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Crimson Jester

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Blog Entries posted by Crimson Jester

  1. Crimson Jester
    Hello, BZPers.
    Lately, I've had this insatiable craving. Could be from too much Call of Duty: World at War, or the massive collection of war books beside me, but either way, I need committed, quality quality RPers.
    For what, you probably won't ask, seeing as the answer is bloody obvious. But, for those of you who can't guess, I've got a war RPG coming soon, and I need some good, solid RPers for it. Let me know if you feel like helping out/participating.
  2. Crimson Jester
    BZP role-players, Judges, RPG staff, and whomever may come across it,
    I'm here to make one point, and one point only: as of today, I'm retiring from RPG creating. I've been doing this on BZP for going on 5 years now; by far the longest run of any RPG creator I can think of. I've had my share of crushing defeats, and glorious wins in my days doing this, and it was all worth it. The three RPG Contest victories, and dozens upon dozens of CoT RPGs I've made in my days; I don't regret a single one. The experience as a whole was the best I've had on BZP, and the only thing that's really kept me here.
    But, times change. I go from fresh, to seasoned, to veteran. RPG demands change, role-players come and go, and new RPG creators step up to the plate. Some have wondrous success, while others suffer catastrophic failure. The ones who succeed, like I, continue what they do, making a name and place for themselves. But, like anything, we age, we change, and we fade into the background. People move on to the fresh RPG creators, the visionaries, the ones who bring fresh new ideas to the plate, changing the way we see RPGs. And veterans like myself, we have to slow down, end gracefully. It's time for me to step aside, and let the newer generations of RPG creators to take the reins.
    Now, don't fret; this doesn't mean I'll be quitting RPGs entirely. In fact, with my time freed up from the tasks of running RPGs, I'm going to focus on getting myself back into RPing; re-establishing myself as the RPer I once was. I've definitely neglected my RPing as of late, and caused some grief, as I left quite a few fellow RPers hanging as I disappeared in and out.
    As well, upon request, I'd still love to help other creators, giving my opinion, assisting in improvement of others work, and helping to create RPGs. I still love creating, and I don't think that will ever go away. So please, just ask. I'll need something to do now and again.
    Anyways, before this gets too long, I'd just like to make one final note: thanks to all the wonderful RPers who've supported me over the years, making my experience a great and rather colorful one, and putting me to where I am today. My inner RPer wouldn't be where its at without you guys.
  3. Crimson Jester
    Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their fornication and murder will foam up about their waists and all the fornicatees and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!' And I'll whisper 'no'.
    We still need:
    -Silk Spectre I/II
    -Nite Owl I/II
    -Dr. Manhattan
    -Any Minutemen characters not listed.
    You wanna join in? Talk to me or The Comedian.
  4. Crimson Jester
    Weather's still bad. Snow, wind. Spring Friday.
    Four-day weekend, beginning tomorrow. Have to get black-and-purple grad suit. Going to have friends over, play CoD.
    Got accepted to teach survival at Cold Lake Air Force Base. Leaving June 28th. Excited.
    Boredom ensues. IM/PM me. Want to play CoD4.
  5. Crimson Jester
    Weather's bad today. -25C in the middle of March. Ready for the snow to go away.
    Easily aced English essay today. Done with short fiction unit. Have to study for English exam tomorrow. Don't want to, though.
    Nearing graduation; no ideas what I want to do. Many possibilities.
    Working on a new short story trilogy. First is ironic, pessimistic interpretive fiction. No war. Second, vigilante. Third, unknown. All will tie.
    Working on lyrics. Will post when done.
  6. Crimson Jester
    Tonight, I bring fellow RPers together to bring an announcement, from deep within the halls of the RPG Masters' Guild. I'd like to introduce you all to the newest member of our team: The Captain.
    I have to say, that this man is the best roleplayer I've ever witnessed on this site. As well, since his arrival on the RPG Forum scene, he's been by far my personal biggest RPing influence. Aside from personal things, there is other evidence of this greats' roleplaying heavy-hits: he has 6 RPG Contest wins under his belt, all solo, and two great RPGs tucked in there as well, 'The Deep' and 'The Gate'.
    Please all, take a moment to welcome him to the team.
  7. Crimson Jester
    Well, stuff hit the fan today.
    I'm done, all this stuff is ridiculous. Seriously, what have I done that's so abhorrent that I'm granted nothing in this pathetic excuse of a life? I've absolutely had it.
    I'm scheduled to see a mental specialist next week.
    I learned how to fall today, didn't think it would kill you
    To settle the debt I thought never would be paid.
