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The Sequel

Crimson Jester


Hello, not-so-faithful readers.


Today's major subject, as noted in this entry's title, is sequels. Sequels, in the simplest form, are the follow-up, profit-raking, deformed brother of an original. But, what the dictionary fails to mention, is how terrible they usually are. *glares at Batman* Now, why I'm discussing sequels is probably beyond you at this point. And that usually isn't good, thus, I guess I'll divulge what I'm rambling about.


For starters, for you word-filter annihilated people, this is the second entry in my blog's newest, fanciest form, and as well my second as premier. As well, this is the second incarnation of the blog itself, going through a magnificent change (much thanks to Hak and EW), from it's old 'Jesterland' format. Yes, at this point, it lacks awards, and a logo. Awards, I have no control over. A logo, I'll blackmail someone into doing later.


Aside from the obvious, there is an ulterior motive to the title and topic of this entry. For those of you who aren't aware, I run an RPG over in Bionicle RPG, known as 'Wasteland'. Currently, I have an idea for a sequel culminating in my head. But, it's fate rests in the balance, due to my impatience and sheer sloth. I really have no motivation to create it at this point, but, I will give my RPers, and anyone else who cares, have a chance at redeeming it, and allowing it to live on for one more day. If you really want it to see the light, please, PM me, and give me some motivation to do so.


Now, on another RPG-related note, I would like to bring to the attention of you, the reader, the situation of role-playing in Completely Off-Topic; the dreaded, bottomless beast of a forum that we've all heard scary stories about. Between a vast number of inexperienced, bigoted, childish players, and skilled ones with a lack of motivation or interest, the state of RPing has gone to the pot. Every day, newer, less thoughtful, and even more disgustingly bland RPG's are popping up, racking up hundreds of posts in mere days, pushing decent, well-thought, and deep RPGs into the forum's insatiable bowels of doom. We must petition for change. We need a revolution. (And, I didn't think any further than that)


On a closing note, please go check out my RPG, Shattered Earth, and save it from the CoT oblivion.


Until next time BZP,




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If you're not motivated with Wasteland, it's going to fail in one way or another. Either it'll lose attention or your lack of motivation will leave the players to turn it into something you'll inevitably be disgusted by. Not saying the players are wrong, but if you're not motived, Wasteland won't be yours anymore if it keeps going. You know what I mean. *points at BZPRPG*


Besides, Fallout 3 is so much more fun, so you should put the effort into moving Shattered Earth along. It desperately needs some movement and a rising action, nao. :P

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If you're not motivated with Wasteland, it's going to fail in one way or another. Either it'll lose attention or your lack of motivation will leave the players to turn it into something you'll inevitably be disgusted by. Not saying the players are wrong, but if you're not motived, Wasteland won't be yours anymore if it keeps going. You know what I mean. *points at BZPRPG*


Besides, Fallout 3 is so much more fun, so you should put the effort into moving Shattered Earth along. It desperately needs some movement and a rising action, nao. :P



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I have to agree; CoT's RPing needs a good kick somewhere I can't mention here. Bloody current judges aren't doing enough with them, and the CoT noobs are making it almost insulting for older CoT RPers like myself to be called that.

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Here's how I see the whole Wasteland thing.


If you don't have the motivation, nor drive to continue the RPG, and if it's starting to feel at all like a hastle, rather than fun, then don't continue it, because all that means is that you won't be there very often, and you probably won't enjoy it.


However if you do think you'd like it to continue, and would be willing to put all your efforts into it, then go for it. Even though I haven't been very active there lately (I've been pretty busy, and I really needed a break) I'll continue working as staff for as long as you wish, and I'll even help write up the second season. I'll Pm you or something 'bout that 'kay?


Ultimately it's up to you, whether you do, or don't think you'll want/be able to run it properly.


Just my two cents



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