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Everything posted by Eyru

  1. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp Taja awoke with a start. Even as she opened her eyes, she felt the difference in her surroundings. The air was cooler and the light was dimmer. Everything felt more comfortable. Her limbs felt stronger and her eyes were sharper—she could make out details around her that she had passed over under the light of the sun. Each shadow fed her information; all she had to do was open her mind to it. And in the calm state of mind that accompanies the end of sleep, her mind felt easy to open. She reached out effortlessly, feeling the movement of fish and amphibious creatures beneath the water. She felt the Rahi in the leaves above her settling down from the daytime activities. She sensed insects drawing paths through the air as they found places to rest. Inside the tree limb she rested on, she could feel sap moving slowly in the darkness. Even as the swamp began to grow quiet, she could sense life all around them. "Morning," she said ironically. She swung her legs off the limb and planted her feet on the marshy ground once again. "Which way to the temple?" @Nato the Traveler
  2. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp Taja nodded, unsatisfied but unsurprised. That was a fair answer, but she was tired of secrets. She felt like there was a neverending supply of them, beginning with Turaga Dume in his office and continuing into this wilderness of a land that was dotted with forgotten ruins and ancient, smooth-tongued beings of darkness. She hoped to find some answers in the temples, but knew better than to expect it. Despite her hope, it was all too likely that any knowledge they found would only raise more questions. Zakaz was an island of mystery, and she had a feeling that it would not give up its secrets easily. She yawned and looked around. There would be time to think more on that as they continued travelling. But for now, she needed to rest. Scooting along the limb until her back rested against the tree trunk, Taja leaned back and closed her eyes. "Wake me in a few hours. Around sunset, maybe." @Nato the Traveler
  3. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp "Millennia? Then, do some Aspects... do they remember the Matoran who were here before? Do they remember why the temples were built?" @Nato the Traveler
  4. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp "I see," Taja said, although this was a half-truth. Whisper's explanation only raised further questions, but she could sympathize with the creature's plight. If time was like a river that molded each Aspect into a unique shape and texture, then how cruel it was to know that, eventually, they were doomed to return to what they had been before. To lose all their accumulated knowledge and memories to the pool that had birthed them. If she were in the same position, Taja thought she would probably try to break the cycle too. To spit in the face of destiny and forge her own path. Better to die as yourself than to lose everything that made you you. But wasn't that the same quandary she had found herself caught in a moment ago? If the wisdom of the astronomers still held true, then destiny had them all caught up in its grip. They were like leaves in a whirlpool, endlessly moving but never escaping. Although... now that she found herself in a different land under different stars, Taja wondered if the old rules still applied. Her whole world had been a container—a terrarium. Now she was outside. Was there any guarantee that destiny still held sway out here, in this strange land with its alien constellations? Perhaps she was truly free now to forge her own path, And if she was, then surely Whisper deserved that freedom too. To live and die on her own terms. "I see. Then, after returning to the pool, are Aspects eventually born again? Can you even know?" @Nato the Traveler IC: Oreius | Pridak's Throne Room, the Coliseum Taking advantage of his opponent's momentary distraction, Oreius conjured a blast of fire between them, blowing the two Toa apart. The blast was unlikely to harm his enemy, seeing as he was a Toa of Fire himself, but all Oreius wanted was to get some distance. Achro was blown backwards towards the wall of the throne room, while Oreius was blasted in the opposite direction—towards Pridak. Flying through the air, he looked down and saw the warlord had exited his exo-suit. Absent his armour, Pridak's body lit up like a Naming Day tree as Oreius's Kanohi picked out each weak point and flaw. The Barraki seemed frailer and more wizened than he had expected, but perhaps that was just the juxtaposition of the hulking suit he had just abandoned. Pridak was surely still a force to be reckoned with, armour or no. Oreius would prove himself equal to that force, or die trying. He hit the ground and turned his momentum into a roll, springing up only a metre from Pridak. From this close, he could finally look the warlord in the eyes. Pridak's eyes were black with no pupils, like a shark's. They held no illusions of mercy or pity. They were the eyes of a killer; they were the eyes of a conqueror. With a grim smile, Oreius charged Pridak and slashed at him with his sword. @Toru Nui @Vezok's Friend
