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Everything posted by Eyru

  1. IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, the Archives. The Toa of Fire nodded once. "I understand." He turned toward the door. "Hiripaki. Is there anyone still at the door? Is it safe for us to leave?" OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Onaku
  2. IC: Tuakana | The Ash Barrens East. East. East. They loped across the land, and the sand turned to ashy dirt beneath them. The blue sky became overcast, then dark with smoke. Trees began to appear, but they were dead. Clothed in blackened bark. Empty branches pointing to the sky like charred bones. Withered by ancient fire. The Tooth was behind them now. It dominated the horizon. Smoke and noxious vapours rose endless into the sky to feed the black clouds that hung low over the land. They did not look back. Their eyeless face pointed ever east as they moved through the trees. They were a shadow among shadows. The dead forest surrounded them. The ground hissed under their steps, releasing puffs of hot dust. They paid no mind. They did not fear this barren waste. At last, their goal rose before them out of the forest. The ziggurat's peak climbed into the sky as they came into the clearing. Its ancient walls gleamed in the light of slow-moving lava rivers that smoked and bubbled as they flowed around it, travelling ceaselessly towards the sea. They paused at long last, unwearied by the days of travel. They craned their neck. The overhanging tendrils of moss and lichens that hid their face were now blackened here and there from the sparks that drifted through the trees. Their armour was already black as pitch, and showed no sign of similar burns. They drank in the sight of the ruins. Its slopes and edges were familiar, like something seen in a half-forgotten dream. They remembered it standing taller and more beautiful. They remembered its surfaces with fewer cracks and scars. They recalled torches lit and offerings left at its feet. Now it was old and half-broken, a monument to a forgotten past. But the gong was housed here still, and it was unbroken. The shimmering sound of its ringing still vibrated deep in their essence. They knew the temple's exterior did not matter. Its ancient purposes could still be fulfilled. The power housed here had not dwindled over the centuries. It had only slept. Now it had been awakened. They sat before the ruins for a time. Waiting...
  3. IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, the Archives "Thank you for your services, Hiripaki," Oreius said, interrupting Okuo's attempt to bypass the security protocols. As annoying as the artificial intelligence could be, it had helped them. He didn't usually bother thanking robots for their work, but this one seemed surprisingly lifelike, to the point where he would feel bad if he didn't voice his appreciation. He placed a hand on Okuo's shoulder. "Whatever was redacted, we'll have to..." He grimaced. "...trust Stannis had a reason for it. Anyway, I have all the information I need." The Toa took a deep breath. "I'm going to kill Pridak. And it's probably going to be a one-way trip, so I won't ask you to come." OOC: @Onaku @EmperorWhenua
  4. Airship design shamelessly stolen (with permission) from Nato. Airship: The Wombat Owner: Dar Poroka Small and swift, this airship was designed to manoeuvre deftly between high-rises to deliver construction supplies and other equipment alongside its sister ship, the Razorfish. The Wombat uses the old-school pulley system to manipulate levitation and weight increase disks, causing them to strike the ship’s framework to rapidly ascend or descend. The rear propulsion engine has side outlets, allowing it to vent pressurised protodermis at angles to allow it to turn more swiftly. Since being reclaimed by the League, it has been outfitted for battle, with weaponry added on, and extra plating welded to the hull as armour, though it remains more fast and agile than most larger vessels. It also features a basic radio system, allowing crew to communicate internally from different decks, or speak with those on other vessels. As it was originally little more than a glorified delivery craft, the vessel isn’t configured with long journeys or large crews in mind, with no designated passenger seating or crew quarters. Storage/Cargo Bay – the ship’s only access point is via a loading ramp on the back of the ship, which leads into a small cargo bay. The bay is largely empty now, save for spare ammunition and equipment. Crane Compartment – formerly housing the crane responsible for delivering equipment to work sites, this section features a viewport, seating area for the crane operator, and bay doors. In place of the crane, however, Ehlek’s Pulse Generator weapon has been hooked into the ship, and can be aimed and fired using the crane controls. A second panel has been added to control a Hagah plasma cannon mounted on the front of the ship. Engine Section – the rear section on the upper part of the ship houses the propulsion engine. Additional tanks of pressurised protodermis have been taken from other wrecked airships to increase the Wombat's range. Bridge/Upper Deck – at the front upper part of the ship is the bridge, which features a large viewport, the pulley and engine controls, and the bulk of the radio equipment. As the ship was designed to operate in close confines at high elevations, it has sophisticated instruments for measuring windspeed and direction. The upper deck also features retracting panels that can be unlatched and slid open from the inside, allowing crew members to fire Kanoka at airborne targets. Spare launchers and disks are stored in compartments up top, and in the cargo bay below. The disks of choice are mostly Le-Metruan weight increase disks taken from wrecked airships, not hugely useful against large airships, but perfect for sending smaller targets flying with Kanohi or jetpacks plummeting to their untimely dooms. Crew – Aside from Poroka, four reprogrammed Vahki are the only crew of the vessel. One is stationed in the engine compartment to maintain propulsion, and another is stationed in the crane compartment to oversee the maintenance and operation of the ship's weapons. The third and fourth are stationed on the bridge, with one serving as pilot and the other in charge of ancillary duties.
