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Status Updates posted by toromaga

  1. I like your banner; La Roux is amazing. :)

  2. Thanks for the b-day topic bro. :D

  3. Sure. :) Here's hoping it was a good one!

  4. Sorry man; fuel to the fire. :/ Nothing personal.

  5. Are you still alive? :(

  6. I saaaaaaaw yoooooou. :D

  7. Figgered I'd comment while I was here. x3

  8. Don't hold your breath, guys. ;P

  9. I haven't touched my blog in over a year. :D Teehee.

  10. Whew. Lol. I'm tired reading all the back-and-forth. XD

  11. At least you have a lot of views. ;D

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