  5. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp "Living I can understand," Taja said. "But you already live in most of the ways that matter. Don't you?" Placing her hands at her sides, she leaned back carefully on the limb, keeping her balance. "You think. You speak. You reason. You dream and want, and have everything in common with me except physical needs. But feeling hunger doesn't make me any more alive than you." She paused, not sure how her companion would react to her next question. "So, I guess my question is... why do you want to die?" @Nato the Traveler
  6. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp Taja didn't reply immediately. She was struck by the poetry of the sentiment. Whisper's observation was oddly endearing. She supposed it was a true enough description of anyone—one Matoran could be as different from another as quartz from granite, and yet they were both still Matoran. She looked down at her own hands, so newly recoloured: she couldn't imagine there being another Toa like her, but she was still a Toa. As time went on, she would continue to change and grow, and yet a Toa she would remain. Despite their differences, she and Iradra would always be alike in that regard. It was funny, she mused, how everything seemed to simultaneously change while staying the same. Having undergone two transformations in as many weeks, she felt like an alien in her own body. And yet, she was still Taja. She still felt like herself... and also not. She wondered what she would be like in a year, or a hundred years. Would that Taja still be recognizable? Or would the river of time refine her into something new? How much of oneself was innate and permanent; and how much was mutable and shaped by experience? She was sure some Ko-Matoran philosopher had written a treatise on the idea. As an astronomer, she was no stranger to these questions. Many astrologers found it difficult to reconcile the certainty of the stars with the appearance of free will. How much of one's life was prescribed by destiny, and how much was left up to you? Could anyone really do anything of their own free will, or was the illusion of choice really just that—an illusion? If so, then what was the point of doing one's Duty, anyway? Destiny would happen regardless. In the same vein of thought, did she really have any control over the shape she was being molded into? A Toa of Water could control a river, but no one could control time (even though Turaga Dume had seemed convinced he could). If choice was an illusion, than maybe change was too. The appearance of change might just be the immutable direction of destiny, prescribing them all into the roles they were destined to fill. "Taja" had changed, but she was still Taja. Perhaps these transformations were just making her more "Taja" than she had been before, until she was "Taja" enough to fulfill her destiny. ...her head ached. She remembered why she left these stupid discussions to the philosophers. She preferred the stars: they didn't ask you to understand. They just asked you to listen. Speaking of listening, she realized Whisper was still looking at her, waiting on a reply. Her cheeks coloured. "And you... you hope to change into something like me." @Nato the Traveler
  7. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp Taja sat down on the low-hanging limb of a nearby banyan tree. It creaked under her weight, but held strong. Reaching into her pack, she pulled out a waterskin and took a long drink. She wiped her mouth, then took out a piece of jerky and took a bite. She wondered if maybe she shouldn't sleep for a few hours and continue their journey when it got a dark. Walking in the day felt more draining than walking at night. The simple presence of light, even diffused through the trees, seemed to have a negative effect on her stamina. "So," she said after a minute or two of silence. "You're not the only one of your race, are you? Are they all like you?" @Nato the Traveler
  8. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp Hours passed. Although the green canopy shielded them from the sunlight, Taja could still sense when the sun reached its zenith. The light that dappled through the foliage was strong and bright, and she instinctively avoided it. She skirted around the more treacherous bogs and pools, and only sloshed her way through the marsh when no dry path presented itself. All around her, the swamp continued to exist as though she was not there, like a vast organism that didn't even notice her. Insects buzzed, birds chirped, and Rahi shrieked in the trees. She felt like an insect herself, creeping along the skin of a creature so giant that neither could fathom the existence of the other. Whisper, for her part, moved unswervingly through the swamp. She seemed to know exactly where she was going, like she was heeding a call that only she could hear. It helped that she didn't need to worry about slipping in the mud or falling into the murky water. Taja followed her as best she could, although she knew eventually she would need to stop and rest. The Aspect had no such need, so it would be up to the Toa to call a break. Breathing hard, she finally did so partway through the afternoon, if her senses were right. Raising a hand, she called out to the Aspect slithering ahead of her. "Hey. Let's stop for a bit." @Nato the Traveler
