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Status Updates posted by Kayru

  1. Another person giving props to your quote... but also to your 'interests' on your profile. :3

  2. Same as last comment... or rather, there's also the fact that I'm not sure anymore what's worth writing about.

  3. What the...

    I used to have a demo for Pajama Sam from some cheapo demo CD. I didn't know anyone, ANYONE knew about it. Like... -I- forgot I knew it until I saw that.

  4. I plan to, once I have time to make graphics :D

  5. Not sure yet. I'm kind of in a fog because of a recent surgery, and college is pretty intense. Maybe when I have time I'll pull a quick one. XD

  6. Awesome awesome. I love piano. I try a little bit of everything, since I'm pretty good at teaching myself too.

  7. Played from 5th grade throughout high school. Haven't got the time much during college, although I'm meeting my old drumline buddies on Friday. :) You play?

  8. A shame for sure, but understandable.

    I need to go to BrickFair someday so I can meet a BZP female staffie... it gets hard sometimes being the only one on BS01. :b

  9. Yes, we are THE Kayru and THE .... Kevin? lol. I won't ask.

  10. I heard you've been to past BrickCons... any reason you weren't at this year's?

  11. I heard you weren't able to come to BrickCon... sadface.

  12. Why hello, stranger! =D

  13. Ah, so you're the one who did the Hacker camp! I think upon looking back in the EM art contest, you'll realize we actually already knew each other. Oh and HI =]

  14. Why hello, fedora'd friend!

  15. NUUU!

    1. UngluedBike
    2. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!?!?!?

    3. Kayru


      Heck I'd like to know too... XD this may have been the only status I ever had on here.

  16. hahaha thanks! =)

  17. True. The storyline years I hated the most are the least purchased sets.

  18. Mm, I don't know concerning your opinion about the sets... after all there are a lot of set-loving female artists out there... but I agree, I think most girls' favorite part is the story.

  19. Hey, I know what you mean. It's true there aren't many decent female MOCers... not sure why. I personally don't find mine that great either but I'm told otherwise. Thanks! =)

  20. Might I ask why you added me as a friend? Or are you archiving staff's accounts on your friend list or something?

  21. Yes it is, about two years ago. =) And thank you!

  22. Just in case you weren't aware, it's spelled Octagon.


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