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Everything posted by Eyru

  1. IC: Oreius | The Archives, Onu-Metru A Welcome One? That was rich. Oreius couldn't hold back a snort of ironic laughter. He wanted nothing more than to turn and walk away, to forget he'd heard Stannis's name. He wanted nothing more than to continue down the tunnels, find a League soldier, and hurt him until he got some information. Stannis could keep his Vault. But... there was someone in there. Someone who wasn't Stannis. Someone who was on his side. And allies were few and far between these days. He'd be a fool to miss this opportunity to meet a fellow soldier against the League. Two could do a lot more damage than one, after all. So he sighed and stood as straight as his hunch allowed him. "Very well. What's the access code?" OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Onaku
  2. IC: Taja | Po-Koro Taja fought the urge to close her eyes as the alien being suddenly unwrapped itself and rose into the air. "Goodbye. Hello." The Aspect hovered before her, its three wings flapping gracelessly. "Step into the darkness and prepare the gift." A single inky tendril twisted away from its writhing kin and approached her. "A star’s heart still beating, still lit. Two midnight horrors cry and shift." She felt the Aspect touch her heartlight. She half-fancied that it could feel her heartbeat. "Make them squirm inside the pit. Bind worm and willing host." Her heart was pounding fast and hard like she had just run a race. It echoed through her bones like a drum. "Tear the yolk and spread its gold. Devour knowledge and their ghost." Was this the right choice? It was too late to turn back now. "Pray for prey forever sold. Hello." Stomach twisting, she finally succumbed to the urge and closed her eyes. "Goodbye." Silence. Darkness. Only the wind over the earth and the smell of rain. The Aspect's tendril remained on her chest, its tip on her heartlight. It was stronger than it appeared: she could feel it pushing against her, harder and harder. She frowned and wondered what it was doing. Why was nothing happening? Was pushing her over going to accomplish anything? She opened her eyes and looked down, opening her mouth to voice her query, but the words died on her tongue. The tendril was gone. The Aspect had pulled it away. And yet—the pressure on her heartlight mounted, like a great weight was pressing upon it. She reached a hand tentatively to her chest, but found nothing there. The pressure continued to build—it felt like her heartlight was being squeezed in a massive fist. She doubled over and pressed both hands to her chest, a moan escaping her lips. It was unbearable. She could hardly breathe. If the pressure grew any greater, then surely her heartlight would— crack She had been bent over, but a sudden blast of light and heat exploded from her chest and propelled her upright. She stood, arms outstretched and chest angled towards the sky, barely managing to keep from falling over backwards. Her cracked heartlight released a shower of sparkling light; it fountained from her chest like a fireworks display, rising higher and higher with every passing moment— (Whisper shielded her eyes against the onslaught, but Taja didn't notice.) The pain was incredible, like she had been snapped in two. But even worse was the sense of emptiness as every ounce of light and warmth was sucked from her veins to fountain from her broken heart. The fiery pain was agonizing—excruciating—but it quickly faded and gave way to a deep cold that seemed to come from her very bones. First her fingers and toes, then wrists and ankles, then arms and legs—her blood turned to ice and the pain turned to loss as her life force escaped— (Was she screaming? Was she silent? She couldn't tell.) Only her chest burned now, but the pain was condensed and multiplied. It burned with the fire of a thousand suns, hotter and hotter and hotter until surely she was nothing but ashes now, surely she was dead, no being could withstand this, flesh and blood could not withstand this— (Vaguely, as if from a great distance, she felt something squirm in the centre of the pain.) The fire continued to withdraw until it was pinpointed on her heartlight, all the pressure and agony and heat that the universe could possibly contain blossoming from this single spot smaller than the point of a needle— And then it was over. Her arms fell to her sides. She crumpled to her knees, then to the ground. Smoke rose from her heartlight in gentle curls. Were any to look upon it, they would see its previously perfect surface split by a deep, ugly crack. She was still. Her body was cold. Taja, Toa of Sonics, was dead... ... ...and reborn as something new.
  3. IC: Taja | Po-Koro Her heart was pounding. Taja felt as though she stood on the edge of a vast precipice, one step away from either salvation or doom. For a moment, she stood completely still and absolutely silent, the sounds of the world banging fruitlessly at her ears. There was no going back from this moment. She somehow knew this with perfect certainty, without knowing how she knew it. It was a fact, like the existence of gravity or of air. She was making a choice that could not be unmade. She was making a bargain that could not be undone. For my people. "I agree," she said softly, almost imperceptibly. Then again, louder and stronger, with a confidence she did not feel: "I agree. Do it."