  5. IC: Taja | Metru-Koro "I'm fine," Taja lied. "You can... you can go on ahead with the others if you want. I'll be okay here." OOC: @Onaku
  6. IC: Taja | Metru-Koro Taja hurriedly wiped her eyes at Knichou's appearance. Go talk to Sans? And have him see her like this? "If it's all the same, I'll stay here."
  7. IC: Tuakana | Irnakk's Tooth They moved, untiring, with neither pause nor haste; and the faint sound of their passing went unnoticed. The rhythmic cadence of their loping stride was a steady metronome were any around to make music. Only the stars sang over it, and their song was too distant to hear. The thump of each step was like a word unspoken. East. East. East.
  8. IC: Taja | Disembarking the Taku Taja stepped onto the sand of Metru-Koro on her own strength, which she considered an accomplishment. Her legs worked, albeit shakily, and the rest of her strength seemed to slowly be returning. Still, her body felt as cold and empty as ever. She seemed to be permeated with a sense of loss. There was an absence in her bones that could not be filled. That, and the sun hurt her eyes more than it usually did, even though it was late in the afternoon and its light was hardly direct. She squinted, then stepped into the shade of the Taku where she immediately felt more at ease. She didn't know if Knichou would still want her in his crew. And even if he did, she wasn't sure if she wanted to stay. The thought of living in those cramped quarters where everyone could stare at her all the time... she shivered. She hated being looked at. That meant Metru-Koro was off the table. She could feel the curious glances the villagers were casting her way. She just wanted to be left alone, somewhere she could just sit and think and figure out what had happened to her and what it all meant. Blinking away angry tears, Taja looked out over the desert. This island was inhospitable. Reports coming from the south and the east suggested that didn't change even as the landscape did. Even as sand and scraggly vegetation gave way to lush jungles full of trees, there was nowhere suitable for living. The swamps were poisonous and full of dangerous Rahi. The northern wastes were home to bloodthirsty raiders. And the eastern shores were charred and blackened by fire, if the stories were accurate. She couldn't stay here. But was there anywhere else to go?
  9. IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, The Archives There was a moment of silence after the recording ended. Oreius looked at the table, his soldier's eye moving over the assortment of lights and colours that represented the last days of the war. Their history aside, he respected Stannis's thoroughness: the old man had a knack for being in the right place at the right time, and he never wasted it. He had the eyes of a historian, and he chronicled every movement with an attention to detail that few could rival. Looking at this map with the benefit of hindsight, Oreius knew that both Stannis's observations and his theories had proven to be accurate. The League had indeed coalesced for the final assault on Metru Nui, and Pridak had indeed had a plan. An unknown method of transportation had instantly moved the brunt of the League's forces from their conquered islands directly to the City of Legends. Dume, despite his paranoia, had not bothered to erect any special defenses in the city proper, and each Metru had fallen quickly. The defense had fallen to the Vahki and to an assortment of beings led by Brutaka, transported home from the front lines only hours earlier, and it had not been enough. True, they had managed to kill off a few of the warlords and their troops, but the island had eventually fallen. Looking back on the events now, with Hiripaki's hologram aiding his memory, Oreius knew with a heavy heart that defeat had been a foregone conclusion. The League was too strong, and Metru Nui too slow to respond. The Matoran, resting assured in their status as Mata Nui's chosen people, had forgotten their Duty. The years of peace had rocked