    Found out I was wrong today (I was wrong)
    Too weak to continue
    One final defense to fall
    Still unbroken
    Now I am torn, thought it was over this time
    And we know there's still a fire inside
    And we know, and we know
    We're gonna let it burn
    Let it burn
    Till the image fades away
    Knew there was a price to pay, didn't think it would thrill you
    To witness the fallen ones shattered and ashamed
    No I'm not the only one (only one)
    Yearning to fulfill you
    Unwilling to risk it all
    Still uncertain
    Now I am torn, thought it was over this time
    And we know there's still a fire inside
    And we know, and we know
    We're gonna let it burn
    Let it burn
    Till the image fades away
    Now I am torn, thought it was over this time
    And we know there's still a fire inside
    And we know, and we know
    That I am torn, thought it was over this time
    And we know there's still a fire inside
    And we know, and we know
    We're gonna let it burn
    Let it burn
    Till the image fades away
  8. Crimson Jester
    Some new lyric I wrote today, out of boredom. Nothing spectacular. Based on a 19th century short story, called 'Young Goodman Brown'. Leave some feedback.
    A darkened forest
    Its very limbs wail with greed
    And tonight, I've come for an evil deed
    A twisted snake
    It's eyes so full of hatred
    And I'm beginning to regret this decision
    Loathful brotherhood of pious souls
    Macabre faces, this is not my home
    Frozen hearts, away with morality
    A bitter congregation with evil Himself
    Salem has become ######
    Breaths; sharp
    Uneven amidst the burning brush
    I run from those I'd grown to trust
    And my dearest Faith,
    She's counted among the casualties
    Her spirit lies amongst swirling smoke and stars
    My loyalties lost to all
    Carry this burden
    The weight, it crushes my spine
    Every step, another threat
    For on that night I lost my mind
    Let this be my [it may not be filtered, but you still can't use it. -Shine]
    And I'll carry it to my tomb
  9. Crimson Jester
    So I got home from Capital Ex (a huge fair) at about 8:30 last night. It had reached over 37 degrees celcius that day!
    Then, I sorta sat around here for a bit, and disappeared into the world of Xbox Live for several hours, dealing with some racist, obnoxious, sore losers. It was fun, eh MJ?
    Otherwise, I got up early today to go to work. I was tired from going to bed at 4 again and getting up at 10, yet again. Then, I show up at work, and find out someone screwed up on the schedule and now I get to stay home!
    Anywho, not much else to rant about, and I don't want to bore yah, so until next time, see yah! (To the few of you who actually read this...)
  10. Crimson Jester
    Alright, since I deploy to my summer posting on Saturday, I figure'd I'd give you guys an update now, in case I don't get the chance to further down the road.
    For all who don't know, I've been selected from my squadron to instruct future military personnel for 7 weeks, teaching, among other things, leadership skills, instructional techniques, and survival skills. I'm being deployed to CFB (Canadian Forces base) Cold Lake, an Air Force base about 5 hours north of here. My leave date is Saturday, July 4th, and my (estimated) return date is Saturday, August 22nd. For further information on the camp, refer to my other entry on summer deployment.
    I will have very limited internet access throughout the summer, and when I do get on, I quite enjoy sending/receiving emails, ensuring I keep in touch with everyone. I'll send updates when I can, as well. If you wish to email me during the summer, please, feel free to do so by following this link.
    Anyways, I'm going to spend my last few days up in the city, so I'd better keep it short so I can get some sleep. If you have any questions, comment here, or PM me, and I'll do my best to catch you before I leave.
    Until August, BZP,
  11. Crimson Jester
    Bah. Beginning of summer. Absolute chaos. Luckily, things have slowed down enough for me to give a brief recap:
    For starters, my summer deployment. For all who don't know, I've been selected from my squadron to instruct future military personnel for 7 weeks, teaching, among other things, leadership skills, instructional techniques, and survival skills. I'm being deployed to CFB (Canadian Forces base) Cold Lake, an Air Force base about 5 hours north of here. My leave date is Saturday, July 4th, and my (estimated) return date is Saturday, August 22nd. My first week there will be spent 'upstairs' (a term people down at the survival camp have coined for being on the base, as the survival camp is about 2km down a hill from the base [if you look on the map on Wikipedia, that road at the top near the middle is the road to the survival camp]), doing what is known as 'indoc', where all Staff Cadets are assessed based on their skill sets, and assigned positions staffing the various courses (6 week Senior Leader's Course, 6 week Service Band, 2 week Introduction to Survival, and 6 week Survival Instructor [which I took last year]), and assuming other roles, such as sports staff, canteen staff, medical staff, Training Center Ops (security). At the end of the week, we are assigned our positions and ranks (mine most likely will be Flight Sergeant or Sergeant for Survival Instructor). Once down there, I'll be introduced to my 'flight' (a group of Cadets, usually around 25 in numbers, excluding the staff, which comprises of two assigned Sergeants and a Flight Sergeant), and for the following four-and-a-half weeks, I'll be their mentor, friend, and leader, preparing them for the written examinations and 'Solos', which is a five-day, four-night solo stint in the bush, with one foot of rope, a 7ft x 4ft tarp, and a survival kit contained in a soap bar container. It may sound easy, but it really is not. We can give the Cadets all the skills possible, but it entirely comes down to the psychological factor. Similar to a padded cell and straitjacket, you are removed from sensory deprivation, save for the rumbling of jets, and the touch of whatever you find. No human contact, no food. All in all, it's quite the experience, and I'm quite proud to be there again, allowing some more to have the experience I did.
