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Crimson Jester

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Crimson Jester

  1. Crimson Jester
    I have a newfound hatred for electrical storms and stairs... here's how the story goes (takes place between 10PM-12AM):
    I was by myself at home, sitting on the computer, talking to Hak, and lurking in the shadows of BZP. I looked outside, and saw a ton of lightning. In my typical fashion, I ignored it. I kept conversing with Hak, until I noticed the lights starting to flicker. I knew the power was going. I tried to let him know, but bam! Just as I was about to send the message, power goes out, and I'm immersed in total darkness in the basement.
    I slowly navigated my way through the basement, and to the stairs. Clambering up, I realized why stairs with turns suck after falling a time or two. Eventually, I made it into the upstairs living room, and got some candles. Once those were lit, I gathered some old issues of Official Xbox Magazine, and poured over them for two dark, boring hours.
    Eventually, having picked every word clean off of at least 3 OXM issues, I decided to crawl into bed. I made my way down the stairs, and to my bedroom, my dog following at my feet.
    Laying in bed for what seemed like ages, I couldn't fall asleep in the darkness (I usually fall asleep to the sound of South Park on TV). Then a light lit up, and I assumed it was a car driving by. Looking over, I noticed my clock was lit. I quickly jumped out of bed, and now I'm here, telling my story to you.
    And ironically, the first song to play on iTunes when I get on, is Darkness by Disturbed.
    Gah, well, enough of my epic tales. I've probably almost made your brains explode with suspense already.
    Until next time, BZPower.
  2. Crimson Jester
    Hm... nothing really to write about, but I'm going to write anyways. Jesterland is rather boring this evening. I'm sitting here, just listening to my music. With that said, if you're bored as well, PM me or IM me on MSN or AIM to give yourself something to do.
    But for now, here's some lyrics:

    Disturbed I'm Alive
    Never again will I be dishonored
    And never again will I be reminded
    Of living within the world of the jaded
    They kill inspiration
    It's my obligation
    To never again, allow this to happen
    Where do I begin?
    The choices are endless
    Denying the sin
    My art, my redemption
    I carry the torch of my fathers before me
    The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
    There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
    To change myself, I'd rather die
    Though they will not understand
    I won't make the greatest sacrifice
    You can't predict where the outcome lies
    You'll never take me alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    Change again, cannot be considered
    I rage again, dispelling my anger
    Where do I begin?
    The choices are endless
    My art, my redemption, my only salvation
    I carry the gift that I have been blessed with
    My soul is adrift in oceans of madness
    Repairing the rift that you have created
    I am not alone, brothers, give me your arms now
    The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
    There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
    To change myself, I'd rather die
    Though they will not understand
    I won't make the greatest sacrifice
    You can't predict where the outcome lies
    You'll never take me alive
    I'm no slave
    Are you feeling brave?
    Or have you gone out of your mind?
    No more games
    It won't feel the same
    If I hold my anger inside
    There's no meaning
    My soul is bleeding
    I've had enough of your kind
    One suggestion, use your discretion
    Before you label me blind
    The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
    There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
    To change myself, I'd rather die
    Though they will not understand
    I won't make the greatest sacrifice
    You can't predict where the outcome lies
    You'll never take me alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
    I'm alive
  3. Crimson Jester
    My BZPRPG character, Korruhn. He's a Demon, an Anti-Hero, an Assassin, an Ice Toa, a Military Leader, a Weapons Machinist, a Tactician, and a Warrior (the list goes on, I'm just too lazy to finish it). And now, I add to that list, a MOC (thanks Koname)!

    Behold, the Monster himself! Muahaha!
    Let me know what you guys think!
  4. Crimson Jester
    Digging around the internet a while ago, I managed to find a couple of Air Cadet pictures, to give you guys a feel of what its like:
    A Squadron doing Drill:

