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Wiz Khalifa

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Everything posted by Wiz Khalifa

  1. Its alright man, how've you been?

  2. That's good, I have been meaning to watch some more Red vs. Blues myself actually.

  3. I'm doing swell, how about you?

  4. That's good, and I procrastinate all the time. Its alright. I don't like to do my math homework.

  5. Ok man, well how's it been going for you?

  6. How's it going man?

  7. Hey is that certain site we all used to go on still around?

  8. Thank you, I missed making comics with you while I was gone. You're a good friend of mine too, we'll have to collaborate on some sort of project soon.

  9. Yes sir, I'll be back for a little while. I always seem to come back no matter how many times I leave.

  10. Hey dude I'm back for awhile, how have you been?

  11. Hey bud, I haven't been online. Happy belated birthday man.

  12. Thanks, I try,

  13. Oh yea, the 'Canes were on a roll and we swept them. Good times.

  14. Yea, Ovechkin and the Capitals played the Devils last year right?

  15. Definitely no win there, we are intimidated by the Devils and they play that to their advantage. We meet them in the playoffs we're getting swept.

  16. Oh wow, WVU... Hah not one of my favorite schools. Nevertheless, congrats on the Big East title, and the #2 seed. Butler's a beast.

  17. If the Pens could just beat the Devils I'd have no doubt we can win it all again.

  18. Thats cool. How's the debate stuff going for you?

  19. Not much, just my annual boredom that comes after football season is over. I always find my way back to BZP when the season's over. What's up with you?

  20. What's good Rogwiz? Long time no see.

  21. I'll check the kit topic.

  22. I'll be sure to check it out.

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