    Next, the new Fallout DLC. I bought Point Lookout the day it came out, 'cause I freakin' love Fallout, and, come on, scary mutant hillbillies? WIN. Anyways, yeah. I beat the whole thing, with all achievements, in about three hours. About an hour of that was spent on the quest line, which, I must say, was a rather fun, and frightening one. Bethesda's reps said that they intended to make this one more horror-film themed, and, overall, they did a great job. The larger territory, along with the cool new weapons, eerie side quests, and quite comical adventures, made this my favorite DLC to-date. If you have Fallout, and are yet to get this, go get it right now. I promise you'll like it.
    And, before my attention span gets to me, let me make note: these last few months have been brilliant, as far as new albums go. Static-X's latest evil disco installment, Cult of Static, showed that Wayne Static definitely still knows how to 'Get Up and Boogie'. Another album worth noting is Atlanta's prog master's Mastodon's latest, Crack the Skye. It's mystic sound, wailing vocals, and blistering drums made this a pure joy to listen to. As well, I just recently acquired Killswitch Engage's latest self-titled effort, and I must say, Adam D. and the crew definitely did a good job of breaking metalcore's tight-woven boundaries, knocking every cookie-cutter band off the cliff and into the sea of monotony. Although slower, I had no troubles headbanging to the slow, melodic chugs of Joel and Adam. Howard's singing, topped off with Justin's brilliant drum work, makes this a definite candidate for my favorite album of '09. Other highlights of the forthcoming months: Born of Osiris' A Higher Place (July 6th), August Burns Red's Constellations (July 14th), Breaking Benjamin's yet-untitled effort (Fall 2009), Billy Talent's Billy Talent III (July 14th), and Daughtry's Leave This Town (July 14th).
    As a final note, I will leave you with a little list of singles to check out from the aforementioned albums:
    *"Stingwray", "Lunatic", "Z28" -- Static-X
    *"Divinations", "Oblivion" -- Mastodon
    *"Starting Over", "Reckoning" -- Killswitch Engage
    *"Now Arise", "Exist" -- Born of Osiris
    *"Thirty and Seven", "Existence" -- August Burns Red
    *"Turn Your Back", "Rusted from the Rain" -- Billy Talent
    *"No Surprise" -- Daughtry
    Until next time, BZP
  12. Crimson Jester
    Survival Instructor Staff: T-minus 27 days, and counting.
    I'm so freakin' excited. An entire summer living on an Air Force base, getting paid a good chunk of change to teach survival skills to my peers. If only the days would go faster.
  13. Crimson Jester
    Hello, not-so-faithful readers.
    Today's major subject, as noted in this entry's title, is sequels. Sequels, in the simplest form, are the follow-up, profit-raking, deformed brother of an original. But, what the dictionary fails to mention, is how terrible they usually are. *glares at Batman* Now, why I'm discussing sequels is probably beyond you at this point. And that usually isn't good, thus, I guess I'll divulge what I'm rambling about.
    For starters, for you word-filter annihilated people, this is the second entry in my blog's newest, fanciest form, and as well my second as premier. As well, this is the second incarnation of the blog itself, going through a magnificent change (much thanks to Hak and EW), from it's old 'Jesterland' format. Yes, at this point, it lacks awards, and a logo. Awards, I have no control over. A logo, I'll blackmail someone into doing later.
    Aside from the obvious, there is an ulterior motive to the title and topic of this entry. For those of you who aren't aware, I run an RPG over in Bionicle RPG, known as 'Wasteland'. Currently, I have an idea for a sequel culminating in my head. But, it's fate rests in the balance, due to my impatience and sheer sloth. I really have no motivation to create it at this point, but, I will give my RPers, and anyone else who cares, have a chance at redeeming it, and allowing it to live on for one more day. If you really want it to see the light, please, PM me, and give me some motivation to do so.
    Now, on another RPG-related note, I would like to bring to the attention of you, the reader, the situation of role-playing in Completely Off-Topic; the dreaded, bottomless beast of a forum that we've all heard scary stories about. Between a vast number of inexperienced, bigoted, childish players, and skilled ones with a lack of motivation or interest, the state of RPing has gone to the pot. Every day, newer, less thoughtful, and even more disgustingly bland RPG's are popping up, racking up hundreds of posts in mere days, pushing decent, well-thought, and deep RPGs into the forum's insatiable bowels of doom. We must petition for change. We need a revolution. (And, I didn't think any further than that)
    On a closing note, please go check out my RPG, Shattered Earth, and save it from the CoT oblivion.
