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Enfero Lunos

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Blog Entries posted by Enfero Lunos

  1. Enfero Lunos
    Well, last Sunday I got Brawl, at a midnight release.
    During school weeks, we never get enough snow for a snow day. I have a theory that the only way we can get off of school is if we absolutely do not expect it. Anyways, in keeping with Murphy's Law (anything that can go wrong will go wrong), we got probably more snow the weekend Brawl comes out than the rest of winter added together. I almost wasn't able to get Brawl at the midnight release.
    Anyways, I love it. The graphics are way better than Melee's, I was shocked at how much more detailed it was, even after seeing videos online. It's not really evident in the videos, but Brawl is a bit slower and floatier than Melee, and feel so different too. I find I'm using special moves a lot less, and that Up special moves in general are much more for recovery than attack. Another nice thing is that the characters are more balanced.
    I'm a big fan of Subspace Emissary, the adventure mode. It's made up of 35-45 levels, and a few boss fights. The stage builder is pretty great too. I have yet to build a real, non gimmicky stage, but I'm okay with that. I'll get to it.
    The extra stuff is so much cooler than in melee. Melee only had like 150 (or so) trophies, brawl has over 600 trophies, and over 700 stickers. The color changes are better too, I like the fact that all characters have a dark and/or light costume. and the soundtrack is epic, 287 songs.
    I'm far from unlocking everything, but I'm loving what I do have.
  2. Enfero Lunos
    I was just looking at my join date and realized that Saturday was 4 years since my join day. I was camping, so I wouldn't have noticed anyways.
    Also, I think I just defeated Makuta.
    Missed 2 milestones, oh well
  3. Enfero Lunos
    That's not entirely fair to say, I guess, I'm also looking forward to Endless Ocean and Okami (for Wii)
    Brawl - Looks INCREDIBLE. Only 4 weeks away now, and it won't be delayed any more, at least not more than a week or two at most.
    Roster spoilers:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Unlockable characters: Marth, Mr. Game & Watch, Luigi, Falco, Snake, Ganondorf, Wolf, Lucario, Ness, Sonic, Toon Link, R.O.B., Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff Well, I must say that I'm disappointed. I am glad about Lucario, Toon Link, and R.O.B., but there were so many other series that needed representation. Where's the love for Metroid, Zelda, Animal Crossing, or Mario? The starfox series gets a third character who is essentially another clone of Fox. Meanwhile, Metroid, doesn't get Ridley or Dark Samus, Mario and Zelda get no real newcomers, and though it's not that hard at all to make a moveset for an animal crossing character, we don't get one. How is that fair?
    At least, on a positive note now, the alt colors for characters are amazing.
    The music is so amazing. There are songs that I know and love the remixes of, and songs I've never heard before but still love. There are 287 songs in Brawl, more than a gigabyte, more than 16 hours worth! The adventure mode has been ramped up a notch, several actually, and is now more than 5 hours long, not counting replay value.
    Boom Blox - Don't know much about it, but it looks good. I can't describe it very well, it's basically a physics-heavy game that has a lot of block-based puzzles. Think Jenga on steroids.
    de Blob - Basically: Dull, monochromatic world, get colors, paint buildings by jumping at them, get points, beat level. Sure, it's simple, but simple certainly worked for Katamari Damacy and Elebits.
    Boktai - Okay, nothing new, who cares. I don't know if I mentioned this, but my friend lost my copy of Boktai. I was upset at first, but I accepted it. Anyways, he bought me another copy, and one for himself. I finally beat it again today (it's much harder when you're weaker, out of experience, and trying to never be seen), and got a (fairly) good rank (A-). No rank S, but it was my first time through. Weaker weapons, fewer speed nuts, didn't go through all dungeons.
    Endless ocean - Just an exploratory game at it's core, but it looks like it could be fun. It's already out, but I have yet to rent it.
    Okami - I played and beat the PS2 version, but I'll have to at least try this. The Wii controller will make the celestial brush techniques much cooler/easier to use. And who knows, this could lead to a sequel on Wii.
