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Status Updates posted by Motago

  1. When you say familiar, you mean by my picture?

  2. Yeh, I know you're a big cult guy.

  3. I was sick for 6ish days with a fever this week :(

    Now I'm feeling a bit better and catching up on homework and soccer games. You?

  4. Yeh, I love the album that's on.

    That song along with "Dare You to Move" would definitely be among my top favorites. "Meant to Live" is another...

  5. So...what does a "Doks" taste like?

  6. Hmm...is it the Broncos hat that makes me look familiar?

    Or is it just my stunningly good looks? (lol!!)

  7. I will probably not return to the Motago Show, although TMD and I are working on something just as funny. Stay tuned!

  8. Which one is your favorite? I spent countless hours playing AOE2...that's my fav. My older bro, his two friends, and myself had the most epic games. Byzantines FTW.

  9. Howdy howdy. :D Nice to hear from you. I'm at the University of Oklahoma right now, so life is good and busy, but I usually come onto BZP if something exciting is going on. How're you?

  10. ...so...do i want to know what happened that changed your gender...?

  11. Yep, I remember you. :)

  12. I've been good. Been listening to music, studying math for the SAT, giving a speech at Toastmasters, and working on a Lord of the Rings hobby.

  13. Wow, thanks for telling me about that!

    BTw, I just saw that PoTC edit you did - VERY NICE. Hilarious.

  14. hai lowel my frend!

  15. Are you going to be DoksBuff pretty soon with your gym then?

  16. (continuing that comment)

    I'll check out that thread asap - im just on vacation at the moment.

  17. HEeeey! Vahki Commander! It's great to see you! :D

    (Go C. S. Lewis!)

  18. *blinks*

    HELLO! :D

    Are you still alive and kicking? Because I have returned!

  19. Hey, Dokumissy. There's a 15% off sale at...


    ...the mall.

    Wow. I'm so not-cool that I can't even name a store at the mall.

  20. Aaah, weights. I prefer running to any other exercise...although I did recently acquire a pull-up bar. Pretty sweet. As for my time - 28 minutes. Not grand, but a start.

  21. *slaps Dokuma with a trout for insolence*

    I said The Princess Bride, boy - not the Princess Diaries! Good grief! "Are there rocks ahead? If there are, we all be dead!"

  22. A lot of people I know don't have the patience for running either. For me, though, I don't have the patience to feel an inescapable need to die/throw up out on the soccer field because my endurance is out. XD

  23. "us" being the Steelers...right?

    Well, if it is...then hope you guys win tonight.

    Because the Ravens are gonna get owneded anyway. XD

  24. Doks totally rox.

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