  9. IC: Taja | Fau Swamp Taja nodded. Following Whisper's earlier advice, she kept close to the trees as they entered the swamp, stepping carefully over the twisted roots. The ground was soft and wet, but stable enough to walk on. The ground was sunken between each tree, and the bottom of each sump was filled with green-brown water. Little rafts of algae floated here and there in these puddles, which, as they moved deeper into the swamp, gradually grew bigger and bigger until they were no longer puddles but one vast, interconnected body of water. Overhead, the sky was hidden by great canopies of vibrant green leaves. Long vines and strings of ivy dangled down into the water, sending ripples across the ponds every time they moved. The sound of buzzing insects grew louder; here and there, Taja saw the little creatures skittering up and down tree trunks or floating patiently in the water. Dragonflies hummed through the air, pausing here and there to hover effortlessly like tiny airships. Their colourful bodies gleamed in the soft light. And higher up in the canopy, the occasional cry of some unseen Rahi sounded through the leaves. These chitters and screeches startled the Toa whenever they came, but she was fascinated by them. She had never studied Rahi. She had preferred to keep her lonely company in the knowledge towers, studying the movements of the stars. But the dances of the heavens suddenly seemed unbearably sterile when compared to this swamp. Life was abundant here; it flourished in every crevice and blossomed in every crack. Mushrooms sprouted from fallen logs; wasps built their nests in the crooks of tree limbs. Throughout it all, the thick, humid air of the swamp hung like a warm blanket. It was intoxicating. Her attention lapsed, Taja found herself suddenly slipping on a muddy patch of grass. Her heart leapt into her throat. She balanced on one foot for a long second, arms windmilling, then cried out as she fell into the water with a splash that silenced the swamp for a brief moment. Then the noise resumed in earnest, and the Toa stood up as quickly as she could. She wiped the algae off her armour as she stumbled out of the water, muttering words she'd only heard in the dive bars of Le-Metru. "Sorry," she said wearily. "Got distracted." @Nato the Traveler
  10. IC: Taja | Swamp Outskirts "Exactly," Taja agreed. "It's like the need to sleep. Or the need for water. I can try to ignore it, but eventually it has to be met." The blurry green shapes on the horizon had materialized now into tall, twisted trees. The ground underfoot was now softer than ever—Taja could feel water squishing with every step. She looked up in wonder. The trees had their own leaves, but they were also overgrown with vines, mosses, and lichens that hung from their branches like half-discarded clothes. The dry air of the desert had slowly been replaced by the damp, humid air of the jungle. Accompanying the humidity was the smell of stagnant water and rotting plant life, and the sound of insects buzzing. "So, this is the swamp," she said. "It's beautiful." @Nato the Traveler
  11. IC: Taja | Swamp Outskirts "That's... accurate, really," the Toa said. "It's a desire, but it's all in your body. I can want food just like I can want anything else, but that's a different feeling from being hungry. Hunger isn't voluntary. You can't just stop being hungry. Not without eating." She paused, trying to organize her thoughts. "So... eating is the fulfillment of that yearning. That's why it's enjoyable. Food can taste good, smell good... but that's all secondary to the feeling of hunger being satisfied." @Nato the Traveler
  12. IC: Taja | Swamp Outskirts Taja considered the question as she walked. "It's... well, it's hard to describe. You don't know what hunger feels like?" @Nato the Traveler
  13. IC: Taja | Swamp Outskirts "I guess you're right," Taja admitted. "We did eat meat." She hadn't thought of it that way. Metru Nui, for all its pomp and splendour, still operated by the most basic rule of survival: one must kill to survive. The Matoran had lived off the harvest of the land and sea. Their easy life had been paid for by the death of others, even if they were just Rahi. She shouldn't judge this island so harshly, she decided. It was a barbaric place, but it was also more honest. It was easy to know where you stood when everything was trying to kill you. @Nato the Traveler
  14. IC: Taja | Swamp Outskirts That was a good question. If Taja was being honest, she didn't know. She had lived a safe, comfortable life in Metru Nui until the fall. The most danger a Matoran of Metru Nui ever encountered was usually self-inflicted: chute surfing and disk tossing were the two examples that sprang to mind. Thanks to the Toa and the Vahki, she had never worried about walking down the street. It was different here, but perhaps not so different from other parts of her universe. Other, less civilized islands had surely housed dangers of their own. So she settled for a shrug. "I lived in a city. No wild Rahi. No Skakdi raiders. I never had to kill anything to live, and I never felt like anything was going to kill me. I guess I was lucky."