  4. Enfero Lunos
    Well, even though I'm only halfway through the year, I have to start working on my AP Bio final project. Because we don't get the AP exam results until July, we need something else for our final exam grade.
    Anyways, I bet you're wondering about the title. Well, with my remarkable creativity and limitless mind power, I was only able to come up with one good idea. Attempting to condition butterflies to choose dark food sources over bright ones.
    Oh well, the amount of money that I'm spending on it makes it feel less stupid, because I'm actually working on it, and showin myself that it is an O.K. idea. All I have to do is hope my classmates aren't too immature. Well, I can dream.
    In other AP Bio related news, wind is stupid. I am dead serious, we get more "severe wind" or "power outage" days than snow days, and I live up north. What I'm getting at is that last Wednesday, I was supposed to take my field trip to some college to do one lab with restriction enzymes and gel electrophoresis, and one with genetic engineering of bacteria/plasmids. Fortunately, it's being rescheduled for the 15th, but its still dumb.
    Recently I had midterms/exams. I got a 95 on my math B regents (meh, I could have done much better), 83 on my AP US (Multiple choice: good, Thematic essay: great, DBQ: err, not so good), 91 on my French 103 final (what a sucky test, taken straight from the horrible book), and 98 on my Physics (1 multiple choice wrong, got centripetal force equation mixed up with gravitational force equation). I noticed that at least 2 or 3 questions on math B exams are always physics questions.
  5. Enfero Lunos
    I just finished the His Dark Materials trilogy.
    It was amazing.
    Also very sad.
    It's hard to describe my feelings right now.
    Happiness that it was such a good series, but also sadness about the sad ending.
    So much left open, but some small hints at hope for a possible good ending, far in the future past the end of the trilogy.
    It has affected me profoundly, and I imagine it will leave me feel kind of down for a few more days.
  6. Enfero Lunos
    Wow, the last post was over 2 months ago? Yeesh.
    2 things: I saw the golden compass, it kinda was horrible.
    As a movie, it wasn't too bad.
    In relation to the book, ...Blech
    2nd, I got Antroz and Vamprah.
    I love Antroz's wings and mask
    Vamprah is definitely my favorite phantoka. He looks sooo much like a bat. It's wonderful. My only mild dislike is his legs.
  7. Enfero Lunos
    Wow, this blog has seen a lot of neglect.
    As for my "Valkren discovery" section, I may eventually get to updating it. Unfortunately, I'm hopelessly lazy, and I never quite put forth the effort to scan my drawings or write stuff.
    As for my Junior Year of High School...
    Makes me happy:
    -AP Bio
    -College French
    -AP US
    -All of my teachers. My AP Bio teacher and French teacher aren't amazing, but they're okay.
    -Electives for gym (Every unit, you get to pick one of 4 choices)
    What makes me unhappy:
    -Writing essays for English
    -Writing essays in general
    -No lunch (schedule prevented that)
  8. Enfero Lunos
    Well, I got Hydraxon (today) and Maxilos & Spinax (About 10 days ago).
    I really like them.
    Maxilos has an okay color scheme, but the best thing about his color is that he has Mata red, which is awesome!
    He may well be one of the best sets yet.
    Spinax is pretty sweet two, and can have great poses
    -Well built
    -Incredible torso design
    -Lots of articulation
    -Great MOCing pieces
    -Trans-red connectors (gotta love 'em!)
    -Mata red
    -Unstable (single ball-joint connection between hip and leg)
    -Color Scheme could use a bit of work
    -A couple small design flaws IMO (Lehvak-Kal plates, short chain)
    Hydraxon is also pretty sweet
    -Good color scheme
    -Very stable
    -Good MOCing pieces
    -Awesome hands
    -3 way plus rod thing (for lack of a better term)
    -Silver version of Pridak blades FTW!
    -Not much leg mobility
    -Nothing to hold in his awesome hands
    -Many peg/plus rod protrusions
    Man, I wish I had an endless supply of the trans-red connectors, and 3-way plus rods
    *Imagines massive red and gold honeycomb*
  9. Enfero Lunos
    No, that's not a typo
    I just got back from Alaska today, after being there since last Saturday.
