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Crimson Jester

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Blog Entries posted by Crimson Jester

  1. Crimson Jester
    I have a newfound hatred for electrical storms and stairs... here's how the story goes (takes place between 10PM-12AM):
    I was by myself at home, sitting on the computer, talking to Hak, and lurking in the shadows of BZP. I looked outside, and saw a ton of lightning. In my typical fashion, I ignored it. I kept conversing with Hak, until I noticed the lights starting to flicker. I knew the power was going. I tried to let him know, but bam! Just as I was about to send the message, power goes out, and I'm immersed in total darkness in the basement.
    I slowly navigated my way through the basement, and to the stairs. Clambering up, I realized why stairs with turns suck after falling a time or two. Eventually, I made it into the upstairs living room, and got some candles. Once those were lit, I gathered some old issues of Official Xbox Magazine, and poured over them for two dark, boring hours.
    Eventually, having picked every word clean off of at least 3 OXM issues, I decided to crawl into bed. I made my way down the stairs, and to my bedroom, my dog following at my feet.
    Laying in bed for what seemed like ages, I couldn't fall asleep in the darkness (I usually fall asleep to the sound of South Park on TV). Then a light lit up, and I assumed it was a car driving by. Looking over, I noticed my clock was lit. I quickly jumped out of bed, and now I'm here, telling my story to you.
    And ironically, the first song to play on iTunes when I get on, is Darkness by Disturbed.
    Gah, well, enough of my epic tales. I've probably almost made your brains explode with suspense already.
    Until next time, BZPower.
  2. Crimson Jester
    Survival Instructor Staff: T-minus 27 days, and counting.
    I'm so freakin' excited. An entire summer living on an Air Force base, getting paid a good chunk of change to teach survival skills to my peers. If only the days would go faster.
  3. Crimson Jester
    Alright, here's what's going down. I had no plans whatsoever in entering RPG Contest 13. But, as fate has it, this absolutely sweet idea popped up in my head today. So, I wrote up a (rather weak) intro, and decided to let you guys look, and be the judge. So, here it is, be sure to leave feedback!

  4. Crimson Jester
    Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their fornication and murder will foam up about their waists and all the fornicatees and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!' And I'll whisper 'no'.
    We still need:
    -Silk Spectre I/II
    -Nite Owl I/II
    -Dr. Manhattan
    -Any Minutemen characters not listed.
    You wanna join in? Talk to me or The Comedian.
  5. Crimson Jester
    A little tidbit of info Nuju Metru so kindly allotted me:
    Nuju: you're a metal dude tho, right?
    CJ: Oh yeah. All about the metal.
    Nuju: thought so
    CJ: Haha, what gave that away?
    Nuju: i dunno. lets see. um. i simply can't remember!! [/sarcasm]
    CJ: Just toss a stone in the pond, man.
    Nuju: it -radiates- from you. the metal vibe.
    CJ: So, I AM metal?
    Nuju: you ARE metal
  6. Crimson Jester
    "The deadliest weapon in the world is a Jester and his rifle. It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat. Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead Jesters and then you will be in a world of hurt because Jesters are not allowed to die without permission. Do you maggots have what it takes?"

  7. Crimson Jester
    Weather's still bad. Snow, wind. Spring Friday.
    Four-day weekend, beginning tomorrow. Have to get black-and-purple grad suit. Going to have friends over, play CoD.
    Got accepted to teach survival at Cold Lake Air Force Base. Leaving June 28th. Excited.
    Boredom ensues. IM/PM me. Want to play CoD4.
  8. Crimson Jester
    As you can, see, I've added quite a few new things to the Blog. Its now set up like a computer data file for the Jesterland Defence Center, a National Guard-esque thing.
    The first new feature, Jester File, is a profile of myself, full of data errors and such.
    The second is the Jesterland Defence Force's Code of Honor, which is fairly straight-forward.
