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Toa of Pi

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BioniLUG Members Year 19

About Toa of Pi

  • Birthday 09/01/1989

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    Lost. Anybody have a map they can lend me?
  • Interests
    BIONICLE!, of course (playing with sets, making simple MOCs, writing my five comedies and two epics, as well as planning/writing 16+ more epics/short stories/comedies (yeah, I'm doing to much at once. It's a pain in the neck, but I still do it anyway), going on BZPower, etc.)

    I also like Sci-fi stuff (including Star trek, Star wars, Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica (the new one), Farscape, Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, Doctor Who, and Firefly)

    I like to read (including the Ender's Game series, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Artemis Fowl series, A series of unfortunate events, His dark Materials, the Pendragon series, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (and all the other books in the series), novels by Dan Brown {The Da Vinci Code, Deception Point, Angels and Demons, and Digital Fortress})

    My other hobbies include Math (including Pi and programming my TI-83+), music (I play the Clarinet and Alto Saxophone), and acting (especially improv, like Whose Line is it anyway), Baseball (proud to be a fan of the Milwaukee Brewers and the Boston Red Sox!),

    I also like the movie Fever Pitch, the Star Wars films, Zathura (and more films), the tv shows Lost™, Whose Line is it Anyway, as well as several others that have been cancelled over the years (like the Pretender and Veritas: the Quest), and other stuff

    I also occiasionally listen to NPR, and like the programs 'Says You!' and 'A Prarie Home Companion' (I like the radio progam, thought the movie was pretty good, and even got to see a live brodcast of the radio show when it came to Boston in 2005)

    Best movie in the 'verse: Serenity (It's based on the tv show Firefly, and is out on DVD in most areas.)

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