    The Camp I'll be going to:
    The picture seems to have disappeared off of the site...
    Also, you guys can feel free to email me while I'm at camp, so I have something to read during the odd time I get on the computer.
    Until next time, BZP.
  5. Crimson Jester
    Ugh. I just got up and I already have work to do. Seeing how I'm gone to boot camp for three weeks as of Saturday, I've got all this packing to do, I have to iron my uniform and polish my boots, have to let all you folks know I'm going to be gone, find people to watch my RPG Characters, and *gulps*, I have to clean my room. Oh did I mention I was going to be gone for three weeks? I guess I'll give you guys the low-down on my Boot Camp:
    (Not sure about the rest of you) But here in Canada, we have these groups called Army, Sea, and Air Cadets, with I myself being an Air Cadet. We do all of our regular training throughout the regular school year, and come summertime, we are given the option to go further our training at a summer camp. We stay at some Base or another, depending on what branch of Cadets we're in, where we're located, and what course we're taking. This year, I am taking Introduction to Leadership at the now out-of-commission World War II era Air Force Base, Penhold. Basically its three weeks of good food, great people, and semi-boring classes.
    Well, I guess since I've probably got the idea in your head, I might as well wrap this up. So, until next time, BZP.
  6. Crimson Jester
    So here's the situation: Hak and I, like every night lately, were playing Seven Hand Poker via MSN. We had each won two matches, and were playing a fifth and final round to break our tie. Game plays through as it usually does, Hak gets a chip, I get a chip, so on, and so forth. But our tiebreaker ended in a tie! We both had four chips! So yeah. Seeing how ironic that was, I decided to share my epic tale with all of you.
    *goes back to Poker*
    And yes, however strange it may sound, my name is Colt.
  7. Crimson Jester
    As you can, see, I've added quite a few new things to the Blog. Its now set up like a computer data file for the Jesterland Defence Center, a National Guard-esque thing.
    The first new feature, Jester File, is a profile of myself, full of data errors and such.
    The second is the Jesterland Defence Force's Code of Honor, which is fairly straight-forward.
    The third feature is definitely the coolest. Its a club I've started called the Jesterland Defence Force. 'What is it?', you may ask. Its a small group I've added for the fun of it. Some of the features you get by joining are a spot in the Jesterland Defence Force roster, featured in my Blog, a custom Jester File and File Number for you to add to your profile, a name-customized Jesterland Defence Force Member seal for your blog, and a chance to be on the Member Spotlight! If any of these interest you, click the link there and send me a PM entitled "Jesterland Defence Force".
    Anyways, back to business.
    Today my foot is still swollen and bruised, but I did manage to walk about five blocks and grab an energy drink. Otherwise, again, I'm completely bored, so if you happen to come across this entry, PM me, or add me up on MSN or AIM.
    Until next time, BZP.
  8. Crimson Jester
    Gah. The Lego Company can be quite a pain at times. First, they say the Mahri will be in Canadian stores by July 20th. Now its been postponed for another month! Why us? Why the Canadians? *grumbling*
    Feel free to post your thoughts.
    -El Furioso Jestero
  9. Crimson Jester
    I heard this rather interesting quote today, from a song entitled "Omerta". It goes as follows:
    Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.
    Whoever cannot take care of themselves without that law is both.
    For a wounded man shall say to his assailant,
    'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.'
    Such is the rule of honour.
    I then found out that it is the Sicilian Mafia Code of Honor. This quote is quite intriguing, actually. I found it to be very true, and yet quite a harsh reality. But, thats my view. Comment and tell me what you think of it.
    Anyways, again, nothing to do in Wetaskiwin. My foot is feeling alright today, but not enough for me to go airsofting or biking. So basically, I sat at home, heard funeral arrangments, and ate pizza. A Jester's life isn't as great as you'd imagine, though it does have a great Benefits Package.
    And, with that said, I will end my rather boring rant. Comment if you wish.
  10. Crimson Jester
    Boredom. Again. Though I doubt many will read this, I guess I'll blog anyways.
    So today was a generally bad day. I got a call this morning saying my Great Grandmother died in her sleep last night. Then, later, I broke my foot.
    Otherwise, not too much going on in Wetaskiwin. Some foreign exchange kid from Turkey is at my friends right now, so we were giving him The Grand Tour.
    Uh, on the 25th, myself, the previously mentioned friend and BZP member Grey Jester are going to Capital Ex, a huge Fair up in Edmonton. Then that night we're going to see Wierd Al. (I'm so pumped for that)
    Anyways, I guess that's all for now. I'm at home by myself for the weekend, so I'll be on pretty much 24/7. So feel free to leave a comment, PM me, or IM me on AIM/MSN about basically anything. Keeps me busy.
  11. Crimson Jester
    So I got home from Capital Ex (a huge fair) at about 8:30 last night. It had reached over 37 degrees celcius that day!
    Then, I sorta sat around here for a bit, and disappeared into the world of Xbox Live for several hours, dealing with some racist, obnoxious, sore losers. It was fun, eh MJ?
    Otherwise, I got up early today to go to work. I was tired from going to bed at 4 again and getting up at 10, yet again. Then, I show up at work, and find out someone screwed up on the schedule and now I get to stay home!
    Anywho, not much else to rant about, and I don't want to bore yah, so until next time, see yah! (To the few of you who actually read this...)
  12. Crimson Jester
    I woke up today 'bout noonish, and within five minutes I had rolled out of the bed, hopped into my chair, and came here. Gah, I believe this has become a routine!
    Anyways, my friend finally came back to BZP, after much convincing from me, and will be playing as my brother, Kaldun, in Dr. Bionicle's The Academy. But I guess Korruhn will be fighting Phobos now, then getting carried away to the lab. So whatever you need to get done with him, I suggest you do it soon.
    Anyways, second day of Jack*** resulted in two twisted ankles and a sprained knee. And the spray-painting of the Little Tikes wagon with racing stripes and Team Jester everywhere. Hmm... wonder where that came from....
    Anyways, my friend is falling back asleep, so I guess I'd better go and play some more Xbox Live, and watch out for falling speakers and sluggish internet.
    And thank you to Hahligirl56 for being the first Commenter! That will be remembered!
    And I guess, this is it until tomorrow, fellow bloggers. So see yah!
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