3. mercenary vahki
    Urgh the blogs haven't been fun in a while, dem noobs be cloggin the tubes
    so I say we bring back the class this place once had
    post mad loldrama causing stuff if you are cool
    and if you think this is a terrible idea
    you are part of the problem =3
  4. mercenary vahki
    welcome to the first edition of drinkz with merx, where I show you how to be a drink lord such as myself
    Imma call this drink
    aka "gottem lemonz"
    lets begin
    STEP ONE: get a tonic water and pour it into a large glass
    STEP UP TWO: toss a lemonade at it, less than the volume of tonic water
    THE THREETS: one hundred per cent lemon juice, enough so you can feel the citric acid
    STEP FIGHTER FOUR: put sugar in, 50% saturation ideal but I just threw in the rest of my sugar jar
    FINAL STEP V: cut open two fish oil tabletz and get that good juice in yo drink
    mix it up and get ya drink on, like me, its what im drinkin now
    suprisingly nonlethal
    boutta have some good dreams

  5. mercenary vahki
    went premier again because I was feeling nostalgic
    went lifetime premier because I was feeling rich
    I'm going to try and ruin your day as much as possible per day, aka I will make an effort to write in this thing
  6. mercenary vahki
    What just happened yo, this website went hard. Also, lol @ entry below. Anyone still remember me? Also, anyone want to play some league of legends? hit me up, IGN's MercenaryXero.
    Aight, real, peace out dawgs
    EDIT DEC 24
    I would like to clarify that this post was written in jest. I apologize for any inconvenience.
  7. mercenary vahki
    Today I got these in the mail, THE SOUNDENINGGGGGGG
    Yeah so best idea of the month right there. Also I have relegated itunes to the "terrible software I only keep because it has one thing I need" pile. Really kids, don't buy idevices, or use that infernal store. It's like checking into an overpriced prison. And once you've invested, you can't get away without losing everything you paid for. Also terrible bitrates
    tl;dr I switched to foobar2000, its da best
  8. mercenary vahki
    Since I haven't been around in quite a while, I figure I might say some stuff that I would have said had I been around.
    Avatar was kind of stupid
    quit crying, shut up and enjoy life
    modern warfare 2 is full of worthless people
    windows 7 is da best
    linux likes to explode when you upgrade it
    im da best mayn; i deeeyd eet (lol rappers)
    high school is the easiest thing ever
    district 9 was the best movie of last year
    9 was the worst
    I am the master of media centers
    etc etc

  9. mercenary vahki
    So there's this college by my house
    full of terrible people
    Whenever they have parties its like someone dumped a vat of stupid on the entire neighborhood
    so anyway one of them dropped a 30gb ipod
    get some
  10. mercenary vahki
    If you're feeling like I once was and now am, you'll know that things always come full circle. That time of year has come once again, and faithfully We rise to meet it. Oh, of what time do I speak??
    It is the time of Endyears, where years are ended.
    Charge into the future, purging your existence in the primordial solitude. Emerge a creature, lean and cunning. Grasp onto the threads of time, and propel us onward.
    And all will rise indeed.
  11. mercenary vahki
    So I was chillin with my friend and he saw some 2008 set on the shelf
    He was like "dude bionicle used to be awesome you could move their arm and stuff with gears" and i was like "srsly look at the stuff they make now" and he was like "wat this thing looks nothing like lewa, more like power rangers lol" and i was like "look at kopaka" and we both were like "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"
  12. mercenary vahki
    So I was in Canada right
    built a cabin with my bare hands right
    carried thousands of pounds of shingles and lumber right
    came back right
    that was my weekend
  13. mercenary vahki
    So I've been back yo
    Bought a game gripper cuz imma grip them games soooo hard, ya herd
    Also just bought Mega64 version 1, plan on getting them all, just spaced out so as to savor or something
    oh and Satoshi Kon died
    I liked paranoia agent
    Oh and while I'm on the subject of Madhouse, Highschool of the Dead is garbage. Laka tell your friends what some guy on the internet said
    also, woodz with a z (injoke, whatevz)
  14. mercenary vahki
    So my parents were all like "hay lets go to famous daves and then go see adventureland"
    So I ate some swine meat
    But then a glorious revelation was bestowed unto me from on high
    "adventureland sucks, see wolverine movie"
    And it was done, and much rejoicing was had
    tl;dr it was a good movie
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