    The third feature is definitely the coolest. Its a club I've started called the Jesterland Defence Force. 'What is it?', you may ask. Its a small group I've added for the fun of it. Some of the features you get by joining are a spot in the Jesterland Defence Force roster, featured in my Blog, a custom Jester File and File Number for you to add to your profile, a name-customized Jesterland Defence Force Member seal for your blog, and a chance to be on the Member Spotlight! If any of these interest you, click the link there and send me a PM entitled "Jesterland Defence Force".
    Anyways, back to business.
    Today my foot is still swollen and bruised, but I did manage to walk about five blocks and grab an energy drink. Otherwise, again, I'm completely bored, so if you happen to come across this entry, PM me, or add me up on MSN or AIM.
    Until next time, BZP.
  9. Crimson Jester
    Yes, yes. It's been a while. But dun shoot me. I've been busy. Let's see what I have(n't) accomplished since I last blogged:
    -I managed to skin my foot, damage my ankle, cut an artery twice, and nearly concuss myself.
    -I got 100% on a description of the Somalia conflict by writing out the Black Hawk Down script in point form.
    -I collaborated on a new RPG, that could even be up in the RPG Contest 12 Submissions topic by tomorrow.
    -I learned to play a few songs on my guitar.
    -And, I survived the second-last week of school before Christmas Break, without just breaking down and faking sick.
    It's definitely be an overall interesting week, if I dare say so myself.
    Let's see what's on CJ's plate currently:
    -Christmas: I am so bloody pumped for Christmas, you can't even imagine. Aside from getting an Removed of sweet presents, I get to hang out with my long-lost cousin, do some ski-dooing, go to a party or two, visit my family, and just generally enjoy myself. My Christmas starts early this year, with Break beginning on the 19th, and an early Christmas present opening with some family on the 20th. Following, I'm going to the acreage until Christmas day, then back to my grandparents until Boxing Day, then back to the acreage until sometime close to New Years. On top of all that sweet stuff, I'll get to spend some time with that one special girl, which is pretty Removed. Do not bypass the filter. -Kohaku.
    -RPG Contest 12: As most of you aren't aware, myself, along with Koname and Rehz, have a new RPG basically ready for RPG Contest 12. We've been working the past little while to perfect it, and I have to say, I personally am quite proud of what we've pulled off. I won't divulge any details to you guys yet, so just look for Rehzzie posting it in the RPG Contest 12 Submission topic hopefully soon.
    -Other RPing: As well, with the help of Hak, I've created a new CoT RPG, in the wake of a failed Shattered Earth, entitled 'Terminal Point'. The premise is a Resource War between the United States and Communist China over the last remaining drops of oil in Europe. Be sure to check that one out once Toaraga has approved it.
    -Guitar: I had a recent relapse in guitar, and hadn't played for a few weeks, sadly. As of the last few days, I've been making special care to get as much practice as I can for the holidays, so I can A) impress that aforementioned chick () and B) jam out with my cousin on early Christmas. Recently, I've been playing Disturbed's Remember, and Just Stop, along with Metallica's Seek and Destroy.
    Well, I believe that's about all I have to say at this point. So:
    Until next time, BZP.
  10. Crimson Jester
    Things have come to my attention recently. Situations have been formed, due to both my own actions and things far beyond my grasp. Either way, I have come to the unwavering conclusion that, despite convictions to keep to themselves, everyone should learn to be comfortable with themselves. People should have the capability to be honest and open with everyone. They should learn to turn their thoughts and feelings into words, and communicate with those around them. In my eyes, confusion and miscommunication are the seeds of destruction. Life itself provides us enough mystery; people shouldn't be closing themselves off for whatever reasons.
  11. Crimson Jester
    Hey there, readers!
    As you all should know, I went and saw Disturbed on Tuesday. Here's my Removed. -Kohaku, official review:
    The show started off with some stupid emo band called Art of Dying, that was a bore. All they did was whine, and play their instruments in an ear-aching, atrocious manner typical of any emo music. Sad thing is, they were the only Canadian band there. >> There was a two-man, wussy emo mosh pit going on during their excruciatingly painful set, complete with recess-style pushing, over-dramatic actions, and lame lyric-mouthing.
