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Crimson Jester

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Crimson Jester

  1. Digging around the internet a while ago, I managed to find a couple of Air Cadet pictures, to give you guys a feel of what its like: A Squadron doing Drill: The Camp I'll be going to: The picture seems to have disappeared off of the site... Also, you guys can feel free to email me while I'm at camp, so I have something to read during the odd time I get on the computer. Until next time, BZP. *salutes* -CJ
  2. Hm. Book 6 is really my favorite of all so far (I haven't got my copy of 7 yet), so when you get the time, definitely read them!
  3. XD Yeah, its cool. Making 60 bucks a week at this camp, and if I go for 7 weeks next year, I get 70 bucks a day.
  4. Gragh. That sucks. Well, at least you got to stare at the boxes. You should feel special about that, they aren't even available in Canada yet!
  5. I will, definitely. Its seriously the high point of my summers. Its an absolutely amazing experience, and I get paid. And for those of you who want to see, this is the camp: P.S. You guys can feel free to email me while I'm at camp, so I have something to read during the odd time I get on the computer.
  6. Pohatu is too fat, and Tahu is too.... red? *shrugs* But yeah, a Kopaka Fan Club would be cool.

  7. *cheesy smile* Congrats! You've recieved the Jesterland Seal of Approval! *goes back to popping brain cells*
  8. Yeah, and I flooded her's too. =P

  9. Ugh. I just got up and I already have work to do. Seeing how I'm gone to boot camp for three weeks as of Saturday, I've got all this packing to do, I have to iron my uniform and polish my boots, have to let all you folks know I'm going to be gone, find people to watch my RPG Characters, and *gulps*, I have to clean my room. Oh did I mention I was going to be gone for three weeks? I guess I'll give you guys the low-down on my Boot Camp: (Not sure about the rest of you) But here in Canada, we have these groups called Army, Sea, and Air Cadets, with I myself being an Air Cadet. We do all of our regular training throughout the regular school year, and come summertime, we are given the option to go further our training at a summer camp. We stay at some Base or another, depending on what branch of Cadets we're in, where we're located, and what course we're taking. This year, I am taking Introduction to Leadership at the now out-of-commission World War II era Air Force Base, Penhold. Basically its three weeks of good food, great people, and semi-boring classes. Well, I guess since I've probably got the idea in your head, I might as well wrap this up. So, until next time, BZP. -CJ
  10. Muahahaha! Cringe at the might of the fishy-floppy!
  11. Um... they'll fear us for our fish-flopping powers?
  12. Yee! *hits blood vessel, has massive stroke* LETSDOITAGAIN!
  13. Amen to that! But for now, we'll have to settle with brain cells.
  14. Breaking brain cells is like popping bubble wrap! *popping noises*
  15. XD No problem. I'm just as bad. Ask Hak.
  16. XD Ah. Yeah, I don't fit the category. Hey, that just means you're original! Thats even better.
  17. Actually, I take that back. Kopaka takes the cake.

  18. And they aren't already? :P

  19. Heh. Its not really a game of skill, moreso of luck. Yoker, eh? Never heard of that one... Really? Thanks! And I'm sure yours isn't bad.
  20. Just like to toss an idea out there: A Blog-Based Kopaka Fan Club. What d'you think?

  21. Heh. If that were, Korruhn would totally be wearing a Punisher-esque one. :P

  22. XD

    *dons leather jacket, makes Fonzy-sounds*

  23. Sounds good!

    *goes back to Jesterland Blog*

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