  4. IC: Taja | Po-Koro What kind of power did she seek? From the moment she transformed, Taja had felt out of her depth. Less than an hour after presenting the Great Disk to Turaga Dume, she had been firing blasts of sound across a battlefield in Ko-Metru. Now, a week later, her entire universe had come to an end and fallen out of the heavens, crash-landing her on an island populated by bloodthirsty Skakdi and alien creatures like the one that writhed before her now. She missed being an astronomer. That life seemed unfathomably distant now, like a dream she'd woken up from and of which she could now remember only the faintest outline. She missed feeling competent. She missed knowing the answers to questions, and she missed the excitement of not knowing an answer because that meant she would get to discover it. What did she want? Above all, she just wanted to walk the path that was set before her, and to do it right. To do it well. To fulfill the expectations she had for herself, and the expectations the Matoran had. She wanted to be the Toa that Sans believed she could be—a Toa worthy of the power she'd been given. "I... I want to be strong. For my people." She hadn't planned on being vulnerable with this creature, but the words seemed to spill out of their own accord. "I want the power to fight on their behalf. To always be ready to defend them. To never be caught off guard or found wanting. Can you give me that power?" OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  5. IC: Taja | Po-Koro The Toa frowned. All she had to do was agree to let the Aspect know if she learned anything about her own kind? "That sounds easy enough. So I just keep my ears open... and you give me power for doing that?" OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  6. IC: Taja | Po-Koro Taja looked around at the cripple village. The Skakdi raiders had done so much damage in so little time. And had she been here earlier, would she have even been able to stop it? She was uncomfortably aware of her own inexperience and lack of useful skills. Her knowledge of the stars would have been useless in a battle. All she had was her fledgling powers, and a mask she didn't even know how to use. This power the Aspect offered... she couldn't trust it, but she also couldn't deny that it was tempting. The power to help the Matoran. The power to defend them. To be the great Toa-hero she wished she could be. To walk in the footsteps of Lhikan and Tuyet and not feel inadequate. What if the stars had set this creature in her path for this very purpose? What if this was a test to see what she was willing to do for the sake of her people? And what if it wasn't? ... Well, what if it was? "What is this bargain you speak of?" OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  7. IC: Taja | Po-Koro If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Aspect's explanation sounded like it was selling something. If she would benefit so much more from the exchange, then why was this being even interested? Taja found herself reminded of an eccentric Po-Matoran who had tried to sell her a "state-of-the-art telescope" for "nine easy payments of $20.99—so cheap I'm practically giving it away—I'm losing money here, darlin', c'mon—" She slowly lowered her launcher, deciding that the strange being may not be entirely trustworthy, but at least it wasn't an immediate threat. "As a Toa, I'm bound to serve the Matoran," she said. "I can't serve two masters." She gestured to the wreckage around them. "But if you're really here to help, you could help us repair the village. Erect defenses. And I'll find a way to help you out in return. Without making a contract out of it." OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  8. IC: Taja | Po-Koro Taja didn't trust this Aspect—although, if she was being honest, she didn't trust many people. Jaa. Nixie. Sans. Knichou? She still wasn't a hundred percent sold on the airship captain, but he seemed alright. The De-Toa didn't make a habit of taking people at their word, and she wasn't about to start now—especially when this new acquaintance looked like something out of a nightmare. Still... she should know better than to judge by appearances. Perhaps, despite its alien form, it was more or less benign. "What kind of favours?"