    Once that garbage got off the stage, the other backing band, Egypt Central came on. I, personally, am a fan of this band, having heard them a few times on Sirius satellite radio. As I'd imagined, the didn't let me down, coming out strong, energetic, and pumping, giving me renewed vigor after the aforementioned emo band. They rocked their set, and we had a nice mosh pit going, which definitely got us prepared for the headliners. As well, I failed to mention; they have an extremely talented bassist.
    After that, we waited about 20 minutes, listening to Judas Priest and Iron Maiden blared through the speakers, as Disturbed's techs were setting up their equipment. The intermission was good, though, as it allowed us to get within 10 feet of the stage.
    Finally, the lights went out; the Maiden stopped. A quiet, suspenseful electronic number began to play, and red light flooded the stage. A man (Dave Draiman) was strapped to a dolly, with a straitjacket and Hannibal-esque mask on. After being lead out, and freed from his prison, Dave tossed off his mask, and the band appeared, opening up with an overly fitting 'Perfect Insanity'. The mosh pit was crowded, cheerful, and strong at this point. The played through many great hits, including 'Just Stop' (my favorite), 'Prayer', 'Liberate', 'Haunted', 'Land of Confusion', 'Voices', 'Deify', and of course, 'Indestructible'. Somewhere along the way, my friend tossed me up, and I crowd-surfed for several minutes, bouncing along the heads of the crowd. Eventually, I neared the front, and was pulled down by a security guard, and directed out of the area. While I went a grabbed a drink, Egypt Central's bassist moshed with my friends, which made me kinda upset. But, the crowd surfing was worth it. Later on, the music stopped, and Disturbed said goodnight. Myself and a friend began vocally demanding an encore, causing a large uproar in the crowd, with a massive foot-stomping, hand-clapping cadence. Soon thereafter, the band walked back on, and fired up again, playing a few more songs, including 'Inside the Fire'. The band stopped after two songs, and Mike continued, blowing the crowd away with a mind-blowing, three-minute drum solo, which lead into their finale, a slightly-faster, high-energy version of 'Down with the Sickness'.
    As the show ended, I looked down at my bruising, cuts, and sweaty new t-shirt, and grinned. This concert, although it had an initial downfall, was completely satisfying. I suggest, if you ever get the chance, that you go and see them.
    Aside from that wonderful tale, not too much is new. I've been working over the past couple days to master the solo to Disturbed's 'The Night'. It's going pretty good, I have all but the tapping and sweep-picked sections down.
    As well, I officially announced it today: due to a busy spring schedule, I won't be entering Wasteland in RPG Contest 12. Instead, look to see it come Contest 13.
    Otherwise, I'd better get going. I've got Biology this afternoon, and I'm gonna need some food energy if I hope to not fall asleep in it again.
    So, until next time, BZP.
  12. Crimson Jester
    So, went to a two-day sportsman's show on the weekend. Got my National Firearms Association card (yeah, I'm a Conservative, and no, I don't believe in gun control), and talked to some historical society guys. I got talking about my gun, I got offers upwards of $3000 for it. But I'm not sellin'.
  13. Crimson Jester
    So yeah. I conveniently posted my RPG in the last blog entry. You should give me your opinion on it. 'cause, y'know, its the one time I care about your opinion.
  14. Crimson Jester
    ...I had a decent weekend getaway over the last few days. Worth every minute of it. I get home, my cancer-stricken, three-legged dog has just died an extremely painful death.
    I hope you all had a good weekend, too.
  15. Crimson Jester
    Weather's bad today. -25C in the middle of March. Ready for the snow to go away.
    Easily aced English essay today. Done with short fiction unit. Have to study for English exam tomorrow. Don't want to, though.
    Nearing graduation; no ideas what I want to do. Many possibilities.
    Working on a new short story trilogy. First is ironic, pessimistic interpretive fiction. No war. Second, vigilante. Third, unknown. All will tie.
    Working on lyrics. Will post when done.