    I flew up to Anchorage, stayed a few days, went up to Fairbanks for a couple days, and came back down to Anchorage for a couple more days.
    Denali is a National park, for all of you who were unaware.
    I didn't see too many moose up there, only 5. One of the coolest things was stuff involving the huskies, the sled dogs. One of the things I did there had a demonstration of how dogs are hooked up to the sleds, and it was amazing how eager they were to go.
    One strange thing is that it seems that Me + Alaska =/= Bacon. I ordered bacon on 5 things I ordered in Alaska, and got bacon on 1 of them. I also broke my DS there, it dropped one time too many and broke. C'est Dommage.
    Also, because of my flight home, I got 30 minutes of sleep in the last 24 hours. I'm ready to go to bed.
  10. Enfero Lunos
    Animal Crossing is not quite as innocent as initially meets the eye
    The town is not as it seems. Why is it cradled in a perfectly square canyon? Why does a river run directly through it? Why is there only one natural type of fruit? Why do all the trees look the same? Why do so many incompatible creatures live together in the same ecosystem? Why do sharks swim so close to shore? Is it to prevent citizens from attempting to escape? Why is your home carefully monitored, every Sunday? Why is the only way out guarded?
    The characters are not as they seem. A normal, yet ambitious entrepreneur, who has the power and motivation to completely renovate a building in 7-46 hours? A normal seeming child, who is able to cut down a mighty tree in 3 swings, and can catch a fish with a simple fishing rod? Why are some animals intelligent, while the others continue their meager, but normal, existence? Why do characters leave so often, and where do they go? Are they "Removed" because they do not meet the standards of the town? Why do the special visitors only stay for one day, and where does all their money go to?
    The inanimate objects are not as they seem. Why can a fishing rod endlessly catch sharks without breaking? Why will a buried shovel turn gold? Why do golden objects express unnatural qualities? Why is a golden shovel able to plant trees that grow money? A snowman, made from tiny particles, becomes sentient. Is it nanotechnology? Why are genetically impossible flowers able to exist?
    Anyone who thinks the world of Animal crossing is peaceful is dead wrong.
    It is clearly a tightly controlled "Utopia," Where any threat to peaceful society is swiftly eradicated. Just who is the Leader behind all this?
    You don't have to look far.
    Who has a monopoly on all of the goods in town?
    Who has the only major competitor for money tightly monitored?
    Who sends his minions to give out "exclusive" items, in exchange for labor, goods, or information?
    Who is responsible for any changes that ever happens around town?
    The answer is painfully clear.
    The dictator of this cruel, nightmarish "village" is none other than our very own Tom Nook.
    This is an example of over analysis.
    It was fun, though.
    Thank you, and good night.
  11. Enfero Lunos
    Wow, the boards were offline so long, I was getting worried
    First: I stayed up till midnight on the 20th to get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows... Definitely amazing

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I can't believe how many people died! I thought the ending was really good, especially the part where Harry didn't die I lliked the way she ended it, completely tying up all loose ends, making no room for a sequel 
    I also read the Andromeda Strain. It was pretty good, but I thought it ended kind of badly. It seemed like it was building up to some dramatic, catastrophic event, and then it just ended anticlimactically.
    I got Jaller and Halhi (Mahri, of course). I like Hahli's mask, but I think Jaller's is definitely awesome. The Cordak launchers are different than I expected them, a lot smaller. I really like the color schemes. The sets aren't as good as the barraki, but they have good MOCing pieces.
    Good news, I ordered another scanner, one that's compatible with Vista.
  12. Enfero Lunos
    1) I finished Playing Okami, and it was great. I must say, it was a lot like Zelda games.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Many of the brush techniques were like gadgets in Zelda games: 1) Sun/Moon: Various songs allowed you to change day to night or night to day
    2) Ice transfer/Fire Transfer/Lightning transfer: Similar to Fire, ice, and light arrows
    3) Cut: Like arrows (a long distance attack)
    4) Water Transfer/Bloom: Like bottles of water, depending on the use
    5) Vine: Similar to grappling hooks
    6) Wind: The deku leaf in WW can blow stuff
    7) Bomb: There are bombs in Zelda games
    The only ones that I can think of that aren't similar are Catwalk (creates path for infinite wall jumps); one that creates lily pads on water to walk on; one that slows enemies; and one that restores broken parts of things.
