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Angry Nidhiki

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Blog Entries posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. Angry Nidhiki
    My unexplained absence may have caused one to think that I no longer even cared about my blog. Well one would be wrong.
    May I just say, thank you to the BZP admins for giving this feature to everyone, because I like it. A lot. XD
    Man I wish I could reset my rating. Some people just like to hate.
    Well anyway, as this is my first blog entry in a number of unaccounted months, I would like the shout out about the most exciting non-political-related happening since my last entry:

    Oh my gosh, this is DEFINITELY the best movie ever. If you haven't seen it already, go see it now, it owns beyond belief.
    Moving on to other stuff:
    I don't know if any of you guys watch the Daily Show. It's a political show on Comedy Central-- thus, we should not really be discussing it here. However, I must say that I was watching it one day and something caught my eye: Barack Obama ringtones!!!!!!!!
    This is perhaps the strangest political campaign I have heard about in my life. If you go to BarackObama.com, you can download 7 ringtones and 4 wallpapers for your mobile phone. I'll go low enough to admit that I did, indeed, download all 7 of the ringtones, and that I am currently using one of the ringtones and one of the wallpapers. Most of the ringtones are just fragments of his more well-known speeches, but the first one is what I like the best. It can be simply described just by giving the lyrics:
    "Go, Go, Go, Obama, Obama - OHHHH!!!! Go, Go, Go, Obama, Obama"
    And you thought you'd seen weird.
    Well, that's about all I have to say for today. Remember when discussing the last item of interest to keep it down to a dull roar, not actually turning this this topic into a political discussion, because I can be sure that a Moderator will be here to close the topic promptly if you choose not to abide by BZP rules.
    ThanK - yA.
  2. Angry Nidhiki
    In my plot to be the most innovative quiz-maker in the history of the planet Earth, I have devised yet ANOTHER new quiz. I call it...
    It's called the guessing quiz, because you have to guess the question that you're supposed to give the answer to.
    Happy Guessing!
    1. _________________________________________!$)(*@%(@($!__+!)+_)$!!
    2. _________________________________________!()$*!()$*!()$*)!((!$(!+_$)!!
    3. ___ !@*(!()*!)(%!($(!$*(_(!_!$((!$!+_$()_!($_($_(!$+_!+_$)!+_$)!+_$!+_$!$+!!
    4. __________________________________________________________!()*()!*#!(#!!
  3. Angry Nidhiki
    This is how it works: There's a message stuck in there. Between each letter in the actual sentece, you'll find a bunch of meaningless letters. The message is based on the graph of 2^x; The first letter is number 2, the second is number 4, the third is number 8, the fourth number 16, etc.
    I'll do something special if anyone actually tries it. XD
    Especially since I never finished it. It got way too long for me to concentrate on it.
  4. Angry Nidhiki
    My new personal photo has "handsome" written all over it.
    That's actually me.
    That red-headed kid I post pictures of all the time is actually Shaun White. He's my house servant.
  5. Angry Nidhiki
    The feedback to my theory was overwhelming. I'm glad you liked it.
    Now, for a short story:
    Once upon a time, there was a duck. He had no name, since this story is too short for a name to be of any particular significance.
  6. Angry Nidhiki
    I'm testing out this theory-- I call it the Stop Making Sense Makes Sense Theory. Don't ask about the name. I've theorized that, if we all stopped making sense, all 7 billion of us on this planet, all at the same time, it would suddenly make sense, because everyone's doing it. For example, when you see all of your friends on their heads, wearing panty hose on their heads and sunglasses on their feet, and they are waiting in line to jump off a cliff, as you watch each of your friends jump off of the cliff, what most likely goes through your mind is this:
    "Well, gee. Before, I thought that would make no sense at all if I did it, but now it seems to totally make sense, and not doing it makes no sense at all!!!"
    See what I mean? I say I'm pure genius.
    Another reason we should all stop making sense is that is says to on my favorite album cover. (see left)
  7. Angry Nidhiki
    Interesting question. The answer is yes. I tried taking on the Oregon Trail without buying clothes (My friend told me that if you go without clothes, you'll have enough money to buy another ox.) I took said friend's advice, and froze to death before Independence Rock.
    [An intelligent answer for an intelligent question]
    So, what's up guys? Dead? Alive? Any new nose jobs?
    Say, I've been thinking about pulling a Michael Jackson. Meaning a nose job, not meaning bleaching my skin. My skin's already white enough.
  8. Angry Nidhiki
    I haven't posted a real blog entry in a while, but I'll post one now. Ha.
    I had my state swim meet this weekend, it was cool. Besides backstroke, I had lots of fun. (relatively...) I cut of .3 seconds on my 50 freestyle, .5 seconds on the 100 back, and I cut off 64 seconds on the 100 free.
    It's actually true, according to the records. I had some wacked-out seed time (2:05) that was quite obviously not right. I actually ended up cutting off 5 seconds though, so it was good.
    My district representative, John Yarmuth, is going to be on the Better Know A District portion of the Colbert Report!!!! YAY!!!!
  9. Angry Nidhiki
    If you were wondering about the answer to that question, the answer is yes. I'm perfect in every way-- so perfect, in fact, that I don't have to I disagree with this original content. (Oh, sorry... Didn't mean to offend anyone... -NID) in order to keep all my self esteem. (And a bit of ego, maybe... )
    If any of you disagree, I'll..... fight you! XD
  10. Angry Nidhiki
    If I gave you a hypothetical sack of stones, with a hypothetically infinite supply of stones, and you saw a hypothetical flock of birds sitting on a hypothetical power line, would you kill two birds with one stone or one bird with two stones? If you really think about it, the people who came up with the phrase "Two Birds With One Stone" were probably just lunkheads looking to become famous, because everyone knows that when you have a hypothetically infinite supply of stones, there's no real point to killing two birds with one stone rather than two birds with two stones, unless of course you're trying to kill both birds without scaring one away first.
    The professor has spoken.
  11. Angry Nidhiki
    I beat the cave of Ordeals, and I got all the Golden Bugs, thus getting the Big Giant Wallet! What now?
    Feel free to reply in the most inane manner possible. (HW: Look up "inane" in the dictionary.)
  12. Angry Nidhiki
    Okay, a new quiz! There ARE right answers, so don't just pass it off for a joke!
    1. Are you an Alpaca or a Llama? (answer very carefully........)
    2. Do you wear green tights to work?
    3. Is there REALLY a difference between a llama and a duck?
    4. If I handed you my shoe and told you to eat it, would you?
    5. Have you read your Onion today?
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