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Nidhiki of the Shadows

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nidhiki of the Shadows

  1. Well... it is the last one.

  2. BUT ONLINE WOULD BE FUN. What games do you have? ~Air Spirit
  3. ...!


  4. Lol at Populus's comment.

    Thanks everyone!


  5. Maybe... I should to huh? We could play online co-op! ~Air Spirit
  6. Yeah... that would be sweet,

  7. That would be awesome! :D

    I'd already be an OBZPC!

  8. Nice... I went to Johnston's Canyon for a class feild trip a little less than a month ago.

  9. I don't celebrate 11000 cause every 3000th post is coolar!!!! XD

  10. Nice! What mountain did you hike?

  11. Lewaofair - Actually... I AM the AIR SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!


    Moneybags - Cool!

  12. Nice!

    Yeah, the Stampede was really fun!

  13. I live in Canmore. I just went yesterday... Very fun. :D

  14. Anyways... I went to the Stampede yesterday, so I couldn't go on. IT WAS SO FUN. Great rides and shows. I almost won the Rock Band contest...

  15. Yay! I was the only one to find that news?

    Did you get any Mistika, ~Bitil~?

    Po-koroking - KUL AWESOME INORITE??!

  16. The first some 20 episodes follow the manga, and the rest (and the movie) are completley different.

  17. It's a pretty interesting anime... pretty good plot for an alternate.

  18. Lol, that was so random about S&T.

    Yeah... I was at the Calgary Stampede at that time, and again today. It was worse today, since I was trying to eat lunch. XD

  19. No password for you. But it's a really simple one...

    I do read FMA actually. XD Great manga. Terrible anime. (it's pretty good - just sooper bad compared to the manga)

  20. OMG You live in Calgary?!

    I live very close to you then.

    Did you go to the Calgary Stampede?

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