  16. Crimson Jester
    17th August, 1948
    It'll be five years next month. Five long, bloody years we've been in this
    Five is a pretty small number, contrasted to the rest of those associated with this. Thirty cities in ruins. Ninety-one ships sunk. One hundred seventy-eight planes downed. Three hundred one thousand, six hundred fifty-six men MIA. More than double that KIA. And by tomorrow, I'll be back here, writing again, scribbling out those numbers, and replacing them with the new tallies.
    My division has been in the jungles for fifty-one days now. Well, at least what's left of the jungles. What once was revered as being a place of beauty and solace, has now become its' bitter foil. Trees and other plant life crushed and burned lines the jungle floor, speckled with the occasional human or animal corpse, in various conditions. It really goes to show how bitter our race has become.
    I've gotten used to the smell of bodies, at least. There's some who still haven't, and boy do I feel sorry for them. Almost every day I see a group of them off in the bushes, puking their guts out. There's been lot of mental breakdowns, too. Almost every day the companies have to send men back to the psych ward at Fort Grey. Makes you feel lucky.
    Speaking of lucky, we lost another platoon last night. They were out on a night raid, about 2km south-east, at a UE encampment. We lost radio contact with them at around 2345h, and found their bodies, along with an empty camp, this afternoon. May they rest in peace.
    Anyways, it's getting real close to dinner time, and I think we get those fancy MRE's with the meatloaf tonight. I'll try and write tomorrow.
    SFC. C.J. Dutkiewicz, 16th Infantry

    Break Point 
    Since the dawn of time, mankind has known no other home but the tiny, sea-dominated planet known as Aven. Although nothing near the legendary, fictitious human home planet known as 'Earth', humanity has developed in a virtually identical manner as that in the tale.
    As time passed, through bitter conflict, and political dominancy, Aven divided itself into six independent nations: the Republic of Dayson, the United Empire, Falkland, Byzantia, Kyrin, and Korr. The nations co-existed quite peacefully, confining conflict to their rightful waters, and generally avoiding each others' affairs.
    Shift forward to six years ago: November 5th, 1939. The ever-suspicious United Empire got greedy. Their sweep was fast, and powerful. The Invasion was not unlike a sucker punch, lightning fast, and originating from seemingly nowhere. Aven was hit hard, and within three years, all but the secluded nation of Korr had fallen to the United Empire's iron grip.
    The captured nations plead with Korr to act, and repel the UE, but they would have none of it. At least until the war hit home. On May 20th, 1943, four-and-a-half years after the United Empire began to sweep Aven, they invaded, pummeling the naval bases on the North Bay, and eventually invading. Within a month, the entire north shoreline had fallen.
    Now, five years later, the war still rages on. Back and forth, with no clear victor the forces of the UE and Korr battle.
    Will you commit to you national duty, and enlist in the Korr Armed Forces? Or will you pick up a rifle for the United Empire, and crush Korr once and for all?
    The war is in your hands, recruit.
    1. Factions
    a. Navy
    2. Locations
    3. Advancement
    4. Character Creation
    5. Faction Creation
    6. Gameplay
    7. Rules
    8. The Gamble Factor
    9. Weapondex
    10. The Infection
    11. Staff
    12. Approved Characters
    13. Campaign Objectives
    1. Factions:
    Korr Armed Forces: The legendary military of the secluded nation of Korr. The KAF is divided into three branches: Army, Navy, and Army Air. Upon enlistment, you will be given the rank of Private, and shipped to the jungles in the northwest.
    The United Empire: Equally powerful to the KAF, the UE is a battle-worn, malice-fed force that has seen nine years of combat in five nations. Upon enlistment, you will be given the rank of Private and shipped to Korr's northwest jungles.
    a. Navy
    Boats are considered an award in their own right, given for missions or as a reward of service. Boats range from small patrol poats, to wooden river gunboats and torpedo boats, to even U-boats. ((For game mechanical purposes, nothing larger is permitted because of the lack of RPing that would be in it. It could not be operated very well unless there were several players on it and working together, while something like a PT boat could be handled by one or two players and a few temporary NPCs.))
    -Harbour Defence Motor Launch
    -Motor Gun Boat
    -Motor Torpedo Boat
    -Moa class patrol boat
    -Fremantle patrol boat
    -Type U 31
    -Type U 51
    More boats may be added later on, however I think there's plenty to go around as is.