them all to sleep, even Dume. The war was only a newspaper story, something happening in other countries and islands far removed from home. The horror of the front lines was too distant to see, and victory seemed inevitable. They always won, after all. Always. Mata Nui would never let them lose. Until he did, of course. Until the universe itself came apart, shaking the very stars from the sky. Hopefully that had been enough of a wake-up call. If not... Oreius tried not to think about that. A good soldier didn't worry about defeat. Or victory, for that matter. He just did his duty and trusted that it would be enough. Would it be enough, though? Pridak had enough power to wipe Metru-Koro off the face of the island. Not only did he have the remains of his army, but he had the Vahki and any of Dume's technology that had survived the impact. One last battle would surely finish the job. Sure, Oreius had done his best to hinder the League's efforts at consolidation. He had picked off scouts and cut power lines, and managed to delay the repair of some of the chutes. But that didn't matter. They didn't need the chutes or anything else to win. They just needed to march. So what was Pridak waiting for? Stannis had mentioned a weapon. At first, Oreius thought that weapon was simply the method of transportation that had moved the League's forces to the heart of Metru Nui. But if the Barraki had planned on that all along, then why had they poured so much effort into securing the southern islands? Why had Carapar's forces stretched themselves so thin? What had they been waiting for? Obviously, now that he saw it, they were looking for something. And when they had found it, they had made their move. What secret weapon was it? The Mask of Creation, perhaps? Oreius recalled the rumours that Metru Nui's forces had stolen the precious artifact from Pridak in the final moments of the battle and escaped to the new island. Without his prize, Pridak was surely uneasy. That's why he was mustering his strength: to make sure his victory would be certain. With a legendary Mask in their hands, the defenders stood a chance—the Barraki needed to strike hard enough to end the war once and for all. A stray thought niggled at him. What had that last line meant? "The cycle continues, but this rotation is almost at an end." What rotation had Stannis spoken of? Had he accounted for the death of the universe? Surely any cycle he believed in had been cut short by the death of his god. The Toa of Fire shook these thoughts from his head. They had to move now. The time for guerrilla tactics was over. They needed to confront Pridak and cut off the head of the League. But first... Oreius looked at Okuo. "What do you think of all this?" OOC: @Onaku @EmperorWhenua
  10. IC: Dar Poroka | Le-Metru Shipyards Poroka not like heights. But Ehlek say guard ships. So if ships go up... Poroka go up too. Guard ships is hard when fly away. "Okay," Poroka says. Still hold box with two arms. "Sounds good. Poroka join you. Bomb run sound like good time." OOC: @Nato the Traveler @Toru Nui @Onaku
  11. IC: Tuakana | Outskirts of Metru-Koro They stopped. They were still for a long moment. They had not heard the tolling of a gong in longer than they could remember. The sound hovered at the edge of memory like a silhouette. It beckoned. It suggested power that had been lost, and secrets that had been forgotten. The ringing echoed through their form, resonating. A hum beyond hearing. A vibration beyond feeling. It was less a sound than the idea of a sound. More than a noise, it was a call. And it demanded a response. This was indeed a day of new things. They were right to shake off the burden of years. Change had come upon the island. They heard it in the wind and smelled it in the air. Like animals fall silent before a storm, so they could sense something about to come to pass. Thoughts of the south abandoned for now, they turned towards the source of the sound. The setting sun cast their shadow long before them as they strode tirelessly into the east.
