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Status Updates posted by Motago

  1. Which one is your favorite? I spent countless hours playing AOE2...that's my fav. My older bro, his two friends, and myself had the most epic games. Byzantines FTW.

  2. Oh my word! You like Rayman! And AOE! And you end sentences with ellipses!

    Scarily similar...

  3. Har har. :P

    My life is possessed with SAT study, Chemistry, and SAT study at the moment...

  4. Hmm...I've been through there now and again, but I haven't stayed there for visits.

  5. Ah, okay, lol.

    Maybe I've seen you at the Grand Canyon...or Disney World...or on a blogging site...or something. :D

  6. Hmm...is it the Broncos hat that makes me look familiar?

    Or is it just my stunningly good looks? (lol!!)

  7. When you say familiar, you mean by my picture?

  8. (continuing that comment)

    I'll check out that thread asap - im just on vacation at the moment.

  9. Wow, thanks for telling me about that!

    BTw, I just saw that PoTC edit you did - VERY NICE. Hilarious.

  10. Actually, the only time that I would come on BZP would be to check messages.

    As for the changes, I like the profile feature. It's very nice.

  11. Believe me, man, I'm more than happy that you're still alive. :D

  12. Dude. I love that profile picture.

  13. Oh, that's true. I'd forgotten about the MoLG. I have that on my comp...

  14. Have there been any Flash comics or anything like that which Bionicle has done recently?

  15. Thank you for your comment about the edits!

    "Will I do anymore..."

    I think I would if I had material to edit. I just don't know of any - I've been out of the Bionicle loop for over a year.

  16. So...what does a "Doks" taste like?

  17. Yeh, I love the album that's on.

    That song along with "Dare You to Move" would definitely be among my top favorites. "Meant to Live" is another...

  18. [cont. from last message]

    the forums here, but now I do live-action music videos with a friend of mine. We did one called "Faust, Midas, and Myself" - by Switchfoot, if you've heard of them. That's been our most successful so far.

  19. Thank you - I'm always excited to hear from people that have enjoyed my stories.

    I noticed the music video that you put up here - I'm really big into making music videos.

    BZP started me on a lot of artistic-related things (poetry, writing, game-making, animations, etc.) and one of the longest last things was music video making.

    I made at least two Bionicle vids that I put on

  20. Yep, to some extent I'm alive again. ;)

    My internet life is mainly surviving off of blogs, sports sites, and a LoTR forum, but comments from friends such as yourself always bring me back to BZP. ^_^

  21. Howdy Jedi Master J! It's great to see you too. I was very happy that you remembered me. I've certainly remembered you. Been praying for you too.

  22. Okay, maybe I've discovered something. I have a pic now.

  23. Indeed. I can't understand at all.

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