    Also, there is a limited number of harbor ships which are used to carry patrol and river boats across the sea, or else they would get swamped with waves or caught in storms. This is to make invasion possible. They are used only when needed, authorized by naval command and not capable of being commanded by players.
    Custom factions may start with small navies.
    2. Locations:
    Aven Map
    Korr: Korr is quite unique compared to the other nations of Aven. For one, the country consists of a single, large continent. Secondly, the regions of Korr greatly vary: A mountain range dominates the north-west; the jungles engulf the east; and plains cover the central region. The climate on Korr varies by region, with the jungles generally being warm and humid, the plains being cool and dry, and the mountains, cold and harsh. Korr is a very militaristic democratic nation, and has one major metropolitan center: its' capital, Korruhnai. Korruhnai is a large city, overlooking the Great Lake. It is considered one of the most contemporary, beautiful cities on Aven.
    Kyrin: Kyrin is known as being the smallest and most inhospitable country on Aven. It has two seasons that can change at any time, without warning, throughout the year: severely hot, dry summers, and extreme sub-zero winters accompanied by 'razor hail'. Kyrin has a single inhabited city, named after the country. The city is small, with heavily-reinforced steel buildings. Kyrin has only a local militia, but is a very important military staging point for either side.
    Byzantia: Byzantia is interesting, geography-wise. A ring of small, mountainous islands borders a larger island, which consists of a mountain-ringed southern half, and a flat, taiga forest north. The islands are trapped in an eternal, harsh winter, with a good two feet of snow permanently blanketing the landscape. A single Army base dominates the southern half of the main island, whilst the capital city 'Cliff Terrace', along with dozens of other small towns and villages. Cliff Terrace, the nations' capital, is built on the top of a large cliff, overlooking the sea.
    Falkland: Falkland, located east of the United Empire, is a sea-dependant nation. Its' four islands are spotted with many small seaside towns and cities, with the two most important being its largest, 'Shale', and the capital 'Stroetz Bay'. Falkland has a mild, warm climate, with a humid, sea-water air hanging constantly. Rocky shores, and vast, rolling plains make up the nations' landscape, and the furthest north island has one of the most advanced Air Force bases on Aven.
    Republic of Dayson: The Republic of Dayson consists of two nearly-connected islands, with two major cities: the capital of 'Westfield', and 'Hudson'. The Republic is, save for the cities, fully coated in foliage. The dense jungle has a warm, humid climate, with the occasional burst of rain. Dayson has one of Aven's most important Naval Facilities, Fort Edmonton.
    United Empire: The United Empire: a three-nation, three-island imperial alliance. They are one of Aven's most formidable, militaristic countries, on an equal playing field to Korr. The UE is headed in the city of 'Zath', with two other major cities at 'Harem' and 'Gattenfeldt'. The United Empire has a fair climate, with optimally warm summers, and relatively mild winters. There are five major military installations in the United Empire, as well as many small towns and cities.
    3. Advancement:
    Being a military-based RPG, there is obvious room for advancement. Said advancement can occur on a single level: ranking up. The ranks are as follows:
    -Private (Pvt.) – The grunts of the force. All recruits begin at this rank until proven worthy.
    Perks: Springfield, SVT-40, Thompson, Type 99, Colt M1911
    -Private First Class (Pfc.) – You've proved your worth as a soldier, now prove your worth as a leader to move on.
    Perks: Nambu
    -Corporal (Cpl.) – You've begun to display leadership qualities, and have been awarded. Continue to work hard to move up. Perks: Gewehr 43, MP40
    -Master Corporal (MCpl.) – You've worked hard to get here. Now, prove you have the guts to become a Sergeant.
    Perks: scoped Type 38, BAR, Walther P38, M1897 Trench Gun
    -Sergeant (Sgt.) – You're battle-hardened, trustworthy, and tactically sound.
    Perks: M1 Garand, Type 100, Tokarev TT-33
    -Master Sergeant (MSgt.) – The cap rank for most active-duty troops. Only the best get beyond here.