    Until next time BZP,
  14. Crimson Jester
    Hey there, readers!
    As you all should know, I went and saw Disturbed on Tuesday. Here's my Removed. -Kohaku, official review:
    The show started off with some stupid emo band called Art of Dying, that was a bore. All they did was whine, and play their instruments in an ear-aching, atrocious manner typical of any emo music. Sad thing is, they were the only Canadian band there. >> There was a two-man, wussy emo mosh pit going on during their excruciatingly painful set, complete with recess-style pushing, over-dramatic actions, and lame lyric-mouthing.
    Once that garbage got off the stage, the other backing band, Egypt Central came on. I, personally, am a fan of this band, having heard them a few times on Sirius satellite radio. As I'd imagined, the didn't let me down, coming out strong, energetic, and pumping, giving me renewed vigor after the aforementioned emo band. They rocked their set, and we had a nice mosh pit going, which definitely got us prepared for the headliners. As well, I failed to mention; they have an extremely talented bassist.
    After that, we waited about 20 minutes, listening to Judas Priest and Iron Maiden blared through the speakers, as Disturbed's techs were setting up their equipment. The intermission was good, though, as it allowed us to get within 10 feet of the stage.
    Finally, the lights went out; the Maiden stopped. A quiet, suspenseful electronic number began to play, and red light flooded the stage. A man (Dave Draiman) was strapped to a dolly, with a straitjacket and Hannibal-esque mask on. After being lead out, and freed from his prison, Dave tossed off his mask, and the band appeared, opening up with an overly fitting 'Perfect Insanity'. The mosh pit was crowded, cheerful, and strong at this point. The played through many great hits, including 'Just Stop' (my favorite), 'Prayer', 'Liberate', 'Haunted', 'Land of Confusion', 'Voices', 'Deify', and of course, 'Indestructible'. Somewhere along the way, my friend tossed me up, and I crowd-surfed for several minutes, bouncing along the heads of the crowd. Eventually, I neared the front, and was pulled down by a security guard, and directed out of the area. While I went a grabbed a drink, Egypt Central's bassist moshed with my friends, which made me kinda upset. But, the crowd surfing was worth it. Later on, the music stopped, and Disturbed said goodnight. Myself and a friend began vocally demanding an encore, causing a large uproar in the crowd, with a massive foot-stomping, hand-clapping cadence. Soon thereafter, the band walked back on, and fired up again, playing a few more songs, including 'Inside the Fire'. The band stopped after two songs, and Mike continued, blowing the crowd away with a mind-blowing, three-minute drum solo, which lead into their finale, a slightly-faster, high-energy version of 'Down with the Sickness'.
    As the show ended, I looked down at my bruising, cuts, and sweaty new t-shirt, and grinned. This concert, although it had an initial downfall, was completely satisfying. I suggest, if you ever get the chance, that you go and see them.
    Aside from that wonderful tale, not too much is new. I've been working over the past couple days to master the solo to Disturbed's 'The Night'. It's going pretty good, I have all but the tapping and sweep-picked sections down.
    As well, I officially announced it today: due to a busy spring schedule, I won't be entering Wasteland in RPG Contest 12. Instead, look to see it come Contest 13.
    Otherwise, I'd better get going. I've got Biology this afternoon, and I'm gonna need some food energy if I hope to not fall asleep in it again.
    So, until next time, BZP.
  15. Crimson Jester
    Shake it off
    Pick yourself up, they say
    Your life fell apart in your hands, and you've got the scars to prove it
    It's not the first time, and they're getting deeper
    Pull it together
    Button up your shirt
    Roll down those sleeves
    Don't let them see how you've coped
    More and more your demeanor looks like quicksand.
    It seems like your giving up on everything you worked for
    It's pulling you under
    It's gripping around your throat
    Life can be overwhelming, but don't turn your back on the strongest crutch you've ever had
    They have always been there to brace your fall
    Wave goodbye to the past
    You've got your whole life to lead
    It's time to gain some ground
  16. Crimson Jester
    Don't turn away
    I pray you've heard
    The words I've spoken
    Dare to believe
    Over one last time
    Then I'll let the
    Darkness cover me
    Deny everything
    Slowly walk away
    To breathe again
    On my own
    Carry me away
    I need your strength
    To get me through this
    Dare to believe
    Over one last time
    Then I'll let the
    Darkness cover me
    Deny everything
    Slowly walk away
    To breathe again
    On my own

    Name it, and I'll upgrade you to a grape drink.

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