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Angry Nidhiki

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Blog Entries posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. Angry Nidhiki
    It's the last day of school right? So today we played Guitar Hero II and DDR. But the best things was Karaoke Revolution (tsk tsk...). I scored 28,000 out of 30,000 on Material Girl by Madonna. Scary, eh?
  2. Angry Nidhiki
    I beat Final Fantasy IV yet another time.
    And by gosh, I'm gonna need to get FFVI.
    And guess what else-- We rented FFVII: Advent Children. Hopefully, I'll get to watch it today.
    Man, I hope I get the two Black Mages CDs for Christmas.
    If you're weirded out by over-exposure to Final Fantasy, I'm sorry.
    I think I'll go bug Turakii now.
  3. Angry Nidhiki
    So I had a swim meet Saturday. It was at my home swimming pool... and you know, we have really small lanes and no starting blocks. But I ended up getting just half a second over my best time on 100 Breaststroke, only two tenths of a second over my best on 50 free, and A SECOND OFF on my 100 backstroke! (I hate backstroke.....) So I'm happy. And the kid I narrowly beat in every race had pecs like THIS BIG-- (stretches arms wide...). So he looked like a 14-year old clone of John Basedow. Scary. But I did good. So YEAH!
    Now, on a lighter note, I ate 25 spoonfuls of peanut butter today. XD
  4. Angry Nidhiki
    Well guess what? It's Saturday, and I have nothing to do! So I tried learning to actually PLAY THE GUITAR... And the video that came witth it is so boring, I can't believe it! I guess I'll go eat or something...
  5. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, remember that guitar that I pretty much never got? Well, it finally came today after 6-8 weeks plus ohhh...... about 80. XD Well I finally got it, and it's not quite as cruddish as I had expected. Besides the fact that it has an image of Nuparu plastered onto it, it's pretty cool actually. It has extra string, a 10 foot cord, a treble-bass-rhythm pick-up switch, a tuner, volume controls (wow.......), and a strap. Yay. Pretty elementary, but I expected less. Oh yes. It comes with no amp. How stupid.
    Hmm.... Cruddish is underlined in red.....
    See ya.
  6. Angry Nidhiki
    I just got accepted into the Math Science and Technology program at my choice school. Which is REALLY good. It's really hard to get into, and believe it or not it's one of the top high schools in the nation. So now I'm excited-- though Science Fair is required in this program, and the Science Fair is really rigorous. So that's the bad part. But still, I got in!
    Sorry I couldn't be on for so long. Homework.
  7. Angry Nidhiki
    Bonjour toulemonde. J'aime parler francais maitenant. Mais j'aime parler anglais aussi. Tu ne fait pas parler francais? C'est tres mauvais.
    Oh well.
    Kohaku told me to post a translation:
    Hi guys! I like speaking French right now. But I like speaking English also. You don't speak French? That's very bad.

  8. Angry Nidhiki
    I just beat FFIII! The ending was awesome-- a lot more satisfying than that of FFIV--- And every last speck of the game was brilliant. The 3D rendering of the game was perfect, and I'm sure all the fans loved it. I hope they do more games like this, because I sold my soul to it.
    Other News.....