  12. IC: Dar Poroka | Le-Metru Pridak? Poroka like Pridak. Big smile. Big claws. Angry lots. Fight lots. Fight, fight, fight. Who would win if Poroka fight Pridak? Big question. Think about it. Think lots. Later. Guard airship time. But Ehlek send new people. So it's okay. No guard them. Bored. Poroka want fight new people. Not good time. "Okay," Poroka says. "Bomb run. Sound good." Swords away. Poroka grab box from robot. It not happy, but Poroka shoo it away. Shoo, robot, shoo. Carry box for new people. "Where box go?" OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  13. IC: Dar Poroka Toden Kakoda Gan | Le-Metru Dar Poroka not like heights. Well. Okay. Height not bad. But sometimes height mean big fall. And big fall hurt lots. Even for Poroka. Poroka strong. Poroka tough. Even arms can grow back. But can't grow back from big fall. That unpossible. So when Ehlek tell Poroka to guard airship, it's okay. Guard not hard. But get on airship? Not good idea. Ground is better. Only small fall on ground. Small fall not hurt much. Even fall on rocks not hurt much. Well... fall on hot rocks hurt a bit. Poroka fall on hot rocks one time. Red mountain throw up hot rocks. Make Poroka smoke. Hurt lots, and then angry lots. Angry Poroka make big mess. Bad time. Good time now. Ehlek give fish for lunch. Poroka like fish. Eat fish, then guard airship. Maybe sleep a bit. No. No. Ehlek not like sleep. Sleep and guard not good together. Ehlek yell at Poroka when sleep. Okay. Not sleep. Eat fish, guard airship, eat fish again maybe? Sound good. Uh-oh. New people. Not robots. Stand up, Poroka. Smile. Show new people big teeth. Show big swords. Good job. Guard airships is fun. "No pass here, new people," Poroka says. "Ehlek airship for robots. Thank you." OOC: @Toru Nui @Nato the Traveler
  14. IC: Taja | Aboard the Taku "Let's talk about it another time, then," Taja conceded. Even in her misery, she recalled people discussing an attack on Metru-Koro. Her strength seemed to be returning—perhaps she could make herself useful when they landed. The last thing she wanted was to injure herself and become dead weight again. And there were other Aspects out there. Maybe, in time, she would meet one who knew more than Whisper did. Some secret way of undoing what had been done. She had to hope there was. Looking out a conveniently appointed window that hadn't been mentioned until now, she saw a distant blot on the horizon that could only be Metru-Koro. OOC: @Tarn @Onaku
  15. IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, Onu-Metru "It's a start," Oreius said resignedly. "Hiripaki. Play us the last recorded entry that Stannis uploaded concerning strategy against the League." He paused, recalling his earlier request for evidence of a "physical" encounter, then amended his command: "...so long as that entry does not contain anything Stannis would not want to share with the two of us." He looked at Okuo. "We are both welcome ones, but I doubt Okuo wants to intrude on Stannis's private secrets. Nor do I."
  16. Hey Darclord. According to BZPower's Advertising Policy, advertising your own LEGO or BIIONICLE site is perfectly fine, however: Making a topic just to advertise your personal site or discord is frowned upon, as it really doesn't generate any discussion. Instead, I'd recommend putting a link in your signature and make a few posts around the forums. More people will see it that way! Or, why not post some of your Botic Legends creations in the LEGO-Based Creations Forum? That way, you can drum up some interest by showing off your ideas! Either way, this seems like a great project, and I wish you the best of luck! Topic closed.
  17. IC: Taja | Aboard the Taku "Fifty-fifty?" Taja frowned. "So fifty percent chance I get healed, and fifty percent chance... what?" OOC: @Tarn @Onaku
  18. IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, Onu-Metru The Toa of Fire stood with arms crossed, looking thoughtful. "He doesn't know there's anything worthwhile in here. He might just leave if he can't get in." Still, that meant waiting him out. And Oreius had a nagging feeling that he was running out of time. Ever minute spent in Stannis's vault was a minute the League had free reign in the city. Free reign to build their army and establish their hold. And once they had organized enough... they would attack. He was certain of it. "But if he doesn't... we may have to persuade him. Are you prepared to fight?" OOC: @Onaku
  19. IC: Tuakana | Metru-Koro They waited. They were good at that. Seconds passed like water. Uncountable. Like the number of drops in a river. They heard the young desecrated breathing outside and savoured the sound. They had not performed this ritual in a long time. Longer than a day. Shorter than a lifetime. They felt power move within them like a growing wind, and it was new. New. The rivers ran to the sea, but the sea was never full. The wind moved to the south, then turned to the north, chasing itself. The sun rose and set endlessly. All was older than thought and unchanging as the darkness below the earth. Life was monotony, ancient as the sea. But something had broken through at last. The tedium of endless hours was ended. They did not breathe. But they breathed deep, in a way, of this new sensation. Felt non-existent lungs swell with sweet air. They seemed to awaken from a daze they had not known they were caught in. A dream they had not known was a dream. They looked around and saw the island in the light of a new dawn. Eyeless, they blinked away the sleep of centuries. They saw death around them like a haze. They felt an urgency they had forgotten. And a pull to places they had put out of mind. Leaving the house, they turned to the south and began to move in their steady, unhurried stride. Fists down. Swing legs. Repeat. Mossy limbs over the ground. Shadow deep and unyielding. As they moved, they reached out to the newborn. The youngest sibling. The saved one. Find me where the sand meets the trees. Then they were gone, a shadow moving over the earth. OOC: @Dane-gerous
  20. IC: Taja | Aboard the Taku Could it be this simple? The exchange was permanent—Taja knew it in her soul. Whatever the Aspect had done to her heartlight was irreversible. But perhaps the effects of the ritual could be mended. Perhaps Iradra could remedy her weakness, fill the emptiness in her bones, and warm her cold veins. She leaned in, looking at Triage more than Iradra. Looking at the Toa of Light still made her eyes feel dry. "How different?" she asked. "I'm not some... shadow monster. I'm a Toa. Just because I've... changed... doesn't mean it couldn't work." She couldn't keep the desperation out of her voice. "Right?" IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, the Archives Oreius didn't know what Okuo was going after—all this talk of programming went over his head. He'd never been one for technology. Either it worked or it didn't, and if it didn't then you found something that did. Perhaps, if they dug through enough of these records, they would find some information that would help them take down Pridak. But did they have the time...? A third visitor at the door suggested they didn't. Oreius didn't comment on the odds of three separate people wandering across this ancient door within an hour of each other. Stannis might have called it destiny. He preferred coincidence. "I don't recognize him," he answered. "And there aren't many friends left on this island." He looked at Okuo. "This could mean trouble."
