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Blog Comments posted by Lyger

  1. All this... just because the video wasn't HD quality? xP

    Nothing beats watching in 720p, except maybe watching in 1080p only my monitor can't handle that. In any case, the thing was HD quality was available and possible, and the file was right there on my hard drive... if I had access to it, why not improve the viewing experience?


    Ah, whatever. I ended up basically getting really involved in the coding. :P

  2. Heard that Windows 7 was very much like Vista, so I'd stick with Vista first. As long as you don't try to mess around with the OS itself and just install programs it is a very stable system. In my one year with Vista It only crashed 5 or 6 times in total.

    See, my desktop is on XP, and over the past year of heavy usage it's crashed... actually I can't remember it crashing at all. Not the whole system at least, if you mean programs not responding yes, but that's easily taken care of with task manager.

  3. Actually I don't marathon much, and I've never seen that much at once... might run a cour in a day but mostly not. I mean, both seasons of Code Geass (50 eps total) took me maybe 5 days to a week, and that was over winter break.


    Then again, I have a lot of shows running at once, so I usually have to split my time.

  4. I'm so glad my mom distrusts the dental profession so much...


    Which is why I rarely brush my teeth yet they're perfectly healthy. :D

    Whether you need your wisdom teeth out is purely genetic and has nothing to do with your dental hygiene habits. It has to do with whether the teeth grow at the wrong angle.

  5. And it is ignorance that we do not see when one other unfortunate co-human just wants to sleep.

    Well no, that wouldn't be ignorance, considering that they were ASKING me why I wanted to sleep.


    It's what popular kids do. They bombard people they don't know with questions so they can laugh about it later. I honestly don't understand it. It's all a joke; they're not really serious.



    IT'S FREAKING. ANNOYING. I don't get what humor they possibly derive from it. It's completely inane. Simple things and simple minds, I suppose...


    Besides I'm a senior and they must have been sophomores or something. Does that mean nothing these days?


    I don't like to be rude, and I don't like to be rude to girls, but I swear if one of them opens her mouth at me again...

  6. I'm pretty sure that's been suggested a few times before, unfortunately the powers that be currently lack the skills to implement such a feature. :rolleyes:

    Not that I know Javascript, but I don't think it should be too hard. Create a new BBCode tag (maybe [sAFELINK] or something) that passes the URL inserted in it to a Javascript notification window with the notification message (I typed method at first... Comp Sci has gotten to me. >< I just typed my parentheses first in a pair, too...), and that URL gets written to a hyperlink at the bottom of the message.


    The only think I'd be unsure of is actually adding the new tag, and the admins have done that before, right? With the Twitter tag? I'd imagine implementing that would be a lot more difficult than a tag like this one.

  7. And that's why I do not watch anime...

    The problem lies with the fansub group, not with the show itself. Most groups are fine, actually (some actually under-translate, IMO) and when watching raw there's no problem anyway. :P

  8. So far as I know, yes it is now, but it didn't used to be. Language reforms reduced Korean to only the phonetic system, but it used to use Chinese characters as well (Hanja). So if you wanted to, say, transliterate your name into Korean, I suppose you can't go wrong there, just like so long as you know what you're doing you can't exactly accidentally say something untoward by transliterating your name into Katakana.

  9. I've yet to hear of a Westerner getting a tattoo in Korean,

    I want one, and yes, I'll research the meaning. :P



    As for Japanese, well, I think I found a good online dictionary.

    A dictionary isn't everything, though. Some of those people did have dictionaries... but something a dictionary won't give you is idiomatic meanings, figures of speech, cultural connotations, etc.


    For example, on the site they had a post on somebody who wanted a a tattoo of "one in a million," and what they got did essentially mean that... but the idiomatic meaning was very negative. I'll give a better explanation since I'm familiar this one, it's a common Chinese expression as well as a being Japanese one (the tattoo itself was in Japanese).


    For one thing the cultural equivalent of "a million" is "ten thousand" in Chinese and Japanese (dunno about Korean, not familiar with it). As in, where we might say, "I had about a million things to do yesterday!" in China or Japan it would be "ten thousand," or 万 (Chinese wan4, Japanese man). So they got that right at least. And one is just 一 (Chinese yi1, Japanese ichi).


    The problem is, 万一 (wan3yi1) in Chinese and 万が一 (man ga ichi) in Japanese do not mean "unique" or "special" or "fortunate," but rather "in case (something bad happens)" or "what if (something bad happens)." As in the Chinese sentence 我们万一晚了怎么办? If by chance we are late, what will we do? It's an expression of worry, of "what if that one in a million thing will go wrong?"


    Your best bet if you really want to have a tattoo in a foreign language? Consult a native speaker. Several native speakers, if you can. And bring them to the tattoo parlor to see examples of the artists' work, so they can confirm that the calligraphy doesn't look like garbage.

  10. Because these songs are actually really good. Have you heard any? Just 'cause they're amateur musicians using a voice synth program and releasing for free on the internet doesn't mean they can't produce some really awesome stuff. In some cases it's probably more a case of using the synthesized voice by choice; Vocaloid is pretty popular, after all. And a lot of the covers are really good, as well.


    I'm generally not a huge fan of Vocaloid music but I do have Sakura no Ame on my mp3 player. Uhh... I know that video site is blocked on BZP and you need an account for Nico... though there's a way to get around the Nico account thing. That'll work.


    Sakura no Ame - music by halyosy, sung by Hatsune Miku. If you can't understand or partially understand the lyrics, it's a song about graduation and the title means "Rain of Cherry Blossoms." It's somewhat slower and lower pitched than a lot of Vocaloid songs so the synth artifacts aren't nearly as noticeable.

    Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki - music by ryo/supercell feat, sung by Hatsune Miku. Always thought Miku's voice could be a bit ear-piercingly high pitched, but it's only noticeable near the beginning. This is the one I was trying to translate earlier; it's a love song. Title means "The Time When First Love Ends." This is also one for which I rather like the cover better.

    Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki covered by... well, she goes by the username Φ串Φ. Very pretty voice, though.


    'Course whether you like the song is a matter of taste... but you gotta admit they're very professional, and whoever did the cover has a nice singing voice.

  11. I dunno, it probably depends on the song... I've been listening to Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki today and I like some of the human covers better. Plus in the original the music kinda overpowers Miku's voice...


    Also attempting to translate the song (mostly for my own benefit) but gosh is it a headache. There was an English version on Nico but "loose translation" does not begin to describe it.

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