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Metallic O'Dalek

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Blog Entries posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. Metallic O'Dalek
    An idea just hit me! I'll hold another writing contest!
    Requirements: A Mermaid, A Barakii, A Toa, Atlantis (Stargate version), A Stargate, SGA, The SGC, All the Phantoka, Me, Turakii, Dekar, Defilak, Norik, Cortana, A Time loop, Time Travel, SG-1 (original team), A crab, A Muaka, A Pet shop, Black Six (), ~Laughin'Man~, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, and Jack Sparrow.
    It must also be at least 4,000 words overall. (This means you, NP! )
    Have fun!
    -WrinkledlionX-'s Entry
  2. Metallic O'Dalek
    Also known as, I forgot this blog even existed.
    This seems to be one of those nights where I sit here and ask myself "Why? Why do I keep coming back to this site, though I never actually do anything on it?"
    Perhaps it is because doing so has become so engrained in my blood after years of coming here that I can't shake the habit, or maybe I return in the hopes that I will stumble upon an old friend or two, forgotten in the voids of the internet and time...
    In any case, if anyone reads this, how are you this fine night/morning/afternoon/evening/timeless-void-in-which-you-live?
  3. Metallic O'Dalek
    So someone left this little furry ball that appeared to be alive on my doorstep last week... It was making the cutest little trilling noises, so I took it in. It disappeared after a few days, and I just found it in my quadrotritecale supply... Except now there are five hundred of them! Can someone please help me identify this wee beast, so that I may avoid such problems in the future?
  4. Metallic O'Dalek
    The following are real fortune cookie fortunes that me and my family got at the restraunt we just returned from. Mine is last:




    Thoughts, anyone? I did not make these up, nor did I forget the apostrophe in "it's" in the third one, that was exactly how it was spelled. =/

  5. Metallic O'Dalek
    Join the Anti-Oiers and rid BZP of the foulest of words: Oi.

    Egotistical O' Dalek
    ///Dalek Paan///
    Takua the Wanderer
    Aperature Science Employee
    -{Administrator Kingg}-
    Wanted list:
    Toa Kasvir Mistika
    Takua the Wanderer
    Traitors! All of you!

  6. Metallic O'Dalek
    Over a year since my last entry and I still have no answer as to why I can't stop coming back. Oh well. It seems like every time I return fewer people are logged in. Huh. Place hasn't died yet, so that's good I suppose. Also still see activity among a handful of my old acquaintances. There is no real purpose to this entry. It almost feels obligatory, to be honest.
  7. Metallic O'Dalek
    I have been away from this site for far too long, it would seem... When did this current layout come about? O.o
    Life is life... And I don't have anything else to say really, so I'll just leave this drawing here, on the off chance anyone even looks at this blog anymore...

  8. Metallic O'Dalek
    It's been so long since I was actually active on this site, yet here I am again for one of my every-few-or-several-months visits, in which I change my name yet again, reconnect with a small handful of people, and once again find things different from how I left them. And it always feels like home when I return. How is it that such things happen? I could, and have, left so many other sites with out a problem, yet I can't leave BZPower without looking back every so often. Perhaps when next I return I'll have come up with a definitive answer.
  9. Metallic O'Dalek
    Head: Double O' Dalek
    Co-Head: Vermillion
    Hammer head: ~Captain Laughin'Man~

    ~Blue Diamond~
    Turakii #1 Lavasurfer
    Kongu The Summoner

    Are you obsessed with emoticons? Do you feel like an outcast because of this? If so, join "Emoticons Anonymous, where you can be yourself and talk with other emoticon fans!

    We are currently searching for members. ()
  10. Metallic O'Dalek
    Eat a fairy, only at Fairy Time Restraunt, a Dalek owned and operated business since 2008!
    We do Take-out!
    New! PM services!
    SPECIAL OF THE DAY: Country Fried Fairy Wings ----- 5.99
    Fairy on a Stick ----- 15.90
    Kentucky Fried Fairies ----- 20.55
    Spare Fairy Ribs ----- 11.60
    Fairy Dog ----- 1.50
    Fairy Burger ----- 12.50
    Fairy Tale Fries ----- 2.00
    Curried Fairy ----- 9.99
    With wings ----- 10.99
    Fairies Jubilee ----- 11.99
    Fairy Martini ----- 10.00
    Fairies on Ice ----- 11.99
    Smooth Move Fairy Smoothie ----- 5.99
    Creamed Fairy Soda ----- 1.50
    Fairy Split ----- 1.99
    Fairy Cream ----- 2.99
    Fairy Cream Pie ----- 3.55
    Ready to order?
  11. Metallic O'Dalek
    I kept procrastinating on changing my name... Now I changed it. Yay. I think I will now end all posts/comments/whatever with [Anti-Munchkin Propoganda Here].