  15. IC: Taja | Swamp Outskirts Taja nodded resignedly. "Is there anything on this island that isn't trying to kill us?" IC: Oreius | The Coliseum Oreius's punch landed, infusing Achro's remaining sword with Weaken energy. His opponent fell back as a web of tiny cracks began to blossom on his weapon, then he suddenly charged Oreius again. Oreius met the assault with a standard defensive stance. Their blades threw sparks as they met. Immediately, Oreius swung again, and again, trying to drive his opponent back with a flurry of blows. Every time their swords met, the cracks in Achro's blade would grow and splinter. Oreius was painfully aware that Pridak was only a few meters away. He was so close to avenging Metru Nui... but he had to deal with this traitorous Toa of Fire first. @Toru Nui
  16. IC: Taja | The Desert So Matoran had lived here once. How long ago had that been—hundreds of years? Thousands? And where had they gone? She supposed they might have been slaughtered by the Skakdi raiders. Po-Koro came once again to her mind's eye: the warskaks had swept through the little village like a storm, leaving it burning and broken in a matter of minutes. Even a team of Toa would find them more than an equal match. But why they were gone was inconsequential. Taja was more interested in why they had built these ancient temples, and what secret knowledge they had locked inside. Was this Matoran civilization at all similar to hers? If so, there could be Toa tools or rare Kanohi hidden away. But there was no guarantee these Matoran were kin to her. They might have gathered far stranger secrets than simple masks or weapons. Whisper had spoken of rituals... if one of these could raise a Tahtorak, then perhaps there were others too. Rites to call forth equal or greater power. Until they actually found the temples, all she had were guesses. Raising her eyes to the horizon, Taja's heart leapt to see a blurry green line suggesting the shapes of trees. Underfoot, the scrubland was a little softer, and the scraggly plants were a little greener. They were approaching the outskirts of the swamps. @Nato the Traveler
  17. IC: Taja | The Desert "I can feel it," Taja said in agreement. "It's always pulling at the shadows. Giving them shape." She reached out again. Each clump of gray-green shrubs and grasses had its own shadow. She could trace their shapes with her eyes closed, if she wanted to. She could sense the darkness under the sand, each grain casting its own shadow against its neighbour. Each was available to her—she could reach out and manipulate all of them. Darkness was ever-present, even in the sun-soaked desert. An endless supply of elemental potential waiting to be used. "These temples..." she said, abruptly changing the subject. "Do you know who built them? And what were they for?"
  18. IC: Taja | The Desert Taja frowned and looked down at her own shadow. It fell to her right as she walked, cast by a morning sun that was still low in the sky, nowhere near its zenith. She had never given much thought to her shadow. It mirrored her movements; it stretched and shrank according to the proximity of light. There had never been a reason to give it more thought than that. But now she was different. And if she wanted to get stronger, she needed to think differently. Half-closing her eyes, the Toa tried to recall what it had felt like to reach out into the darkness of the New Archives. She had started by listening, as if she was still a Toa of Sonics. She had strained her ears to catch whispers on the other side of the cave, to pick up the skittering of insects and nocturnal wildlife. And somehow, in the process of listening, she realized she was reaching out into the darkness and sensing instead. She couldn't hear the muttered conversation between two Ga-Matoran, but she could sense the movements of their mouths through the shadows they cast on the wall. She couldn't hear the lizard scampering deeper into the cave, away from their lights, but she could sense its little body slipping through the darkness. She tried to do it again, and this time it happened almost instantly, like her powers were eager to be used. Instead of opening her ears to the world, it felt like she was opening her mind. She could sense her shadow at her feet. She sensed the shadows cast by each little clump of dry grass. She sensed the rippling of Whisper's shadow on the sand and felt it bend and change as the Aspect exerted her power; the shape-changing created a sort of tension in the shadow, which always wanted to return to its natural form and hide from the light. Her own shadow followed her movements fluidly, but she could change that. Thinking back to Turaga Sans's instructions that had first helped her unlock her elemental power, Taja reached deep into her new body and searched for the source of her