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Angry Nidhiki

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Blog Entries posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. Angry Nidhiki
    Exo may be so cereal, but I am ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oatmeal! That's right, I have oatmeal superpowers matched by no other.
    On another note: Anyone watch Captain Planet? You know, the superhero who tells you what your house is made of?
  2. Angry Nidhiki
    Uggh.... Who told Melvin he had permission to blog? XD
    August 13, 2006
    Gosh. Ray's really ____'d off. XD I turned him back today, and he wasn't at all happy about it. Of course, then he goes complaining to Angry Nid about it.... he must think we're the same person. I can assure you, we are most certainly not. We are completely different... except for the fact that we look exactly the same. XD

    Oh my gosh! He needs to stop torturing Ray....
    There you are Ray. Are you all right?
    NO, I'm not alright!!!! You took off my arms and put them back again!
    I can assure you, Ray, that was not I.

  3. Angry Nidhiki
    Did you know that the star of the movie barnyard is a bull with an udder? Just thought I'd let you know.....
    And now for something completely different.
    I like Cocoa Puffs.
  4. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, I found this. How disturbing.
    I turned Ray into Rayman yesterday. How fun. He really seems to enjoy it a lot, though, that was not intended.
    Other notes: I have to buy a new pink bandanna to match Ang Nid's today, mine's getting discolored.
    Oh, and by the way. Igor ran away. Guess I'll have to get a better leash.
    I promise you this is real. Forged?
    Of COURSE not! Why would I do that?
  5. Angry Nidhiki
    Well lookie there! It's a bird.... It's a plane..... It's a tootsie roll...
    NO WAY! It's..... NIDDY MAN!
    Yeah. Like my new profile pic? I'm very, VERY proud of it.
  6. Angry Nidhiki
    Okay.... 4 H camp was really fun. Combine bows, arrows, rifles, GPS systems, canoes, fishing, and a whole lot of girls, you'll get my week. I'm serious, one of the best camps I've ever been to.
    Back to the future........
    Well, I'm not doing pretty much anything next week. I might go camping, but that won't be long enough to close a topic.
    Exo, you can't sue me. If you can reach my head, then you can try.
    I'm ssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SERIAL!
  7. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, my DSL modem's gone out, and have to temporarily use dial-up. The slowness! It's depressing. Anyway, I'm gonna be having a few problems....... actually not as slow as I thought it would be. Oh well....
    Mom's hogging the line now, so bye.
  8. Angry Nidhiki
    Well I'm bored...
    Ray thinks he might leave soon, which JUST WON'T DO.....
    But he probably won't I just a-know it.
    Anyway, not very exciting today.
    There have been two REALLY annoying flies buzzing around my house, and I'm too lazy to get out the old swatter...
    I went to a local jazz club last night, and got a cd of this really good trombone player.... Pretty dang good, I say, but I know Gera would hate it. XD
    Well, what to talk about, what to talk about, that 'tis the kestion....
    Um.... ate 3 eggs this morning. Dad and my sister went to Wild Oats, got some Bison Burgers...
    Of course, my sister, the picky-eater-for-life refused, as if she'd even TASTED them before..
    But I ate them. XD
    Well dad just installed a new wireless router, nw wi-fi works a whole lot better.
    See ya, friends
    (and Tap) (Ray gave me that, gotta give him credit.) XD
  9. Angry Nidhiki
    Looking through the "pulse" section of Nintendo Power, I noticed something odd. Some deranged reader had asked to see a "swimsuit poster of Samus, Peach, Daisy, and Zelda". And they asked that "it be Zero Suit Samus" and "The older Zelda, not the one from Wind Waker". How wrong is that? Then, to top it off, NP replied with not that, but a pic of some old geezer in his swimming trunks. XD That is truly wrong, in my eyes.
    P.S. My dad bought me MPH and MP Pinball. WOOT!
    Images of Red Bull flash across screen...
  10. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, got back from church camp safe and sound......
    Hears "Wade in the Water" stuck in his head...
    Well anyway, Mom dragged me to K-Mart today. It was quite sad.
    You know, K-Mart is one of those stores that is really strange and well.... not with it. While we were going through the store, half the lights just went out and came on two minutes later. No explanation. Plus, there were about the same amount of flies as there are members on BZP, and there was some old woman gripping paper towels with a pair of crutches and using them to mop the floor. 8(
    But the climax of the visit:
    Organic frosted Mini-wheats. Yummy, crunchy! Well, we got two boxes. Still won't match Whole foods, I bet.
  11. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, tomorrow I leave for.... CHURCH CAMP. Well, hope it goes well. I've never been there before, so I have no idea whether I'll love it or hate it. Either way, I'm going.
    Let's see.....
    WellI ate a bowl of frosted shredded wheat for breakfast. Wish I had some Crunchberries so I could show McSpit.....
    Well I have to practice piano 4 times today.... Kinda sucks. I mean, I like piano, but FOUR TIMES? Kinda weird, ya' know.
    Well, N&K Crew, tell me what you think. I'm thinking about getting a new fictional character: THE GEICO GECKO! I dunno.... Commercial icons do it for me. I'll sprite him myself I guess.... I did have to completely re-color Red bull, I guess I can do this.....
    Anyway, not much doing today. 2 Comic in N&K (YAY!) bfore I leave, so I guess that's good.
    Not much more to say, so...
    (that rhymed, slow-mo's).
