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That Matoran with a Vahi

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Status Replies posted by That Matoran with a Vahi

  1. Don't suppose anyone knows of any ongoing Bionicle collaborative project that's looking for artists, do they? I know this is random, but I just... sometimes get hit with the nostalgic itch to work on some big project or other for Bionicle, but I don't have the ideas or time to do something of that scale by myself. I remember back in the day here on BZ there used to be big collab projects from time to time, and I'd love to contribute to something like that; I've just no idea where I'd find them nowadays.

    This is just random musing really, but...

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      @Mushy the Mushroom

      Oooh. I had seen that project, but I didn't realise they were looking for participants. Definitely sounds worth looking into, thanks!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Just wanted to say that I ran across your Inktober drawings in GA and really enjoyed them. Such charming character styles and skillfully drawn scenes! 

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      Aah, thank-you! :D They were a lot of fun to work on ^^

  3. I think I've realised something.

    Whatever name I change to doesn't have to be perfect, for now. I'm not going to be stuck with it forever, I can always change to something more suitable in a few months if need be.

    It just has to be better than "Darth Jaller".

    Which to be honest? Isn't hard to do!

  4. I think I've realised something.

    Whatever name I change to doesn't have to be perfect, for now. I'm not going to be stuck with it forever, I can always change to something more suitable in a few months if need be.

    It just has to be better than "Darth Jaller".

    Which to be honest? Isn't hard to do!

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      It's a neat idea, but I don't think that really works for me. I've never been able to think of anything creative to do with my real name, it's one of those ones where everything that can be done with it already has been xD

      I'm most leaning towards my That Matoran with a Vahi idea. Like... it's not perfect, it doesn't say much about me, I guess? But to me, the Vahi kinda epitomises the prominent mysterious atmosphere of Bionicle's early years, while putting it in the hands of a Matoran gives it a little more mundane context. Plus, it's a subtle back-reference to my long-forgotten old self-insert oc that no-one else will get, which is kinda fun to me too. I just dunno if it's... practical as a name.

      Thanks, though; I really do appreciate the suggestions! I'm always just, heh, super indecisive when it comes to names, online or otherwise xD;

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I'm in one of those Really Need a New Screenname moods again. I guess I'm just indecisive, but... I don't think I want to be known as "Sith Version of Jaller" anymore.

    Watch me change my mind in a few days and decide I'm too attached to this name to let go of it xD;;;

    But for real. A change would do me good. The kid who chose this name grew up; and I'd now rather something that more accurately represents me, instead of just the name of an old project that I'm never going to do anything with now.

    I think my main decision is whether I want to tie myself to a canon Bionicle character, the way my current name does with Jaller. On the one hand: YES, I would for sure like my new username to still be a Bionicle reference somehow, given the nature of the site. On the other, I feel like naming myself to identify with a specific character ties me down.

    But if I didn't go that route... I'm having trouble finding something clever enough that I actually like it xD

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      Thanks for the suggestions! :D

      I think though, that if I stick with something character-related, I wouldn't use Jaller this time. I was thinking of perhaps Lhikan, who's always been a favourite of mine... or Kopeke, who I've become particularly fond of lately. I have a few ideas for either of those, I'm just... not sure I want to use them.

      I'm kind of more looking for something that's still Bionicle related, but doesn't tie me to a specific character, at least not by their name? One of the options I'm toying with is That Matoran with a Vahi, but I'm still not convinced that's really... the best fit for me. But the Vahi is kind of, to me, something that represents the mystery of the line's early years; which, when put in the more mundane context of the rest of the name, kind of gives the effect I'm hoping for?

      I'm not really sure how to describe it. I'm mostly just bouncing around unconnected thoughts right now xD

      Again though, thanks! I do like those suggestions; and I really appreciate the help ^_^

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm in one of those Really Need a New Screenname moods again. I guess I'm just indecisive, but... I don't think I want to be known as "Sith Version of Jaller" anymore.

    Watch me change my mind in a few days and decide I'm too attached to this name to let go of it xD;;;

    But for real. A change would do me good. The kid who chose this name grew up; and I'd now rather something that more accurately represents me, instead of just the name of an old project that I'm never going to do anything with now.

    I think my main decision is whether I want to tie myself to a canon Bionicle character, the way my current name does with Jaller. On the one hand: YES, I would for sure like my new username to still be a Bionicle reference somehow, given the nature of the site. On the other, I feel like naming myself to identify with a specific character ties me down.

    But if I didn't go that route... I'm having trouble finding something clever enough that I actually like it xD

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      (On the one hand: Don't mind me, I'm rambling. But on the other: if anyone has any thoughts for me, I'd be interested to hear them! ^^)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Ooh, look at that: Aquatic Guardian rank! Nice to be associated with my current favourite of the Mata for a while ^^

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      Still miiiiiles away from getting back up to Mask of Light Unveiled again! But I guess there's no harm starting back from near the beginning all over again xD

  8. Ooh, Lightning Voyager again! Slowly, slowly regaining my lost ranks over here xD

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      How long will it take me to get back to where I was, at Mask of Light Unveiled? ...PROBABLY quite a while, yet xD;

  9. I'm in one of those I reeeeeeally want to change my display name phases again. This one was chosen when I was actively trying to work on a project of the same name - you can probably guess the content, heh - and just stuck around long after the idea itself was abandoned. Now, though, it just feels old and worn; something a lot shinier and newer would be nice.