    There are also pieces of things that you collect to increase life.
    Both games are dungeon crawling games
    2) I saw ratatouille, it was very good.
    3) Beautiful Katamari (The next Katamari game), which was supposed to come out for PS3 and XBox 360, is (apparently) not coming out for PS3, but instead it's coming out for Wii, Which makes me happy.
    4) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass finally has an official release date! It was supposed to come out last year, but it didn't, and it's coming out this October!
  13. Enfero Lunos
    First of all, I saw Evan Almighty. Not quite as good as Bruce Almighty, but still good. Morgan Freeman does a great job as God.
    However, the title has another meaning. When Evan was expecting a flood, it did not seem to be coming. Just like how I expected a flood of updates and drawings in my Valkren Discovery section, up until I learned that my printer/scanner isn't compatible with Vista. I'll try to get it hooked up to my mom's computer though.
  14. Enfero Lunos
    I am completely done with school this year!
    All my exams are taken care of.
    I only got a 87 on my Global exam, but a 100 on my French exam!
    The Bio and Chem exams yesterday were pretty easy. For some reason, I had a dream that I only got a 76 on my Bio exam. I was horrified. Then I woke up and was relieved.
    I still have a bit of work to do on my first AP US pre-course assignment, due tomorrow or next Friday, I'll probably get it done tonight and hand it in tomorrow. I don't know If I want to risk waiting until next Friday. Then, I have to pick up another assignment for AP US, and I have to have that and an AP Bio essay to write for September. Ugh. I'm actually starting to have to do a lot of work for school.
    At least it's officially the first day of summer!
    Also, my new iPod (Nano) arrived!
    I also got windows Vista! It's generally better than XP, but there is some annoying stuff.
  15. Enfero Lunos
    I was wondering something.
    In X-Men, Adamantium is supposed to be indestructible.
    The Juggernaut is supposed to be able to break through anything if he gets momentum.
    If he got momentum, and collided with a wall of adamantium, would he go through, would the wall stop him, or would the universe be destroyed from the horrible paradox?
    My iPod finally died. Pretty much completely. The only way I can get it to work is to plug it into my mom's speaker/charger. The second I unplug it, it goes completely dead. I'm gonna have to get a new one.
    Had my French Exam yesterday. I figured it would be easy, there were 30 multiple choice questions and 2 writing tasks. Fortunately, 2 of the three choices were very easy.
    I found some really cool orchestrated versions of Kingdom Hearts songs. I wish I could provide links, but they're on a site with forums.
  16. Enfero Lunos
    Yay, It's almost completely summer vacation!
    My hardest exams are over.
    Math is/was hardest. I had that yesterday. Any words I could use to describe my math teacher would not be allowed on a kid-friendly site. Fortunately, the most trouble I had was with completing the square. I had forgotten how to do it, but I eventually remembered.
    Today, I had Global. Not that hard, but I had 2 essays.
    Friday, I have french. Should be really easy. I already got a 24/24 on my speaking task.
    Next Wednesday, I have Bio and Chem. They should be easy enough, but I don't know how excited I am about being at school for 6 hours (in the gym for 4 or 5) in the sweltering heat.
  17. Enfero Lunos
    Man, where is that update to the Valkren Discovery section I promised you guys? It's been kinda busy, but tomorrow is my last day of school (and math, global, french, bio, and chem exams I have to come in for). I promise that I'll get stuff up as soon as I can.
    On a KHII:FM+ Message board, I had been staging a little tournament of coolest looking keyblade, and it finished a few days ago. I had been hoping Oblivion would win, but Chance Encounter won. I think Oblivion looks a bit cooler than CE.
    CAD (Computer aided design) is such an easy class. I finish everything way before anyone else. For my final project, we had 4 class periods to complete it; it took me 1 and two thirds.
    I'm really excited for E3 and Tokyo Gaming Show, because at TGS, more info about the next kingdom hearts project will be revealed, and who knows what great games will be unveiled at E3. Which is actually now called E3 Expo. Electronic Entertainment Expo Expo. Department of redundancy department.