power. She found it more easily than she had the first time—although her elemental energy was different, the principle was the same. It felt like a vibration in her bones, or the humming of a power line. No—it was more like a gentle shivering that signaled the presence of potential energy waiting to be released. All she had to do was release it. Using your powers is just extending your body... reach out and shift your body to extend beyond your physical form. Sans's words echoing in her head, she took a deep breath, then let it out. As she exhaled, she allowed a fraction of the energy to come forth and find its echo in her shadow. The sensation was different from using her sonic powers: it was cold and sharp, like inhaling while eating a peppermint. Her whole body seemed to tingle as she reached out and carefully directed her shadow to bend to her will. It obeyed. The Toa-shaped shadow slowly elongated, stretching farther and farther from her feet until it was over thirty feet long. Then, with a swipe of her hand, Taja directed it to return, and it did so with breathtaking speed. It snapped back like a cracking whip and became a puddle at her feet, a shapeless circle that remained directly underneath her body even when her feet left the ground with each stride. Giddy with the thrill of success, Taja held out a fist and slowly opened it wide. Her shadow transformed from a blob into a perfect circle that spiraled steadily wider before sprouting billowing peaks and spikes like a black sun tattooed on the sand. Her shadow seemed infinitely malleable; she could command it to take whatever shape she wanted. Her only limit was her own creativity—that, and that strength of the light. Even now, she could sense the sunlight pressing on her creation, producing a gentle tension reminded her this shape was not natural. The moment she lost focus, she knew the light would force her darkness back into its proper shape. She wanted to see it for herself, so Taja cut off the flow of energy and let her hand drop to her side. Her shadow instantly receded and reverted back to its natural form. It mimicked her movements once again, following them perfectly as it had been doing all her life. OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  19. IC: Taja | The Desert Non-violence? A surprising answer from a so-called demon. Taja mulled this over for a few minutes while they walked. "Still, I'd like to feel, well... less useless," she said. "You said I'm a... being of Shadow now. What does that mean? How do I use it?" OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  20. IC: Taja | The Desert Taja had heard of Nui-Rama. Evidently, the worlds of Zakaz and Metru Nui were not quite so alien to each other as they first appeared. She didn't know much about them, though. That sort of work was left to the Archivists. She had a vague picture in her mind of a large, flying insect with translucent wings and sharp claws—she'd probably seen one on a field trip to the Archives, years and years ago. "Yes," she agreed. "But I have to warn you—I'm not much of a fighter. Especially after..." she gestured to her body. "...you know. This. I don't even know what I can do, let alone how." OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  21. IC: Taja | The Desert "Then that's where we'll go," Taja said, slinging her bag back over shoulder. She peered southward, but the jungles she'd heard of were not yet in view. "Lead the way." OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  22. IC: Dar Poroka Toden Kakoda Gan | The Silver Sea Splooosh! Poroka hit water like cannonball. Make big splash! Hope somebody see it. Sink under water. No need hold breath—Poroka live in water too. Poroka's amferbious. Lots of bubbles. Hard to see. But Poroka can tell which way up. So start swim. Big feet make easy swimming. Many arms help too! Move fast. But something feels not right. Feels like... arms not move good? Feeling funny. Poroka try look at arm, but eyes not see so good. Poroka's feeling woozy. Wake up, Poroka! Not sleepy. Just funny. And water's funny, too. Feeling kinda... spicy. Poroka gotta bad feeling about this— Suddenly there's big light! Poroka hurts! Make angry, but roar don't help! Just bubbles! Feeling stretchy— Feeling squishy— Feeling spicy— Too hot! Too hot! Ow! Water keep making hot! Stop please! Sto— ... * * * The peaceful waters of the Silver Sea suddenly erupt in a shower of sparkling liquid. A monstrous figure rises from the water on two vast wings. Each beat of the gigantic wings sounds like a thunderclap. The figure seems to unwrap itself, revealing its hulking body to be a mass of tentacles. It opens its maw and roars into the night, as if challenging the Tahtorak that roared only moments ago. It rises into the sky, a shadow against the stars. Its wings flap once, and it is gone.