  21. Name: Dar Poroka Toden Kakoda Gan Species: Nocturnal (Nocturne’s species) Faction: The League Description: Dar Poroka is a tall, four-armed being with two bulging red eyes, a large, fanged mouth, and razor-sharp claws. His armour is primarily blue with streaks of yellow, and a series of sharp spines runs down his back. Like all members of his species, he is amphibious, and his wide, flat feet serve as excellent flippers should he find himself in the water. The streaks of yellow in his armour are bioluminescent, and they glow in dim light. Background/Occupation: Dar Poroka submitted to the League when they conquered his island, acknowledging them as the superior hunters. He serves in Ehlek’s army, where his brawn is useful enough to make up for his lack of brains. Powers/Abilities: Dar Poroka possesses incredible strength that increases when he gets angry (primary power). He also possesses the ability to regrow lost limbs, although this process takes time and energy (secondary power). He is immune to most poisons, even powerful ones like the Pit mutagen of the old universe (breed quirk). Equipment: Two swords with serrated edges and tips that curve into wicked hooks, the better for ripping into an opponent and tearing them apart. His other two arms end in long tentacles, each lined with minuscule barbs that allow him to latch on to objects or other beings. Flaws: Blessed with brawn but not with brains, Dar Poroka is not very bright. He has difficulty following complex plans, and when he gets confused he tends to get angry. His short temper usually results in him destroying whatever irritates him. Unless given orders, he tends to act on instinct: eating when hungry, sleeping when tired, and killing when bored.
  22. IC: Taja | Aboard the Taku Taja felt her stomach drop as the Taku began to rise, flying away from Po-Koro and the site of her transformation. Good. She never wanted to see this place again. She was seated in the cargo bay with Iradra and Triage. None of them were talking. It was awkward, but she preferred the silence to whatever they had to say. She didn't want to talk to them either. She didn't want them to listen to her, because that meant they would pay attention to her, and that meant they would notice what had been done to her. She did her best not to look down at her new body: the sight of her dark armour and blood-red skin made her feel dizzy. It wasn't her body. It couldn't be. She wanted to disappear. But she finally decided to break the silence because of something she'd heard them whispering about on the bridge. Something too important to ignore. "What... what did you say earlier? About healing? About light?" OOC: @Onaku @Tarn
  23. IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, the Archives Finally, a straight answer. And... a joke? Wonders never ceased. Oreius looked at Okuo. Perhaps the younger Toa had an idea of what to ask next.
  24. IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, Onu-Metru "Good," Oreius said dryly. "I don't think I could stomach that holo. "Have they spoken to each other, then?" He paused. "Not spoken of each other to a third party, and not spoken to the other rhetorically, without the other being able to hear or respond; but carried out some semblance of a conversation, either in person or through another means of communication."
  25. IC: Oreius | Stannis's Vault, Onu-Metru Oreius chose his words carefully, having already experienced Hiripaki's tendency to focus on words instead of implications. "Of the articles about Pridak, do any describe a physical encounter between him and Toa Stannis?" OOC: @Onaku @EmperorWhenua
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