  9. IC: Taja | Po-Koro The strange creature fell from the air, then twisted itself into a standing sort of shape, propping its head up at Matoran height. At least, Taja supposed that was its head. The cruel jaws and blood-red tongue suggested a mouth, but it was attached to a face the likes of which she had never seen. It was utterly alien, despite its ability to understand her speech and reply in return. She didn't understand exactly how that mouth was capable of forming words, but it managed. "You'll have to forgive me if I don't believe you," the Toa replied hesitantly. "What kind of being are you? And what kind of help do you offer?" OOC: @Nato the Traveler
  10. IC: Taja | Po-Koro The De-Toa made her way through the ravaged village, doing what she could do help. She extinguished fires and moved rubble and sent battered Matoran in the direction of the Taku, where they could receive medical help. The one thing she had not done yet was fight. The Skakdi had come upon the village like a wind and left just as quickly. She was secretly relieved. Seeing the damage they had wrought in so little time... she doubted she could have held her own for long. Turning a corner, she flinched in surprise. It was no Matoran she saw. A mass of writhing tendrils hung in the air, suspended by wings that flapped heavily, gracelessly. She raised her launcher, ready to defend herself if need be. Who knew what manner of creature this was? "You," she called. "Who are you? Identify yourself." She was afraid that her voice would betray her nerves, but it came forth strong and unwavering. It carried a boldness she didn't really feel. No need for the creature to know that, of course. That is, if it understood common speech at all... OOC: Hello @Nato the Traveler
  11. IC: Tuakana | Metru-Koro Outskirts They had heard younger beings refer to themselves with these strange little words before. If the same word was used long enough, they grudgingly accepted it. Like the Skakdi. They had called them young ones for a long time. Because they were young. Then, after a long time passed: finned-smiling-violent-fighting-machine-riding-two-legged-weapon-bearing-young ones. To differentiate from the other young ones. After another long time, the shorthand Skakdi was accepted among the Aspects to represent the younger species. Even now, they did not like the word. It was short. Hasty. Two syllables was not enough. And they were meaningless syllables anyway. What did Skak mean? What about Di? They crunched in the mouth like shards of ice and then were gone. Melted away. Describing nothing. "Varxii." They repeated the name slowly, rolling the consonants around in their unseen mouth. "Var... xii." Another empty word. This being was young and blue and white and bore a weapon. What did Varxii have to do with that? Nothing. They swung their head slowly from side to side, the locks of plant life swaying over their shadowed face. "No. You are young." A movement caught their unseen eye. They looked back towards the settlement. Two young ones were fighting. Weapons gleamed in the sun. Crashed together. Then one being simply raised a hand and the other one froze. Ice crept up its frame. Looking around, the ice-wielding one dragged its opponent into a hut. They were intrigued. Perhaps these were fighting-young ones. And where there was fighting... there was power. OOC: @That Matoran with a Vahi
  12. IC: Taja | Po-Koro The Matoran safely aboard the Taku where they could receive medical care, Taja left the ship and walked back into Po-Koro, looking for any other ways she could be of help. OOC: Taja open for interaction.
  13. IC: Oreius | The Archives, Onu-Metru The door was impervious. Impatient, Oreius decided to leave this mystery unsolved. He turned, about to make his way further down the tunnel, when a tinny voice rang out from a speaker near the door. If he wasn't mistaken, it was one of the voices he had heard earlier. "Toa Stannis of the Maru...?" Oreius had not heard that name in a long time. And the last place he expected to encounter it was in the bowels of the Archives, mere days after the world had come to an end. The name was familiar, carrying the weight of memories he would rather forget—memories he had done an admirable job of repressing for years, but had not truly forgotten. He could never forget that name, he realized. As hard as he tried, Stannis and the Maru were ghosts he could not evade. "No," he said at last. "I'm not. I am Oreius. Once of the Maru, now of Metru Nui." OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Onaku
  14. IC: Tuakana | Metru-Koro Outskirts A strange sky-ship approached the little village. They watched it move slowly over the earth. It cast a shadow over the huts and the campfires and the little beings who looked up, curious. They did not recognize this vessel. Skakdi machines did many things, but they did not fly. The Skakdi machines... they did not care for the reckless speed of the sand vehicles. The vehicles moved too swiftly and too loud. Tearing up the earth. Fouling the air. The marauders rode their metal mounts and left change in their wake. They did not trust those machines. They did not trust this new one either. It hovered soundlessly over the village. More insect than bird. They saw death in its shadow. "Deliberate?" Their guttural voice lingered over each syllable. "Always." They slowly turned their hidden face back to Varxii. Their eyeless sight lingered on her. "To be deliberate... is to be wise. Move slowly. Speak... carefully. Think like the mountains." They paused, as if to demonstrate their advice. "The young... do not deliberate. Heedless. They live and die... too quickly." Almost imperceptibly, they shook their head sadly. "Always." At Varxii's second question, they seemed to sigh. Like they had heard this question before. Their armour creaked mournfully. "This word... follows me. And escapes... when I turn to look." OOC: @That Matoran with a Vahi
  15. IC: Taja | Po-Koro Taja helped the other Matoran out of the van and made her way towards the Taku. She wondered if there would be enough room for all the people they were hoping to rescue.
  16. IC: Taja | Po-Koro Taja looked around uncertainly, unsure if she was the butt of some elaborate joke. Her enhanced hearing could usually pinpoint the source of a sound instantly, but this voice seemed to come from everywhere at once. It rumbled in the engine and purred from behind the seats. It seemed to spin itself out of the wheels, carving the creaking of rusty joints into syllables and sentences. "Er... nice to meet you," she said at last. "Yes. We met on the airship. Only a few hours ago..."
