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Enfero Lunos

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Blog Entries posted by Enfero Lunos

  1. Enfero Lunos
    Yeah, the weather in my area continues to be messed up. Snowstorm in october, no snow throughout half of november and ALL of december, and so far none into january. And I live in buffalo, where weather is always horrible. Yesterday, at the beginning of january, before sunrise (the coldest time of day), it was 50 degrees (farenheight(sp?)). Ridiculously high for Buffalo in January. We are so gonna pay for this. Soon, we're probably gonna have another snowstorm.
    On a positive note, thursday, when I was going out to get the mail, I saw Orion very clearly for the first time in... a long time. It made me happy.
  2. Enfero Lunos
    Here's the belated christmas* present I told you about:
    A quick sketch of Valkren and the Haldi Species
    A bunch of species symbols, symbols for different individuals, and a couple drawn by the person who sits next to me in biology
    Various weapon sketches
    Some quick, bad animal sketches
    Different elements, top to bottom left column: Moon, Fire, Plant; top to bottom right column: Sun, Water, Lightning/Sky Disregard the (strange looking) arrows for now, it is just to show which is superior over which.
    And I guess that's all for now.
    *Christmas does not exist on Valkren; it is a present from me, on earth
  3. Enfero Lunos
    Well, for christmas, I got Elebits and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz.
    Very simple graphics, but they work for the game. The Elebits are really cute.
    Ease of play:9/10:
    I would have to say that it is pretty easy to control, but turning can occasionally be annoying.
    There are a lot of puzzles, that can take seconds or minutes, ranging from pulling a lever to setting up a giant chess board so the pieces are in the right place. The limit on health is good, IMO, but the noise or object breaking limits on some levelscan be annoying. Fortunately, all the limits (health, object breaking, noise, and of curse time) go away if you unlock eternal mode for a level. Boss stages are fun.
    Ugh. Lame story in the form of cutscenes every few levels. Only redeeming thing is the pretty pictures.
    Large (depending on the level), a lot to explore, set up nicely, can force you to think. Music good, not great. Areas fairly isolated from each other
    Oooooooooooooh man, there is SO much extra to do. Get hidden elements, rare items, pink elebits, high scores, score attack mode (for every level), challenge mode (which is VERY challenging, also for every level), and eternal mode (also, for every level). Plus it's fun to just go through again. And you can't forget the level editor. Hard and long to make your own levels, but probable worth it.
    Other comments:
    The elebits are adorable, the levels are fun, I love the wide range of elebits, and it truly is basically a fusion of Katamari Damacy and Pikmin.
    Average score:8.0
    Real Score(the storyline kinda skewed the ratings):9.0
    Nice cute graphics, and nice detail on the landscapes surrounding the level. Kinda like the Graphics from the first two better
    Ease of play:7/10:
    Pretty intuative, but traversing narrow paths can be difficult. A little harder to control some things than in the first two.
    Fun, but beneath the cute graphics, the gameplay can get quite vicious pretty early. Jumping and bosses are a welcome addition. 50 mingames, I'm sure there's something for everyone.
    The closest there is to a storyline is golden bananas getting stolen, then getting one from each boss. Doesn't count.
    The level design mostly fits the world. Very creative levels, as usual. No underwater world, which was very disappointing to me.
    So many minigames, I can barely count it as extras. Only complaint is the racetracks. I liked some of the ones from the first two games better.
    Other comments:
    Like many things about it, but like the first two games a little better, but the min/part games in the first two aren't even comparable to the ones in here.
    Average score:8.3
    Will have a (belated) christmas present up for you tomorrow. Hopefully.
  4. Enfero Lunos
    In English we were watching Clash of the Titans, a movie about Perseus, that was made in the 70s or 80s. For some reason, there's a Kraken in it, but there isn't a kraken in Greek mythology. It wasn't even a squid or octopus, it was a cross between Godzilla and a shark. Anyways, on thursday, during social studies, We were just taking this online quiz on christmas in other countries (our teacher had a projector pointing at the front of the room, and we just shouted out answers). Anyways, one of my Friends from my English class was talking to me, and he said "Oh my god, theres a kraken behind you!" There's a chalkboard behind me, so I took a piece of chalk and drew a Kraken on the board (a squid, not a godzilla shark), and had an arrow pointing to it that said OMG Kraken!? I also had him holding a/the master sword from TLoZ. Then, the next day, I drew the same thing in english class. OMG Kraken!? is officially my new saying.
  5. Enfero Lunos
    I'm so weird
    In social studies today, I used a pen to carve a master sword out of cardboard from a binder. took almost the whole period.
    Pretty good for being carved out of cardboard with a pen in 40 minutes without anything to look at, wouldn't you say?
    Also, I bought the Collector's edition 1/6th scale replica of the Master Sword and Hylian Shield (this). Yeah, I know, I'm a Nerd.
  6. Enfero Lunos
    Valkren has three natural satellites (moons), Tibrox (Largest) with a revolution period of 18 days, Seidran (Middle sized) with a revolution period of 32 days, and Lydorus (Smallest) with a revolution period of 36 days. It has 18 hours in a day, but each hour is 2 times as long as ours, so it is more like 36 hours. Each hour is divided into 80 minutes, which are each divided into 100 seconds. Hours are like army time on earth, from 00:00:00 to 17:79:99, instead of 09:00:00 am to 08:79:99 am then 09:00:00 pm to 08:79:99 pm. 00:00:00 starts at dawn, and consistently rises then. The months are 36 days long, based on the revolution period of Lydorus. Its years are 8 months long, or 288 days long, and the new year starts when all three planets are aligned. It does not have a single sun, Instead, It revolves around a binary star system. The two stars/suns are Named Virrha and Mardlix.
    There are 6 elements of Valkren. Lightning/Sky, Water, Fire, Earth/Plant, Lunar, and Solar (please note, these are translated forms. Obviously, It isn't really called "earth"). Each form of life and every season has a correlation with an element. Lightning correlates with Mechanical and winter, Water with Shapeshifting and fall, Fire with Spectral and summer, and Earth with Organic and Spring. Different elements are not available exclusively to that form of life, but it comes much more naturally to them. Lunar and Solar are "serious magic," and only beings that have mastered the other four elements have access to them, and even then it is a challenge to master or even learn basics of light and dark magic. All creatures, even the least unintellegent ones, has the ability to use magic.
    I may post some artwork later.
  7. Enfero Lunos
    Well, Even though I'm not as far on my current TLoZ:TP file as on my first, I have made a bunch of progress. 2/3 of the way through storyline, but for extra stuff, I got the third bomb bag, the fourth bottle, the hawkeye, and formed one more heart-piece heart-container than in my old file. I'm not that upset anymore. Thats one more of each item named. I also got the magic armor.
  8. Enfero Lunos
    Sorry I haven't posted in a while (as if anyone cares), but I got the wii last sunday, and I love it. Been playing twilight princess, which is a truly awesome game. I have few complaints. My main complaint is that there is no magic bar/meter/thing; What kind of Zelda game doesn't have magic? Oh well. A minor detail. Other than that, it is awesome. Also, off topic of TLoZ:TP, but still on the subject of wii, I found a 2 gig SD card at circuit city today, which was normally 100 bucks, but was on sale for 30! Well, I am very happy with wii.
  9. Enfero Lunos
    This is my first blog, which is suprising, because I am a total nerd. One would assume I would have made one before. Whatever. This blog will most likely not have very much relevant stuff, so prepare to have puns, useless facts, and other random stuff dumped on you.
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