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Blog Entries posted by Kothra

  1. Kothra
    I just made and ate it for dinner.
    Also, if you play Battlefield Bad Company 2 for PC, tell me. And if you play with a mic/headset, tell me.
  2. Kothra
    I was doing a Google search of my username, Kothra, and, apparently, there is a town or city (whatever) in Pakistan (or something) called Kothra.
    I never knew this.
  3. Kothra
    Axis & Allies: 50th Anniversary Edition (anniversary of Avalon Hill, not A&A) is scheduled for release on Nov. 18. I can't wait.
    Even though I'll have to wait for Christmas to actually play it, the website should have a downloadable rule booklet for me to read over and over until I do get it.
    New features that I am excited about.
    - Italy
    - China
    - Ottawa
    - More victory cities (AKA Ottawa)
    - bigger board
    - Cruisers
    - new sea unit costs
    - sea and land/air technology upgrades
    - territorial control bonuses (similar to RISK)
    - a lot more pieces
    New features that I don't like.
    - this area is to be left blank
    For those of you who don't know what A&A is, it is a WW2 (duh) stategy boardgame similar to RISk, but several hundred times more complicated.
    Teams always start out the same way, except in AA50, there are two setup options, one for 1942 and one for 1942.
    A&A also features many different pieces, marking different kinds of units (infantry, tanks, fighters, destriyers, transports, etc.) and units can only come into play on territories that have a IC (Industrial Complex), or in a sea zone adjacent to such a territory.
    ANyway, it is an extremely fun game. The only problem with AA50 is that it costs... $100! Especially since none of the earlier ones costed more thatn $50 at release...
    There are also many spin-offs of the original A&A, which include (put A&A before each of these titles) Europe, Pacific, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Guadalcanal and a revised version of the original (AA50 is basically a revised version of that). They have also released a RTS game based off of it. And they have released a miniatures game of it.
    Who else has heard of it or plays it?

  4. Kothra
    Exo's gone bleh.
    So I guess I'll start writing a story about my character's past, and her brother.
    Hopefully I'll be able to establish things with which I can do stuff (like create a domain, which would most likely be a Kamui colony on Kaen's northwest shore).
    I'll also probably take the whole kitsune thing, and turn that into it's own species (foxes, with the powers the mask grants, turn into humans, invisibility, fire, etc.). So the mask Karin has would be a device harnessing such powers for human use.
    Here's a drawing of the kitsune mask. I suppose it could be a bit thinner, but whatever. As for the blue lines, GET OVER IT.

    (I know it looks exactly like Demon Lord Nine-Tail's mask, but that's the look I was going for in the first place.)
    EDIT: Hmm. I guess I'll change the way it looks some, so it's somewhat more original.
    EDITEDIT: Turning the red to blue will make it look more original, and it'll fit Karin better.
  5. Kothra
    List because why not. Maybe pics tomorrow.
    Physical Gifts:
    Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum (DVD)
    Leapers illuminated scope (for airsoft)
    Skyward Sword
    GeForce GTX550i ('early graduation gift')
    Lightsaber chopsticks (Luke Sywalker's first lightsaber)
    $15 Books a Million gift card
    $50 Gamestop gift card
    $50 Target gift card
    $10 iTunes gift card
    Steam Stuff:
    Crysis Warhead (from a person)
    Nexus: The Jupiter Incident (from another person)
    Steam Stuff for Myself:
  6. Kothra
    I am having trouble determining what is more amazing:
    1) The fact that I am no longer grounded.
    2) The fact that I just got AA50.
    3) The fact that I am wearing an England shirt.
  7. Kothra
    The New Play Control! version of Metroid prime has been released in Japan.
    I have been watching videos of it on the "Video Site that is no to be named".
    New Things
    New menu style. Similar to Metroid Prime 3. New control scheme (duh). Metroid Prime 3's medal system. Voice acting (kinda). At the beginning of the game, when you see Frigate Orpheon, there is some speech-thing, and when you start the game from a save room, and it says on-screen where you are, a voice actually says where you are. I suspect it to be Jay Ward, the guy who did the announcer-thing for those two Metroid songs in SSBB. When your ship sends you objective data, the "Beacon recieved" from Metroid Prime 3 can be heard. I think there was something else... 

  8. Kothra
    Seconds ago, I saw a commercial on TV about a movie called Valkyrie.
    It seemed quite interesting.
    From what I've ssen, it revolves around some conspiracy against Hitler in WW2.
  9. Kothra
    *Dwarven Centurion pops out of wall*
    *pulles out Wabbajack*
    *Sweetroll falls to the ground*
  10. Kothra
    Why is Xam'd such an awesome show?
    Why have Waffles and Ziko lost the Game?
    Why am I posting another blog entry?
    Why the heck is Jiigoo?
    Why does the AMX-40 in World of Tanks suck so much?
    Why do they call it the AMX-40 when the real AMX-40 came years later?
    Why is Sisen so unresponsive to the Request topic?
  11. Kothra
    Do I make my next theme:
    crazy psycho Accelerator

    Accelerator with Last Order being cute

    I suppose I'll make samples tomorrow or something.
    EDIT: Examples for the last two. Crazy Accelerator theme will probably have him even crazier.
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