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Status Updates posted by Motago

  1. Yes, Toastmasters is an international Public Speaking organization. Really great.

  2. I've been good. Been listening to music, studying math for the SAT, giving a speech at Toastmasters, and working on a Lord of the Rings hobby.

  3. Yep, I remember you well from the Motago Show. :D I'm glad to know you're still around - thanks for sending me a message - and thanks for keeping the show alive by posting!

  4. Nope, I haven't worked on it for a year.

  5. That's probably a different person then (unfortunately.) I'm not famous enough (yet!) to have doubles walking around - but that is scary that I have a lookalike lol. How are you?

  6. I dunno whether or not it's still on.

  7. Yep, I remember you. :)

  8. Yeh, I know you're a big cult guy.

  9. [cont.] It's a cult classic among college students, high schoolers, and adults! It's one of the funniest and most quotable movies ever.

  10. OHMYGOODNESS! Dude! Then you are in for a treat. :D Check it out from the library/movie store as soon as possible! It's a legendary fantasy film.

  11. *slaps Dokuma with a trout for insolence*

    I said The Princess Bride, boy - not the Princess Diaries! Good grief! "Are there rocks ahead? If there are, we all be dead!"

  12. The Princess Bride is one of the best films ever.


  13. This is true. Buut...I don't have time. :(

    But I also have about 10 unfinished stories.


  14. You mean post in other topics?

    lol - (obvious man strikes again)

    But I don't have tmie. I'm stretched good as it is. I just have time for the Motago Show and now our comic when it comes to internet.

  15. *blinks*

    HELLO! :D

    Are you still alive and kicking? Because I have returned!

  16. HEeeey! Vahki Commander! It's great to see you! :D

    (Go C. S. Lewis!)

  17. Hey buddy, guess what.

    I have a new Motago Show up. :D

  18. Good to hear from you. I have not written in quite some time. I'm glad to hear that I've been missed though. I have 5+ unfinished stories, but I dunno if they'll be finished.

  19. Okay...on what? XD

  20. Ah...man. :/

    Anyway you could just email me...? XD

  21. My PM system is disabled? Hmm.

    Is that the first step in them sending me packing...?

  22. "us" being the Steelers...right?

    Well, if it is...then hope you guys win tonight.

    Because the Ravens are gonna get owneded anyway. XD

  23. Hey, Dokumissy. There's a 15% off sale at...


    ...the mall.

    Wow. I'm so not-cool that I can't even name a store at the mall.

  24. ...so...do i want to know what happened that changed your gender...?

  25. Yeh, I never played AOE3...

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