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Deep Purple

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Everything posted by Deep Purple

  1. OOOkkkkay.... Is there any logic behind this strange affection?

    Anyhoo.. As of Oct. 13, I'll be changing my name to Deep Purple.

    Note Deep Purple Productions, or DPP, is replacing TEK Studios.

  2. You're like a Gamemaker God. Thanks for the recoloured emeralds for Knuckles' Emeralds!

  3. LOL for the gender confusion!

  4. LOL commenting on myself! So sad!

  5. Ah! SO are you a SGT. in my Royal Army or what?

  6. Can't let you do that, Starfox. =D

  7. Xtre-e-eme raptor goes, "Rawr!"

  8. He's actually Xtreme in disguise. Don't let his fake new usernakem fool you. XD

  9. Aww, just found out he quit AC...

  10. Ron has come to play! Hoo-rah!

    But serously, this guy is an awesome pal in ACWW.

  11. Deep Purple

    Nfc #1 Voting!

    Homestar FTW. He gets my vote.
  12. I know! Lock the door to the room your in from the inside, then remove the doorknob! ~PK~
  13. Yeah, make SURE that's Makuta's heart and NOT Davy Jone's Heart....... ~PK~
  14. Deep Purple

    Itd! Woo!

    Yeah for Tahu, the guy who got me hooked to Bionicle! Three cheers! Hip Hip! BURN STUFF!!! Hip Hip! BURN STUFF!!! Hip Hip! BURN STUFF!!! ~PK~
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