  17. IC: Taja | Po-Koro ""Are you feeling alright? Did you hit your head or something?"
  18. I definitely don't read everything! Anything that doesn't directly involve my characters, I skim. As much as I'd love to linger over every lovely word that everyone else posts, there's simply not enough time. Another option (I'm revealing a trade secret here!) would be to just join the discord and ask people for a recap of whatever's happened that day. That way other people can do all that catching-up for you.
  19. IC: Taja | Po-Koro The De-Toa raised an eyebrow. How, well, un-normal could a vehicle possibly get? They got the Ta-Matoran safely inside, then found seats for themselves. Two Matoran were already inside, one of whom was smoking a cigarette. Taja managed to avoid wrinkling her nose in disgust. No point in offending anyone. "I'm Taja," she said by way of introduction. Then she noticed something odd. "So... who's driving?" OOC: @Tarn @Dane-gerous @ZippyWharrgarbl
  20. IC: Taja | Po-Koro "Oh, it's you," Taja said, relieved. "I pulled him out from a destroyed hut. I'm not sure."
  21. IC: Taja | Po-Koro Taja prepared for a fight, raising her disk launcher. She didn't know who was driving this vehicle, but the tinted windows didn't show its occupant, and she would protect this Matoran with her life if she needed to.
  22. IC: Taja | Po-Koro Taja fired a freeze disk and was satisfied to see a blazing pool of gasoline instantly go out when the disk struck, its flames starved of oxygen. She looked around for her next target. Nearby, a Matoran was struggling to get from under the rubble of a destroyed hut. The De-Toa tried budging one of the large pieces that he was pinned under, but it was too heavy, and she was afraid that moving any of the smaller stones might cause it to collapse and crush him. "Cover your ears," she told him. He looked confused, but obeyed. Taja took a deep breath and focused, uncomfortably aware that this villager's life was in her hands, and she was attempting something she'd never tried before. If this went wrong— no, she wouldn't even think about it. Stars help me. Reaching deep inside, she tapped into the vibrations of her elemental energy. Sans had taught her to pull these vibrations out of her body and into reality to create sound, but all she had done so far was use this technique to unleash clumsy blasts from her fingertips. This operation would require something far more precise. Shutting out the Matoran's panicked breathing, she placed a hand on the large slab of rock, ready to try and blast it away without— Wait. Was she imagining it? No. The rock was vibrating too. It was so quiet she almost couldn't tell; even with her hearing muted and her palm on its surface, she could barely make it out. The stone seemed to ripple softly against her fingertips, resonating at a frequency far lower than anything she had heard before. The oscillations of its composite parts were slow, but they were there. Just like Taja could feel the resonance of her own bones, so this stone had a resonant frequency of its own. She thought back to the icy towers of Ko-Metru, and how they had shivered when she accidentally unleashed a blast of sound. They had trembled like icicles about to fall. She realized now that they had been responding to the vibrations in the air, shivering in tune with the her soundwaves. Suppose the same principle applied here? If she could find the resonant frequency of this stone, she could echo it back until it shivered to pieces. Listening through her fingertips, Taja closed her eyes and began to feed her elemental energy into the rock slab in long, low oscillations. She slowed the vibrations until they were nearly undetectable, then began to adjust the frequency one note at a time. The stone remained unresponsive for a long time, and she began to fear it wouldn't work— but then she felt it. The stone was echoing back this last note. She could feel the vibrations of her sound bouncing between its molecules, rippling through the large rock like water. She fed more energy into it, looping the rock's own vibrations back into itself in a feedback loop. It began to tremble like the towers had; she could sense the vibrations pulling it apart, loosening the bonds that held it together. Then, with a crack!, the stone split in half, each piece falling to the ground in a shower of dust. The Matoran coughed as Taja opened her eyes and pulled him out from the pile of rubble. A cursory glance over him revealed no life-threatening injuries, but she figured she had better get him back to Triage anyway. As they walked away, Taja looked back at the stone. It lay there under the sun like a broken monument to something she hadn't known she could do. A rush of pride swept through her for a brief moment. She felt like a Toa.
  23. IC: Oreius | The Archives, Onu-Metru The miasma was beginning to creep back towards the door. If he didn't find an answer soon, he would need to move on, and fast. If that meant leaving this mystery unsolved, so be it. Nevertheless, Oreius was reluctant to abandon a potential ally here in the depths of a captured Metru-Nui. Combining their strength and knowledge would make it easier to move against Pridak. There didn't appear to be any sort of handle to twist or buttons to press. He tried pushing directly on the door, but didn't budge. How had the owner of the voice gotten in? OOC: @Onaku @EmperorWhenua
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