  12. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, two things.
    A ) I beat the final of a ll finals and most finalest boss, Zeromus EG, at exactly 1:15 AM. Kinda funny, he looks like you took Zeromus, cut him open, made his guts face outward, and the strangest thing is that there was a Selene Warrior taped to his chest. But anyway...
    B ) No more talk of FF. Sorry guys, no more. Well, I COULD talk about my bestiary.... But I won't.
    Oh, gosh.
    Well, have to mow today. Fun, fun. ANd...
    Gosh, I blanked.
    Electrik Turrahk temporarily hated me yesterday, because he took me too seriously when I said I didn't read any of the entries and voted....
    Well that's all over.
    TTFN! Ta-ta for now!
    (that was scawy.)
  13. Angry Nidhiki
    Okay. Just got back from The Seattle area. One of the best vacations I've had in a while.
    Left on Saturday, stayed in Seattle.
    In the morning, we went to the Space Needle, Experience Music Project (great jimi hendrix samples, as well as a place where you can rock out on different instruments and create your own mix of Purple Haze), and... uh...
    Gosh, I forgot.
    Well, then we went and stayed with my dad's sister and her family on the Olympic peninsula... Really, REALLY fun, there was this garden at their house that was MASSIVE, and the town itself was just gorgeous. Beach town.
    On wedneday, we took the ferry to Victoria.... That was FUN. Did tons of stuff... saw this juggler with a GREAT sense of humor, really funny... though a few of his cracks weren't great for the kids...
    Went back the next day, stayed some more.... went and saw Pirates 2 on Saturday...
    Well, I left yesterday, got bumped, took a red eye, and got back at 9:30 this morning.
    Only thing was, my 16 year old cousin had a girlfriend. Yeah, she really was something. (Trying to keep this down to a low roar).
    But he did NOTHING but hang out with her. Kinda annoying.... at least she was nice.
  14. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, I'm off on vacation again. Wow. I'm only home one ou tof three weeks? Well, whatever. Get o see my cousins, one of which I haven't seen in like 7 or 8 years. So goood.
    Well anyway, I jus finished art camp.... did this awesome painting of this... cool dead tree. But the teacher said it was really good. RAY AND LK, I WILL GIVE YOU THE PLAY EVENTUALLY.
    So long! See y'all.... Like the Monday after next.
  15. Angry Nidhiki
    Woah. I saw Nacho Libre with my friend today. Woah. Really, really weird, I tell you. First of all, don't Nuns have vows of like, anti-marriage? Second, since when did Jack Black wrestle?
    Well anyway, at least JB's in it. It's actually pretty dang funny. Insane, yes, but funny.
    BTW, did I mention that I downloaded all these "Jack Black on the set of Nacho Libre" podcasts off of iTunes? Really, really funny. If any of you freaks have it, download the podcasts with Jack Black. Very, very funny.
    I'm a goofy goober, ROCK! da da, da da, I'm a goofy goober ROCK!
  16. Angry Nidhiki
    One day I grew a beard,
    And it was very long.
    Some people made fun of it,
    But they were always wrong.
    One day it got stuck,
    pinned by a thumbtack.
    That is why I cut it off,
    And I'll never grow it back.
  17. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, I got back from swim camp today. Hooray. Actually, I liked it a lot. Met lots of new friends, and actually had fun swimming. Wow. Also, turns out I'm good at volleyball....
    Several good things:
    A)Went from 1:15 to 1:06 on the 100 Freestlyle.
    B)Went from 17 seconds to 14 seconds on my 25 Butterfly
    C)YEAH! I broke 30 on the 50 free for the second time.... WOOTETH!
    We nicknamed this kid Speedoman, 'cause he wears a Speedo. AACCKKK!
    And then last night, 8 people stayed in my dorm. Ouch. We couldn't fall asleep until like 1 in the morning.
    Well anyway, it's gonna be hard getting used to normal life again, I had a great time.
    I own you ALL at swimming!
  18. Angry Nidhiki
    I like pie...... And I'm not here.....
    In case you're wondering, my brain is on vacation. I am totally out of it, and I feel like killing Krekka... like I don't always. Anyway, is LK not back til like monday? Golly. I am bored.
    My playwriting teadher's taking us to a cofee shop on Friday.... yay.
    I'm writing a play called 8d wars... and Ray's the villain.
  19. Angry Nidhiki
    I'm going to swim camp in a few weeks, and my mom is making me swim laps in our friends' pool while they're gone..... It's freezing cold. They almost took my DS away for the summer because I wouldn't start... by then, it got warmer. The thing is, I took off from swimming for the summer. So you know.... Yeah, whatever...
    My mom's gone at some party... I'm supposed to be reading... I'll read in a sec. I guess I'll end this entry....
    Good Night, and Good News.
  20. Angry Nidhiki
    I'm happy, I'm happy....
    You didn't hear that. Well, I started the second week of writing camp today. It was fun.... I made a poem out of this blog.
    Well... So.... I saw Prarie Home companion. Some really good bad jokes, but I couldn't tell them on BZPower...
    Lady K's gonna be gone til I'm like at swim camp. Oh, BTW. N&K will be shut down next week.
  21. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, I have to clean a lot today... I mowed our lawn, and we sorted clothes and stuff.... how boring.
    I played my DS some.... got more star coins on NSMB......
    Now I'm going swimming, to get ready for swim camp. At least I don't have practice this summer....
    Anyway, now that my brain's actually working, I'll just say that I'm going to see A Prarie Home Companion (The Movie) tonight. If you listen to the show, you'll know that it's one of the funniest shows on the radio. I'll be watching for Guy Noir.... Da DA-DA- DAAAAA....
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