    I'm now a grandmama, hear? *sniff* My grandbaby was born at 6:30 this mornin'. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and *sniff* he's the cutest patootie you ever saw in your life. I'll post pictures later, you hear? *sniff*
    -- Lady Kopaka, Grandmama
    Let's see how long until LK notices.
  9. Angry Nidhiki
    So I'm back. I had Thanksgiving Dinner at my grandfather's retirement home, which was OH SO wonderful, as it was served all on a single plate, no seconds, and with plenty of collard greens. (eww...)
    I kept talking about them, but my mom made me stop because she said it sounded like I was saying "colored" and our waitress was African American... long story.
    So anywho, I missed you guys so muches! Oh, I missed you... hehehe.... XD Hey, I saw Happy Feet yesterday. Strange movie. REALLY strange. Judging by the poor performance of the video game, I predicted that it would be terrible. But it was AWESOME!!!!!! Maybe it was because of the ownager soundtrack. Or because it was funny... or because it was so serious it was funny. All I know is that I loved it...
    I also got to see part of Borat. But on that subject, I will speak no more. If you have seen it, codename:
    And that's all, folks!
  10. Angry Nidhiki
    I'm playing FFIII, and I just got to level 60 with my dragoon/dark knight! (Right now, he's a job level 69 dragoon.) If that confuses you, you probably a) have never played Final Fantasy, and B) should be confused.
    OTHE R N EWS.. ... ..
    We just finished Frankenstein, and are now reading The Merchant of Venice in English Class! Yay Shakespeare! (Did you know that Shakespeare ripped every single one of his plots of of somebody else, and that people only liked him because he worded things well?)
    Did you know that I have a level 27 cerebellum?
  11. Angry Nidhiki
    In case you guys don't know, "Give Up The Funk" is a song by Parliament. (The Band, not the Legislature.) And Station WEFUNK is a fake radio station referred to in one of Parliament's songs, "P-Funk (Wants to Get Funked Up)".
  12. Angry Nidhiki
    There's no school today, did you know that?
    I know, stupid way to start a blog entry on a Saturday. I'm almost done with the third level on Elite Beat Agents, after which I unlock Commander Kahn (YAY!) for multiplayer! So as soon as I get past the ridiculously hard final songs, I can do that. Yes....
    Other News:
    I ate my thumb!
  13. Angry Nidhiki
    So I have to apply for early review admission for high school by Wednesday. That's right, applying for high school. My school district is awesome that way. I'm trying to get into a really hard program, so wish me luck!
  14. Angry Nidhiki
    If you live in the U.S., today is election day. And that means you have to go out and vote! Under 18? Don't let legal age stop you. Because it is your duty as a citizen to vote on this day, whether or not you know anything whatsoever about the candidates! If you can't decide, pick the taller one!
    You go do that, while I watch Indecision 2006 tonight.
  15. Angry Nidhiki
    So yesterday, had a swim meet. I took off 15 and 30 seconds on my 100 breaststroke and 100 backstroke, respectively. But that's because I rarely do them. And then, I took off a SECOND AND A HALF on my 50 freestyle! 29.89!
    That was awesome. And guess what else! I found Elite Beat Agents (the best game ever by the way) at Costco for $26.95-- TWO DAYS BEFORE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT! The people there must have been confused, but I didn't care, I bought it up! And I've already beaten it. If you like DDR, you'll LOVE EBA. It never gets old. The song selection is awesome, with Queen, Earth Wind and Fire (YAY NIDDY!), Rolling Stones, Chicago, The Village People (Y.M.C.A.), and whoever wrote Canned Heat (you know that song from Napoleon Dynamite where he's dancing). And the integration of songs into the game is seamless. Whether it be the awesome gameplay, the awesome moves, or the hilarious story that turns you on, you'll love it. So get it.... tomorrow. I forgot that the general public can't get it yet. But still- get it!
    Also, I promised pictures. Here you go. Notice the EYES.

    Ooh, Bright.

    Kohaku - Image containing leet removed.
  16. Angry Nidhiki
    Once upon a time,
    A squirrel bit a nut.
    It was big and juicy,
    Just like a...... nut.
    The squirrel sat and chewed it,
    He chewed and chewed and chewed.
    He chewed his way right threw it,
    And spat it out, how rude.
    "That's not nice" said the Recycling God.
    "That's called littering.
    You see, when you litter,
    You're being annoying."
    "Do you think I care?" replied the Squirrel
    "Rules are stupid!"
    Then the Nature God incinerated the Squirrel,
    Just a puddle of fluid.
  17. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, internet was out ALL DAY yesterday! I guess my comp was inhabited by the evil spirit of Melvin......
    So I dressed up as a nerd. Algebra book, copy of "Newsweek", and a sign that says "I'm a level 99 Black Mage" (really am.....)
    Other side's written in leet, so I can't show you. (In written text.)
    Pictures soon.
    GO SEE IT!!!! NOW!!!!!
  18. Angry Nidhiki
    Look what I made on my graphing calculator!

    And look what else..... PLAID!

    So, fitting in with the theme....
    I'm gonna be a nerd for Halloween! Shouldn't be too hard, since I already am one...
  19. Angry Nidhiki
    Once upon a time, there was a boy, who's hopes and dreams were set on becoming a member of Psycho Dogs and Carbonated Beverages. His hopes and dreams were shattered, though, when, well, he didn't become one.
    The end.
    Well, I suppose it's okay. I can still post comics and stuff... and that's al that matters.
    And Ray made it, which is good. Cause he's cool.
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