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Blog Comments posted by Drexer

  1. I actually have your blog subscribed; more for the enjoyement of some of your small but relaxing(and occasional) narrations more than everything. As so, I usually never have the time to reply in any of your entrys, but this one in my opinion deserves a comment.


    I ain't a hypocrite, a sadistic person, nor a violent person. I'm not a violence lover or anything like that. Yet, there's oen thing that I sometimes do that might surprise or even make some of those that read this consider what I say before a lie; usually, on my spare time, or on some situations(like when I cannot sleep), I go into the web and read stories about school shootings, stories like this later one.


    I do it not because of liking horror stories(although I like the genre), not in some weird kind of mourning ritual for the lost ones in those cases; but to see, to visualize and to learn more about the shooters. On the rare occasions when I discuss this with my colleagues they call me strange because while they are quick to classify them as suffering from some kind of weird mental condition, I'm more reluctant, more hesitant you might say; I have a extreme difficulty in considering any human being lesser than other in the ways of the mind, and the facts about those cases usually support me; they aren't psychologically portrayed as mentally defective people, but instead as normal people whose ways of thought are just different.


    I only talked about this because I thought it was necessary to give an explanation before explaining the part that most concerns your post. Almost a year ago I bought and read the book We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver; I'm not going to say that its real because its fiction, yet I cannot possibly recommend any other book that you might want to read more than this one, not only because of that so called psychological analysis that I usually do, but because it perfectly shows how such an accident is unexpected, sudden, blunt and quick in the life of others, and how deep and long can the scars go tho those that are near and to those that are far. How indifference is created, how despite and anger is born; how, above all, we are humans and not oblivious to 'someone else'.


    I'm Portuguese and as such some of those who read this might think that not living in the US I cannot possibly do such a evaluation of such cases and give such an opinion; specially since Dr.B. so many times wrote in the terms of country. The fact is, that across the ocean, your culture is infiltrating into my generation of ours, and this phenomenon that was born so big over there might become as big over here. In that perspective, it's a much your problem as it's mine; we're citizens of the world above all other things.


    Just my two cents.

  2. First about the guest star parts:


    Altough it can be viewed as a simple way to secure reviews, it can certainly be much more than that. Someone being accepted as a guest star allows that person to (normaly)create a good relation with the writer. Altough it can be true that the GS serve mainly as a way to make sure that the reviews keep coming, many times the reader and the reviewer can form a good friendship, and can really become a more cooperative team, working together to help each other, specially in the epic.


    Besides the simpel fact that being a guest star makes the reader feel valored and makes him think of himself not as much as a 'random paserby reviewer', but rather as 'someone who the writer kind off trusts'.


    Of course I could be all wrong and just speculating without sucess...


    About the state of the epic forum:


    Yes, it truly is a declining sight, with all of those hordes of people simply following their adored writers, even if they only like their writing because of some othe rthing they made. But after all, that's life; if the river gets faster, the fish just has to swim faster to keep up.


    We can't hope for a perfect library, we'll just have to work for one.


    PS: I don't know if you've seen it, but have you passed your eyes on the 'Official How to Review' topic? I for one started a little project in there, and jut because I haven't udated it, doesn't mean it should be dead(both the topic and the project).

  3. Ah yes, I can't say I understand totally the correspondance of the holidays from Singapore with the ones form Portugal, but I at least understand plenly your dificulies in the schedules, seeing that I too am going to have exams, one of the many reasons why I've slowed my flow of reviews.


    But at least, let me say that I had started to read your Pilak series, not being able to finish them, I completely forgot about your writing. Fortunely, this blog alerted me into your new epic, something I believe must be quite good; I'll have to see when I can get around to read it...


    Until then I hope.

  4. Ah yes; suspense and mistery, two of the biggest tools that a writer can use, and also the two taht can give the biggest troubles. First, let me just add that I've indeed read all of the BP until now bones; the first epic and the 4 SS on a day, and I read the beggining of AoS just the oher day; although I haven't been able to review due to my busy schedul, that doesn't mean that the story doesn't uninterest me, quite by the contrary.


    First, let me just point out this little thing, the fact that I too have a series of epics and short stories, and up until this point they only consist on extensions and turn-arounds on the original storyline, taht slowly conjure up as a puzzle. I think 've been quite sucessfull with that structuration, even though I still have to fix two temporal mistakes that up until now nobody noticed(but, like I'm sure you'll understand, this bugs the mind of the writer a lot).


    The BP, is a series taht I found quite interesting, due toits deviation from the storyline, and the presence of the source for deviation, even though it's covered by mistery. In fact, I have to admit that since I first saw the banner of the BP I thought 'Now, this must be quitean interesting epic, yet, storyline perfect, coming from bones', or something along those lines.


    Yet, what most fascinated me in the BP was inf act, the overall sense of mistery,of something misplaced, of small clues left in the descriptions and events, on the small subintended prophecies, on the recurring circumstances(okay, now I'm going too much like when I examine 'The Maias' in my portuguese class :P )...


    Yes, indeed mistery is a very difficult sword to focus your power through, but you manage to do it quite well, something I love in your stories, and for that I congratulate you. But hey, the task is hard on all of us, we can only hope for the some good luck/skill that will really help us; otherwise, what are we but empty Matoran, deprived of their Kanohi to live?


    Putting a BP review on my to-do list as I sign off and anxiously waiting for the next chapter.



  5. Of course. If BZP has taken tis, of course it must be good.


    Remember me? Don't know if you do, seeing that I stopped reviewing Kulagi's Kanoka and all of that... scholl doesn't help >_<. And the exams are coming 2*>_<. Not to mention all of the time that I waste with the Boy-Scouts(but that's a far too healthy hobby, no blame can be put on it, don't you agree? ^_^ Especially with the Jamboree coming up). Nonetles, I'll se if I can read them sometime soon..


    Just a thing. You entered Lego with 'Alians' or with 'Aliens'?


    (Just to copy you:P); Signing off with my favorite smiley.



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