    Perks: Mosin-Nagant, DP-28
    -Sergeant First Class (SFC.) – You've survived fierce combat, and proved that your concern is on the life of your squad as well as your own.
    Perks: StG44
    -Staff Sergeant (S/Sgt.) – You're on the last no-commissioned rank. Keep it up, and you'll become an officer!
    Perks: PPSh-41, MG42
    -Second Lieutenant (2Lt.) – The first officer rank. 2nd Lt.'s are the key branches between executives and ground forces.
    Perks: M1A1 Carbine, FG42
    -First Lieutenant (Lt.) – You've got quite the pair to make it this far. Command of a Company is soon in your hands. Perks: Kar98k, M2 Flamethrower
    -Captain (Cpt.) – One of the most well-known ranks in the world, and for good reason. You've got a tactically perfect mind, keen senses, and an uncanny ability to keep people alive.
    Perks: Colt Python
    -Major (Maj.) – The last active-duty rank. Finish this, and you're off the battlefield.
    Perks: Browning M1919
    -Colonel (Col.) – Welcome to the back lines, soldier. You've completed frontline duty, and now the lives of troops are in your hands.
    Perks: N/A
    -Brigadier General (Brig. Gen.) – The second-highest rank you can attain. You have seen many battles, and have the scars to prove it.
    Perks: N/A
    -General (Gen.) – You are the best of the best. Congratulations.
    Perks: N/A
    In order to get promoted, you must show prowess and dedication to the RPG. You will be contacted by a GM upon promotion. NOTE: Ranks Colonel and beyond have no new weapon perks, though, there will be special opportunities for high ranks.
    4. Character Creation:
    In order to join, you must fill out a profile, and PM it to me. Profiles are as follows:
    Affiliation: (only Army branches of each side are available at this point
    Squad Role: (Choose from: Rifleman, Medic, or Submachine Gunner. Machine Gunner, Demolitions, Squad Leader, Marksman will become available as you unlock more weapons/ranks)
    Main Weapon: (Choose between an unscoped Springfield, a SVT-40, a Thompson, or a Type 99)
    Sidearm: (Colt M1911, until you earn a new one)
    5. Faction Creation
    In Break Point, players are given control. Though you may join one of the two opposing armies, you may also create your own small faction, whether it be a guerrilla group, supply runners, or anything else you can think of. If you'd like to create a faction, fill out this form, and PM it to me.
    Faction Name:
    Type: (Guerrilla, supply runners, etc.)
    Roster: (How many PCs/NPCs you have. NPCs must be in reasonable number)
    Location: (Include a facility)
    Armament: (Again, be reasonable. You wouldn't have tanks, gunships, bombers, etc. Try and be creative.)
    Description: (Goals, funding, how it was founded, etc.)
    Affiliations: (Other factions, existing or custom. Explain the affiliations.)
    6. Gameplay:
    Gameplay is like any other RPG you'd encounter. Here's a quick refresher:
    'IC' for in-character, role-played portions, 'OOC' for out-of-character discussion. Read the rules for more information.
    As well, being a war RPG, don't go doing anything overly heroic and stupid. Your character will promptly be killed.
    7. Rules:
    -Use IC/OOC, and use them properly. If not, you're gone.
    -No god-modding. You aren't superior to anybody else, and I will gladly prove that to you.
    -Don't kill other player's characters, or I'll have to kill yours.
    -Don't use other player's characters for anything major without prior permission from said player.
    -Just because you're higher rank, doesn't mean you're a freakin' superhero. You have the same abilities/strengths as anyone else. Go abusing your status, I'll abuse you.
    8. The Gamble Factor:
    The Gamble Factor is a significant, unique factor to Break Point. Being a war buff, I strive on the most realistic text-based war experience imaginable. Thus, the Gamble Factor was born.
    Now, you might be wondering what this means to you, as the player. Here's the low-down: In a real combat situation, extreme cases of heroism and bravado generally hang with heavy consequences. The loss of a limb, blindness, even death; all have been paid. This knowledge in tow, you must make many war-changing decisions, ones that could involve sacrificing your own life. Make your choices carefully.
