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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by mercenary vahki

  1. mercenary vahki
    So I've been playing Red Faction: Guerrilla, aka Break Things on Mars: The Game
    Its really fun, but the difficulty gets way hard pretty fast, so I'd recommend switching down a difficulty level midway through. (Unless you really like suicide carbombing being your only viable tactic)
    So yeah its pretty cool
    Also noone is ever on MSN anymore
    stop doing your homework and get on
    like a responsible person
  2. mercenary vahki
    Apart from the fact that they're av-matoran with a few new bits, the Stars seem cool, for a couple reasons.
    -Nostalgia. Well, tahu at least
    -The name "Stars" just screams of Japanese/ eastern influence, which strikes a favorable chord with me. Or maybe its because I read Wrack's entry about them before actually seeing them.
    -New pieces seem like they could be useful
    -Dude, the first tahu rerelease in foreverrrrr
    -If you say tahu mistika I'll tell you to shut up
    anyway yeah
  3. mercenary vahki
    The good news is that I've almost completed my current WIP. It's over a foot tall, not even fully extended. Mostly System with technic skeleton and balljoints. Decidedly strange.
    Oh, the bad news?
    I'm missing the two last pieces, which just happen to be very critical and pretty much irreplaceable. I know I own them, but it will take a bit of searching, and if that fails, a parts order.
    E: found one, will continue my quest tomorroorororoorow oh man im tired
    GOT IT
  4. mercenary vahki
    I give it a 9
    out of 20
    Hated the first half or so, was okay with the rest (relatively)
    The animation was well done, except for the numbered dudes (HEY GUESS WHAT BURLAP CLOTH OR WHATEVER IS NOW ELASTIC OLOLOLO)
    seriously it was like all the worst movie cliches packed into the first half hour
    if you want details, I'll answer comment questions
  5. mercenary vahki
    Trillian astra is godmode for chat
    It has almost everything you would ever want
    Like [social networking site I don't know I can mention] chat support. Seriously, that thing never works on the actual site, lol
  6. mercenary vahki
    So I'm chillin after school and I need to purchase a meat stick
    So I steal this guy's batteries out of his CD player
    He comes back and I'm like "dude do you want to buy some batteries I have extra"
    and hes like "no I think I have some" but then he discovers that he doesn't
    I proceed to sell him his batteries for a kingly sum of fifty cents
    That meat stick was the greatest I have ever tasted
  7. mercenary vahki
    I have returned!
    actually I'm going to leave for about 26 days (!) on sunday.
    So if you need anything from me, get it now.
    On another note, the night before I left, my posts, were, uh, different. Figure it out yourselves =3
    Also, have I missed anything?
  8. mercenary vahki
    There's an ontarian island with my name on it. Be back on... thursday maybe idk at this point
    also noooo im missed you contest deadline draco
    also alos id be talkin like Wm P. but ef da man fo rizz
    alsoooo dragons
  9. mercenary vahki
    So, school's out. That's cool, I guess. I'm still waiting for classes to get hard enough to warrant studying for finals, this year was pretty easy.
    I'll be off to canadia on friday, also I think I'll post my 54 today
    Also watchin GITS: SAC, because netflix + xbox = win
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