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Angry Nidhiki

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Blog Entries posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. Angry Nidhiki
    So I have to apply for early review admission for high school by Wednesday. That's right, applying for high school. My school district is awesome that way. I'm trying to get into a really hard program, so wish me luck!
  2. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, I'm volunteering for Beta Club by babysitting for this organization thingymabobber... Kinda fun, actually. I can't get a new comic up today, I'm too busy. But I can still listen to Padora. They have computers at this place, so that's how I'm using it. Technically, my mom said I was banned from using the computer today, but she doesn't know. Well, I'll be roaming around, as always... Np paint pic today.... Actually, I could... Maybe I will. Who knows.
  3. Angry Nidhiki
    Went to church today to wash windows, Mom's forcing me to work on Beta club hours already... I learned something. I really stink at window washing, my dad had to help me.
    I was going to go over to my friend's house later to go swimming, but it might not happen, 'cause there's a severe t-storm watch. Crud............
    Well, I've continued my 2 week streak of comics every day on N&K... If you're reading this, go visit my comics. I'm watching Napoleon Dynamite for the 5th time in 2 days... GREAT movie. My sister saw it though, and barely laughed at all the first time. Now she gets the jokes though.
    BTW, I started a fav dark hunter poll. VOTE FOR ME, NOT THE SHADOWED ONE YOU INSOLENT CREEPS!
  4. Angry Nidhiki
    I've noticed that pretty much all Internet comics are of the side scroller type. You know, a never-ending expanse of horizontal background. Sure, all's well, all's well... But have you ever thought that maybe, comics should be up-and down, since we scroll our screens up and down?
    Just thought it was kind of weird.
    And anyway, I've always wanted to walk on walls. Get it?
  5. Angry Nidhiki
    Please, please don't vote for Sanjaya. Something is clearly wrong, in that everyone is voting for him. He's got barely any talent at all.
    If you do vote for him, I'll compare you to this:
    Picture removed because it eventually disturbed me and I think it disturbs everyone else. ~~~~~~NiD!!!~~~

    You've been warned.

  6. Angry Nidhiki
    Once upon a time,
    A squirrel bit a nut.
    It was big and juicy,
    Just like a...... nut.
    The squirrel sat and chewed it,
    He chewed and chewed and chewed.
    He chewed his way right threw it,
    And spat it out, how rude.
    "That's not nice" said the Recycling God.
    "That's called littering.
    You see, when you litter,
    You're being annoying."
    "Do you think I care?" replied the Squirrel
    "Rules are stupid!"
    Then the Nature God incinerated the Squirrel,
    Just a puddle of fluid.
  7. Angry Nidhiki
    As I'm standing in the wet grass,
    I pick up a rock.
    Cold, and wet.
    I see moss.
    As I stare at the moss,
    I see little creatures.
    They are so tiny,
    In their own little world.
    Then I squash them with my hand.
  8. Angry Nidhiki
    Once upon a time, there was a young toa named Tahu. One day, Tahu was at school, and the teachers handed out a bunch of useless papers. Of course, all the young toa didn't care, so they folded them all into paper airplanes.
    Well when Tahu was on the bus, he decided to throw his airplane out the window. He briefly saw the airplane find its way into the mouth of an unsuspecting Lady Kopaka before his bus rounded the corner.
    Tahu went home, turned on his Wii, and forgot all about the incident.
    That's actually based on a true story... I said, BASED on.
  9. Angry Nidhiki
    I had a swim clinic an hour away today, so I went to church, then drove over, stopped by to see my cousin at the VA who was in a coma, ate lunch with my aunt, and then went to the clinic. It was awesome!!!!! I can finally do butterfly again; the lanes were over 2 feet wide.
    Did I mention that the clinic was run by two Olympic gold medalists?
    Gosh, I forgot what I was going to say.
    See ya!
  10. Angry Nidhiki
    FFVII: Advent Children.......
    It was at some points great, and at others completely depressing. The climatic action scenes were great, but the movie progressed extremely slowly, it was repetitive, and worst of all, the script was awful and the female voices (and some effeminate male voices) were terrible. It was like Star Wars Episode I all over again. Ugh...... The 4 stars, I can now see, were taken solely from a few great scenes. Oh well.....
    Hey, check out my new profile pic!
  11. Angry Nidhiki
    I really am almost dead right now. I worked for HOURS on AC 12, because It has about 30 panels. That's right, 30 PANELS.
    Vote for me now. Because...... I...... rock.........
    *Falls asleep*
  12. Angry Nidhiki
    Ich mag Sachen in deutsche verwendende crud-ish Übersetzer online übersetzen. Es ist wirklich Spaß Wußten Sie daß, wenn Nehmen zu viel Lamisil, Sie Ihre Zehennägel herunterfallen lassen kann?
  13. Angry Nidhiki
    Now if anyone can explain to me why I chose to do Algebra 2 in the eighth grade, please tell me, because I really don't know. It's INSANE! XD
    This week, we learned about factoring binomials, polynomials and trinomials, multiplying and dividing monomials, and simplifying radicals. All in ONE WEEK! And it's gonna get a heck of a lot harder. I'll just pray that I don't have a spasmatic meltdown and get sent to a mental institute. XD
    But Language Arts has been really fun. We read Young Goodman Brown and Circumstance (both great short stories, one about a guy who is condemned to (the underworld) and another about a woman who stops a beast from killing her bby singing hymns to it), and they were awesome. And today we translated rap songs into formal language and the preamble of the United States Constitution into informal... (that was especially fun XD).
    Science= okay, but a bit boring. I have it firt period, so I get done with it quickly. Social Studies is great, I love the teacher.... and we get into great discussions. And then French... smae teacher as last year, and it's pretty fun. Today we had a party and I ate 4 things of ice cream.
    And then band.... my life and the way I survive. That is going great, though some players got especially sucky over the summer....... XD
    Anyway, other stuff.
    I've thought about actually DOING that movie I joked about... might need a bit of help, as far as getting it done by halloween, but it's become a possibility.. actually, if math homework continues like this, I probably won't get it done.
    I finally get to PLAY metroid Prime Hunters and Metroid Prime Pinball today! My dad took them for a month cause I did something he didn't like... and now I get them! woot.
    And lastly, today's random fact.
    Did you know that the actor for House (show on Fox) is the smae as the dad in Stuart Little 1 and 2? Scary thought, but it's true.
  14. Angry Nidhiki
    This is how it works: There's a message stuck in there. Between each letter in the actual sentece, you'll find a bunch of meaningless letters. The message is based on the graph of 2^x; The first letter is number 2, the second is number 4, the third is number 8, the fourth number 16, etc.
    I'll do something special if anyone actually tries it. XD
    Especially since I never finished it. It got way too long for me to concentrate on it.
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