  18. Enfero Lunos
    Played Mario Party 8 a few days a go...
    Ugh... that Series is going downhill
    They seem to run out of Ideas for Items (I guess they can't reuse them), so instead of having the items be capsules or orbs or anything, they're candy.
    Instead of the 2/3 dice items being mushroom/super mushroom, They are Twice candy/Thrice candy (It rhymes with dice, woohoo). No mushrooms FTL.
    Fewer minigames. Need I say more?
    Desperate for gimmicks. Blooper (the squid) and hammer brothers as playable characters?
    Highly Dumbed down. No Bowser/DK minigame, a lot of free stars, simple boards.
    I actually have good luck in this game, unlike any of the last mario parties.
    Some of the items have cool effects. The thrice candy looks like the intro scene for sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts.
    Maybe they'll actually try to make number 10 good when it comes out.
  19. Enfero Lunos
    Sour first-
    Yesterday I got to try pure citric acid in chem... not that bad. Not horribly sour
    I hate my math teacher. We currently are doing some project involving sin/cos/tan curves, which I now hate
    Only a few weeks left of school! Yay!
    PotC:AWE on friday!
    I'm probably gonna update the "Valkren Discovery" section a lot more soon, I have like 30 pages of drawings.
  20. Enfero Lunos
    Saw Spiderman 3 yesterday, It was pretty good, but there were a few strange things...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «First: Why wasn't Peter's professor suprised about venom? He was just like "This matches the makeup of certain meteorites" and wasn't like "Oh My God, this is a life form from another planet!" You would think He would show more interest in that. 
    Second: What were the scientists doing when flint fell in? All they seemed to be doing was stirring up the sand.
    Third: It was funny, because Peter's hair looked kinda Emo.
  21. Enfero Lunos
    He could feel his blog sliping away, far away, into the dark void. He tried running to it, but he could not move. Then, out of the darkness, there came a light, that pushed his bog away, and back into his arms...
    Wow, It's been over a month since I last posted! Kind of ridiculous. I'm probably gonna post a ton of stuff, over the next week.
    First, I saw Spamalot on thursday! It was great. Some of the stuff in Holy grail was better, but it was a pretty good musical.
    2nd, I recently got a 95 on a genetics test, which broke my streak of 100s.
    More later...
  22. Enfero Lunos
    "Liberty bonds?"
    Liberty - freedom
    Bond - something that binds, fastens, or holds together
    Oxymoron, anyone?
    Michelin's Slogan used to be "Because so much is riding on your tires"
    Now it's "A better way forward"
    Do they not care about the customer anymore?
    The egg clearly came before the chicken. Why is that expression still used?
    Why, in my health class, did we only learn about one Health thing (nutrition)? Everything else was bad things, such as diseases, or drugs.
    Where did the idea that if there were aliens, they would be extremely technologically advanced, come from?
    It would probably be more accurate to say that humans are extremely large than to say bacteria are extremely small.
  23. Enfero Lunos
    Well, first of all, I would like to apologize for my post on Friday, I was under some stress, and had a bad week. I caved to my own will, and I will continue blogging; I enjoy posting (even if nobody reads it). If you don't know what I'm taking about, that's fine.
    A bunch of things to get out:
    First, a few days ago, I finished reading 1984. Very good, very sad, very disturbing. I have also decided to read a bunch of classics, such as Dracula, The Arabian Nights, Through the Looking Glass, and Animal farm.
    Second, I recently imported a Japanese copy of Boktai 3, because It never came to the US. It's pretty fun, Even though it's in Japanese, although I can't play much because It's not even spring yet, and it needs sunlight.
    Ya know how I got that 100 percent on my human reproduction test? I got the same on my Plant/Animal reproduction test. Vaguely disturbing.
    In Bio, we're starting Genetics. Of course, punnett squares were part of it, but we then went on to dihybrid punnett squares. Being the overachiever I am, I decided to make a trihybrid punnett square. Fun, Exciting, and a waste of time.
    And I think that's it for now.
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