    [Anti-Munchkin Propoganda Here]
  12. Metallic O'Dalek
    We here at the Anti-Win Campaign, believe in lowering the usage of the word "win", if not eliminating it entirely, in BZP communication. To join, say "Fail" in your comment in this entry.
    Egotistical O' Dalek
    Toa Kazvir Mistika
    Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins
    BrassEXE Toa of Gold
    Takua the Wanderer
    Most wanted:
    Emperor Whenua
    MercenaryXero (Sexy)
    -{Administrator Kingg}-
    Onyx 27

  13. Metallic O'Dalek
    Skippy, the Kangaroo of Love was deeply saddened. Since he was but a young kangaroo of three, he had had a habit of removing love from himself, working on the assumption he would always have enough to go around, and placing it in the hearts of those who needed it.
    But poor, poor Skippy; Alas, by the time he way twenty he had given all but twenty-five percent of his love away. He had always assumed that placing his love in the hearts of others would fill him with happiness at having helped his fellow sentient beings. But this was not true, for he found himself a lone island of cheer in a dark and hurtful world.
    His heart, he found, was dark and cold as obsidian, his feet even more so. It was with all this in mind that he opened the first business to deal in hearts and heartbreaks: Skippy’s Store O’ Hearts. His prices, he decided as a result of his cold and dark heart, would have to benefit him more than the customer.
    The store sold things as follows: Recognition from s/he whom you love, one hundred pecks. A passing “Hello, [insert name here]”, two hundred and fifty-three hugs. An “Oh, hi. How are you?” and following conversation, seven hundred hugs per every five minutes. Going out to coffee or some other such trivial meeting, one thousand, five hundred pecks. For a date, it was much more. Fifty thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six hugs, add nine hundred for every following date.
    By the time he had made his seventh sale, Skippy found he had been filled with all the love he had lost, with one difference. This time, he told himself, it’s all for me! I will not share my love with any other being on this planet, this solar system, this galactic arm, this galaxy, or this universe or anywhere else!
    It was this that triggered a change in Skippy. Somewhere deep down inside, a switch had been flipped. Within weeks, all sentience was lost, and Skippy became as those who had fallen in love with themselves before him. He wandered off into the wild, ignoring people as they called to him.
    One month later, he was caught in a trap, stuck in a cage, and shipped overseas to America. There he was placed in a pen in the San Diego Zoo, where he resides to this very day, a warning to all young humans and animals alike. A plaque on his cage reads “Skippy, Kangaroo of Love: Beware all ye who read this, you, too may become like this kangaroo, a once sentient being who fell in love with himself, lost all sentience, and was caught by hunters.”
  14. Metallic O'Dalek
    So I was thinking recently, what would it be like if we could actually build a computer into someone's brain? And what if, like, then they found a way to make this cheap enough for the common person to buy and have inserted? Wouldn't that be weird? After that tangent, my brain went to thinking 'bout other stuff...
    ...Then it came back up with the question, "Who would dominate that industry?" Further thinking revealed to me that it would once more be a battle of Microsoft vs. Competitors, in which Microsoft would probably dominate the industry. But what would that be like? What issues would that have?
    Can you imagine having a version of Windows in your brain? What would happen if it crashed? Would it have disastrous effects, or just be a nuisance? On one hand, if it was built correctly, it would just be a nuisance:
    "Wha-? Oh, hang on a second guys, my brain just crashed again... Almost got it... Aaaand, we're good. You were saying...?"
    But it could also be horrible:
    "So, there we were, standing in the rain, waiting for a taxi when she looks at me, right? Well then I say 'Hey, Babe. What's your na-...Na-...Na-...Na-..."
    "Um... Jack? Jack? 'Ello, Jack, you there? Oh @!#$%. His brain crashed! Quick! Someone, call an ambulance!"
    Of course, in the case of this situation, any hospital worth its cost would probably have a team of engineers on hand 24/7.
    Another possible situation would be that of a brain crash being fatal, in which case they would most likely put in several redundancies, failsafes, etc.
    So yeah. That's my brain in the early hours of the morning for you... Thoughts? Comments? Something? Please don't tell me I'm the only one who has seriosuly considered this... -.-

    [Anti-Munchkin Propoganda Here]
  15. Metallic O'Dalek
    It's true. At a friend's request, I put some Miley Cyrus songs on it... Immediately afterwards, it refused to turn on. I hit the reset button, which erased the aforementioned songs, and it started working again. XD
    ...To clarify, this is one of the Sony MP3 players, given the name of the old cassette players... Dunno why they used that name again, but they did... Meh. Though, y'know, if they make cassettes of Miley Cyrus it could just as well have been the old Wlakman that my mom has packed away... =l
  16. Metallic O'Dalek
    Tea is better than coffee. The letter C comes before T, and the alphabet is arranged in order of importance, therefore Tea is better. And if you think C is more important than T, you're wrong. If that was the case, Coffee would be better than Tea, but Coffee is worse than Tea. And if you still think it might be the other way around, you're reading the alphabet backwards. Another reason tea is better is that it takes more tasty cups of it to get the same caffeine buzz.
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