  23. Submitting Poroka's revamped profile for approval: Name: Dar Poroka Toden Kakoda Gan Species: formerly Nocturnal (Nocturne’s species); now transformed Faction: Himself Description: Dar Poroka is a tall, multi-armed being with two bulging red eyes, a large, fanged mouth, and razor-sharp claws. His armour is primarily blue with streaks of yellow, and a series of sharp spines runs down his back. Like all members of his species, he is amphibious, and his wide, flat feet serve as excellent flippers should he find himself in the water. The streaks of yellow in his armour are bioluminescent—they glow in dim light, and can change colour. After coming into contact with energized protodermis, Dar Poroka was transformed. Because he was transformed while under the effects of an Enlarge Kanoka, his new body is over twice as big as his old one, standing at roughly thirty feet tall. The transformation fused his torso with the corpses of two dead Matoran; their bodies seem half-imprisoned in his chest, their faces frozen in horror. He still has the two normal arms and two tentacles he had previously, but now has several additional tentacles that bring his total limb count to ten. Two of these limbs are vast tentacled wings, each as big as his entire body, allowing him to take flight. Altogether, he is a gigantic, hulking monster. Close inspection of his skin reveals the presence of thousands of tiny hair-like tentacles: it's like his entire massive body is woven of them. Even his facial expressions are no longer controlled by muscles, but by the flexing or relaxing of the interwoven tentacles that now make up his face. Background/Occupation: Dar Poroka submitted to the League when they conquered his island, acknowledging them as the superior hunters. He served in Ehlek’s army, where his brawn was useful enough to make up for his lack of brains. He joined his League comrades in the assault on Metru-Koro, but was rebuffed. His ship was destroyed in the ensuing retreat, and he plunged beneath the waters of the Silver Sea and was transformed. Powers/Abilities: Dar Poroka possesses incredible strength that increases when he gets angry (primary power). He also possesses the ability to regrow lost limbs, although this process takes time and energy (secondary power). He is immune to most poisons, even powerful ones like the Pit mutagen of the old universe (breed quirk). As a result of his transformation, Dar Poroka now has the ability to fly. Also as a result of his transformation, he is no longer dependent on physical food for nourishment. Instead, by coming into contact with another being, he is able to feed off of their memories. Although this activity is not comfortable for the victim, it causes no permanent damage: the victim's memories do not disappear after Poroka feeds on them. His bioluminescence instinctively changes colour according to the emotions in the memories he eats. Finally, Dar Poroka may now share his powers with another being while they are within his immediate vicinity. The recipient must voluntarily accept this sharing of powers. However, after five minutes of sharing powers, they lose all memory of whatever transpired during those five minutes. Equipment: Dar Poroka currently has no weapons or equipment. But his fangs and claws serve him well, and his tentacles are lined with minuscule barbs that allow him to latch on to objects or other beings. Flaws: Blessed with brawn but not with brains, Dar Poroka is not very bright. He has difficulty following complex plans, and when he gets confused he tends to get angry. His short temper usually results in him destroying whatever irritates him. Unless given orders, he tends to act on instinct: eating when hungry, sleeping when tired, and killing when bored.
  24. IC: Taja | The Desert Tahtorak. The name alone sent a chill down her spine. It brought to mind glowing eyes and flashing teeth and the metallic smell of blood. The Skakdi hadn't needed a Tahtorak to bring Po-Koro to its knees. She remembered helping injured Matoran from the destruction and wondering at how easily the raiders had pillaged the little settlement. With a monster on their side... they would be unstoppable. But she needed to stop it. She couldn't just stand by and watch her people be ground to dust under the heels of the warskaks. She needed to get stronger. If the marauders had rituals like that, then maybe there were others. Secret knowledge hidden in the temples Whisper spoke of. Ancient rites that could challenge even the monster whose roar turned her blood to ice in her veins. "Let's go, then," she said. "We don't have any time to waste. Where's the closest temple?" OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  25. IC: Taja | The Desert It seemed that she barely fallen asleep before she was woken again. Taja's eyes flew open, and she sat up as a unearthly cry echoed over the landscape. She had never heard such a sound before, but it seemed to pierce to the very core of her being and fill her with terror. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears. She didn't know what creature had unleashed that roar, but her instincts told her to fear it. The Toa staggered to her feet, her fatigue forgotten. "What..." she faltered. "What was that?" OOC: I'm bending time a little here, but I didn't want Whisper and Taja to miss hearing the Tahtorak. @Nato the Traveler
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