    9. Weapondex:
    -SVT-40 (Private)
    -Gewehr 43 (Corporal)
    -M1 Garand (Sergeant)
    -StG44 (Sergeant First Class)
    -M1 Carbine (Second Lieutenant)
    Bolt-Action Rifles:
    -M1903 Springfield (Private)
    -scoped Type 38 (Master Corporal)
    -Mosin-Nagant (Master Sergeant)
    -Kar98k (First Lieutenant)
    Submachine Guns:
    -Thompson (Private)
    -MP40 (Corporal)
    -Type 100 (Sergeant)
    -PPSh-41 (Staff Sergeant)
    Machine Guns:
    -Type 99 LMG (Private)
    -BAR (Master Corporal)
    -DP-28 (Master Sergeant)
    -MG42 (Staff Sergeant)
    -FG42 (Second Lieutenant)
    -Browning M1919 (Major)
    -Colt M1911 (Private)
    -Nambu (Private First Class)
    -Walther P38 (Master Corporal)
    -Tokarev TT-33 (Sergeant)
    -Colt Python (Captain)
    -M1897 Trench Gun (Master Corporal)
    -M2 Flamethrower (First Lieutenant)
    If you have a weapon in mind not features here in the Weapondex, you may PM me, and request for it to be added. NOTE: Not all weapons listed are available immediately. Refer to 'Advancement' for details.
    10. Staff:
    -Crimson Jester, GM
    -Spink, Moderator
    -Unit#EXFT, Moderator
    11. The Infection
    Recent field reports have brought to attention the United Empire's human experimentation, resulting in a bodily fluid-transferable infection. Symptoms are as follows:
    -Hour 1: Pain and discoloration (brown-purple) of the infected area. Immediate clotting of the wound (provided the infection came from a wound).
    -Hour 5: Fever (99-103F), chills, slight dementia, vomiting, and acute pain in the joints.
    -Hour 8: Numbing of extremities and infected area, increased fever (103-106F), increased dementia, loss of muscular coordination.
    -Hour 11: Paralysis in the lower body, overall numbness, slowed heart rate.
    -Hour 16: Coma.
    -Hour 20: Heart stoppage, zero brain activity.
    -Hour 23: Reanimation.
    The Infection can happen to anyone. If you or someone you know has become infected, report it to your superiors immediately.
    12. Approved Characters:
    Korr Armed Forces:
    Crimson Jester:
    Name: Sergeant First Class Colt James Dutkiewicz
    Age: 26
    Hometown: Korruhnai, Korr
    Affiliation: Korr Armed Forces, Army branch
    Squad Role: Rifleman, Squad Leader
    Main Weapon: STG-44
    Sidearm: Tokarev TT-33 handgun
    Appearance: 6'2", 215lbs. blue eyes, short-cropped dark brown hair. Has a scar trailing down his right cheek from the inner corner of his eye. Well-built, with a strong jaw, and battle-worn face.
    Bio: Colt was born in Korruhnai, Korr on May 20, 1922; he had an immense fascination with military ever since he was a boy. Upon completion of high school in 1940, Colt enlisted with the KAF, and completed training in Fort Grey, by Lesser Lake. After 3 years of service, he was put on the frontlines in the Korr Bay, where he served for 3 years, before being sent to the East Korr Theater, where he has served frontline since.
    The United Empire:
    Westfield Liberation Front:
    Byzantia Home Guard:
    13. Campaign Objectives:
    Here is where you'll see any and all current objectives for both sides of the war. It includes individual positions, character status, and waypoints.
    Objective Map
    KAF C 'Charlie' Company, 12th Battalion, 82nd Regiment, 16th Infantry Division:
    - Exit your tented quarters and meet with SFC. Dutkiewicz in the Command Tent.
    UE A 'Alpha' Company, 2nd Battalion, 107th Regiment, 31st Infantry Division:
    - Locate 2Lt Westerly, who's currently a half-kilometer north of your position, in an abandoned farmhouse.
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