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Wiz Khalifa

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Blog Comments posted by Wiz Khalifa

  1. I agree with your conjecture Cthulhu...

    2. Opinions:


    This is something I see a lot too: Flaming or harassment of members by other members because they share different opinions. Why this goes on, I know, but still, it's not a pretty thing to see. My friend WX (Who has an awesome blog) is a target of another member, who will remain nameless, because he shares different opinions than that member. It warms my heart to see people such as this nameless member and Wiki defiler to get torn down by admins.


    See, I just stated an opinion that that member should be treated that way because they're a troll. Your opinion may differ, but, again, it's an opinion. If my opinion doesn't match your own, let it go. Constantly ranting and saying "You are wrong" because I don't share your opinion is an instant recipe for fail on your part because you're no longer following a basic rule of life: Everyone is free to their opinion.


    If you go around yelling at people and ranting about them because they don't share your opinion, who is the bad guy? You are. By trying to force your opinion on others, you are making yourself look immature. People like that cause problems. Having an opinion is fine. Pushing your opinion on others because to you they're wrong is in itself wrong.


    Especially that part of it..

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