    I haven't the slightest clue what to change it to.

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      That's a lot of help actually; thanks! :D You've given me a lot to consider, so... now I guess I'll think on that, and see what I can come up with ^^

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just hit Mask of Light Unveiled rank, nice! :D I... think that may be the quickest I've every climbed a rank recently; I guess being active in the RP forum does make post count go up a lot faster than normal xD

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      Cue movie nostalgia based on this rank name... about now xD

  11. So, I had this dream last night where I found this really cool Bionicle comic in a shop. And I woke up regretting the fact that it wasn't real and I'd never get to read it. (see my replies to this post for more detail)

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      But, you know... if anyone wants to take these ideas and make them into a real thing? You ABSOLUTELY have my permission because I WOULD LOVE TO ACTUALLY GET TO READ IT FOR REAL :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. So, I had this dream last night where I found this really cool Bionicle comic in a shop. And I woke up regretting the fact that it wasn't real and I'd never get to read it. (see my replies to this post for more detail)

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      In the dream, I was completely about to cave in and buy both of them... but I woke up before I could.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. So, I had this dream last night where I found this really cool Bionicle comic in a shop. And I woke up regretting the fact that it wasn't real and I'd never get to read it. (see my replies to this post for more detail)

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      - but because Okoto wasn't like Mata Nui, with the landscape being all natural rather that artificially-grown camouflage, it didn't give way before them anywhere near so easily as they were expecting; and they were separated, and each of them was being slowly smothered by the plantlife and desperately fighting to escape... it was kind of drawn in really vivid detail, and looked SO NICE.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. So, I had this dream last night where I found this really cool Bionicle comic in a shop. And I woke up regretting the fact that it wasn't real and I'd never get to read it. (see my replies to this post for more detail)

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      And I think there was a second issue of the comic there, too? And it focused on the Bohrok-Kal, who had also ended up on Okoto, and were trying to steal the golden masks before the Toa Mata could find them? And the Kal were overconfident that their powers could burn through anything in their way -

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. So, I had this dream last night where I found this really cool Bionicle comic in a shop. And I woke up regretting the fact that it wasn't real and I'd never get to read it. (see my replies to this post for more detail)

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      I mostly remember this really cool panel of... I think it was og Kopaka and G2 Lewa fighting each other (or may have been the other way around); it was a full-page panel, and the G1 Toa had his back to the reader, up really close to the 'front' of the panel, while the G2 Toa was, like, leaping at him in a tackle from above? I can almost picture it, but can't make it sound as cool as it was xD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. So, I had this dream last night where I found this really cool Bionicle comic in a shop. And I woke up regretting the fact that it wasn't real and I'd never get to read it. (see my replies to this post for more detail)

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      The art style was pure classic D'Anda (only even BETTER) and I remember the whole premise of it just seemed *epic*.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. So, I had this dream last night where I found this really cool Bionicle comic in a shop. And I woke up regretting the fact that it wasn't real and I'd never get to read it. (see my replies to this post for more detail)

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      It was... pretty neat, actually. It was apparently a G2 comic; it was supposedly a Lego Club magazine, judging by the cover, but it had a much larger page size than those have ever had, and the magazine was, like, 90% that comic and very little else. But the story was, it was a crossover with G1; the original Toa Mata had ended up on Okoto and... I don't remember all the details - even in the dream I only flicked through it - but they were clashing with the G2 versions of themselves.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Oh hey, I completely forgot I'd just passed my BZP anniversary the other day. New spinny, cool! :D

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      @JAG18 - Oh cool, thanks! ^^ I didn't follow gen2... which explains my ignorance, I guess xD

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Oh hey, I completely forgot I'd just passed my BZP anniversary the other day. New spinny, cool! :D

  20. So, I just found out today that I've had two pending friend requests sitting around for who-knows-how long, that I hadn't even seen. Um... awkward?

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      ...but for what it's worth? They're both accepted now.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. So, I just found out today that I've had two pending friend requests sitting around for who-knows-how long, that I hadn't even seen. Um... awkward?

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      Neither member has been online in over a year (and one, not since 2014), so I've NO IDEA how long those were waiting on me.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. I was just rereading a few parts of Inferno earlier today, and I kind of slipped and began imagining four out of six of the Inika with voices of the Teen Titans from the 2003 series. I do not regret this.

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      Convince me that this wasn't intentional on Greg's part xD

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. I was just rereading a few parts of Inferno earlier today, and I kind of slipped and began imagining four out of six of the Inika with voices of the Teen Titans from the 2003 series. I do not regret this.

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      Their dialogue even fits the voices perfectly... read any part of the book, and imagine Kongu speaking with Beast Boy's voice; Jaller with Robin's; Hewkii with Cyborg's and Hahli with Starfire's. EVERY LINE is a perfect fit for the respective Titans characters!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. I was just rereading a few parts of Inferno earlier today, and I kind of slipped and began imagining four out of six of the Inika with voices of the Teen Titans from the 2003 series. I do not regret this.

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      I first noticed that there seemed to be some similarities in the way Kongu talked, and the kind of quips he made, to Beast Boy. And it spiralled from there.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  25. Oh hey, I just noticed that I hit the Bohrok-Kal Vanquished rank recently. Nice!

    1. That Matoran with a Vahi

      That Matoran with a Vahi

      That brings back nostalgia... I'd almost forgotten that post rank going up was an actual thing, I'd been at the previous one for so long xD

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